Author Topic: Phone call  (Read 2245 times)

Offline maryas

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2008, 18:13:22 PM »
I think there's a bit of give and take with people when you know all their circumstances.

I had my 1st cat, Tibby from when I was 3 months old to 26 years old and we only took her to the vet 3 times in her life - 1st, when she had a rash, 2nd for a check up when she had been missing 3 months when she was 11 yrs old and then finally to put her out of her misery.  This was 1960 - 1986 and I don't think there were as many cat diseases around then, not certain as I don't look at stats but she was never ill and she didn't even have annual vaccinations.  She did have conditioning tablets every day.
With Smudge from 1994 - 2008 - he had all the injections when he was a a kitten and every year and conditioning tablets and was insured and had his teeth cleaned twice at the vet.  During this time there was a lot of feline aids in my area and it was on the news and in the papers to get your cats vaccinated.  Never wormed as he wouldn't take the tablets and I gave it up as a bad job and he never had fleas so I didn't need to treat him.
With Bonnie from December 2007 - she has to have injections every  4 weeks fro the rash on her back and I flea her and worm her and she will have annual injections too.  She was breathing a bit shallow the other week now and again and I asked the vet to check her chest, it was ok and she said it's because of the injection she has and not to worry.  Because her last owners didn't take her to the vet when she was ill I am making sure she gets everything she can to protect her.  So there you go, you all know I adore my cats and everyone else's but they were all treated differently.
Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline Mark

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2008, 15:15:37 PM »
Maybe it's just that my family have always gone to the vet. I remember as far back as the late 60's my mum having our cats spayed or "doctored" as it was then called. Ignorance is no defence.

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2008, 09:56:14 AM »
I agree with Sam. The call might have been very trying, but if he called someone about his concerns he obviously wanted what he considered to be a more informed opinion.

Well done for having so much patience though, Mark!

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2008, 21:17:47 PM »
Unfortunately not all cat owners are as clued up as most of the peeps on this site.  I know of a couple of guys (one is an old chap who lives on my street) and I know for a fact his cat never goes to the vet ... but that doesn't mean the chap doesn't love his cat any less.  He provides it with a home, food and water and gets it in every night.  Thankfully the kitty is one of those "hardy" bruiser types who is in very good health - but the chap is one of the "old school" types (in his 70's) who seems to thinks cats are very self sufficient and only need to go to the vet when they are poorly.

The fact that this chap contacted you means he does care about the kitty so he can't be all bad.
In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

Offline maryas

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2008, 18:54:05 PM »
Mark!!!!! :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:  :evillaugh: :rofl:

Bahave yourself.  Mind you I don't think anything is too strong for that A H.

Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline Mark

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2008, 23:09:59 PM »
Mary, really! FC is a bit strong!!  :evillaugh:

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline maryas

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2008, 22:41:33 PM »
Stop reading my mind Mark - you're not far off the words I was thinking off to be honest.  I know you can't really say what you feel   :evillaugh: but the human race is just getting worse.

Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline Mark

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2008, 22:36:40 PM »
Mark if that  :censored: :censored: phoned me I would be very tempted to tell him to go jump off a cliff (after finding the cat a better home).


You were right calling him a F B  :evillaugh:

You just have to bite your tongue sometimes in case they just hang up. I can't believe he had the cat for 9 years without a single vet trip. You can bet the poor cat has never been flead or wormed  >:(

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline maryas

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2008, 22:30:06 PM »
Mark if that  :censored: :censored: phoned me I would be very tempted to tell him to go jump off a cliff (after finding the cat a better home).

Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline Mark

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2008, 18:41:25 PM »
Morons  >:(

And you got those calls on the rehoming line?  :Crazy:

I had better check to see if there are any more "fact is stranger than fiction" aka "nowt as queer as folk" stories  :tired:

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Canterbury_cats (Sharon)

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2008, 18:38:01 PM »
What about this one then i had today.. A women with two female cats, neither spayed, one on its 2nd litter. Mum is a cat flu carrier, the kitten had cat flu (treated at the vets but not fully better) all kittens got rehomed to friends who had un vac cats who now have cat flu...

She didnt realise it was catchable!! Have issued vouchers to get these two now done (hence why she rang me) She was actually really nice about it.!

Silly cow!!!

I have had some extreme morons on the phone today.. One lady with a young puss 8month old unspayed female that she brought from a friend (part persian apparently) now weeing everywhere, loads of advice on how to deal with this but she wasnt listening.. The husband wanted it gone.. We have no room told her to get it spayed and will ring over the weekend.. We pulled in some favours with someone who could take it for  few days, i rang her up to get the hubby who told me the cat was sorted and no longer with them, and he put the phone down on me!!

« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 18:43:37 PM by canterbury_cats »
Cannot save the world, but if everyone does something we can have a jolly good job trying too....

Canterbury & District Cats Protection

Please use our VetUK link on the Home Page of our website.
We want your old used inkjets & mobile phones!

Offline Mark

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2008, 18:31:47 PM »
You are probably right thinking about it - he probably expected us to wave a wand and sort it all out  :tired:

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline blackcat

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2008, 18:26:44 PM »
Um, let me get this straight. He has had the cat for 8 years, has never taken it to the vet, and now it is sick he thinks the best solution to this is to have the cat PTS. He is unable to handle his own cat to the extent that keeping it indoors for a vet and vet nurse (who by the grace of God actually come to his home) can have a look at it, and he wants CP to deal with this  - in an unspecified way ... :-:

I despair at times ...  :-:

Offline Mark

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2008, 17:19:06 PM »
Nor me - I amazed myself. But I know it doesn't get you anywhere with these people. Maybe doing this has taught me something?  :Crazy:

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline berties mum

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2008, 17:16:28 PM »
Trust me, I always see the evil in people  :evillaugh:

Still sounds a funny situation though, I don't know how you handled it so patiently.

Offline Mark

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2008, 17:13:05 PM »
Sorry not very well typed. I meant the cat didn't like being handled, not the man didn't like the cat.

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline berties mum

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Re: Phone call
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2008, 17:12:11 PM »
Sounds to me like he's hoping the cat will be put down because he "doesn't like it."  I'm shocked  >:(

Offline Mark

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Phone call
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2008, 17:06:38 PM »
A man left a message for me to call back and didn't give a reason.

I rang back and he settled down as if he had all afternoon. He said he got his cat from the Dover branch in 1999. I said we weren't connected to them. He said that he keeps trying the number but it is dead. I told him the branch no longer existed and he would need to call Folkestone branch. He asked for the number and I said I had it indoors (I was in the garden  :) ) - he said there was no need as I could probably answer his query. To cut a long story short (ish) - He repeated that he got the cat in 1999 and even told me the name of the woman at the branch. He said the cat had always hissy & scratchy but had calmed down over time - at least with him but still hated strangers and would attack or run. He said he always dreaded the first time the cat needed to see a vet and the day had arrived  :Crazy: :Crazy: - I said "you have had your cat for 9 years and it has never been seen by a vet?" - He said that it was impossible to catch the cat and he didn't like it. He said a lady vet and a vet nurse came round the other day but the cat escaped - the reason I'm phoning is to get some tips on how to get the cat to the vet. I said I don't know the cat but if it is as aggressive as he says, it may need a sedative but a vet would have to advise on that because he could have liver or kidney problems and sedatives could be harmful or fatal and as he has never been to the vet, who knows? - he said "yes the vet said a sedative in his food was a possibility"  :Crazy: - I said you could get a carrier and wait until he is relaxed and put him in. I said he probably has no fear of carriers as he didn't know what they were for  :-: - I said maybe he could leave it out and see if the cat goes in it. He said the vet had loaned him a carrier and the cat did go in it but came out again  :Crazy: - I said you could ask the vet if they are flexible given the situation and when you can catch him you don't mind waiting. He said the vet had suggested that  :-: - I said another idea was to get some gauntlets and bite the bullet. (I was getting annoyed  :tired: ) - He said another thing I wanted to ask is if the cat is quite sick, there has to be a point when you decide to let it go and did I agree?
I said yes, if the cat is suffering and can't be treated to give it some quality of life, then it is the only thing you can do, BUT that is for the vet to advise. I said that it could well be, the cat has an abcess and once it has had a dental, it will be fine. He said he just wanted other people's ideas of how to deal with his problem  :tired: - I said the cat is probably in a lot of pain and he needs to act quickly. He thanked me and that was that (15 minutes later  :tired: )

I really wanted to have a go at him about not vaccinating etc but he was insistant the cat wasn't handlable.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 17:13:52 PM by Mark »

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain


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