Author Topic: 8 month old kitty living next door to gigantic bully  (Read 2646 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: 8 month old kitty living next door to gigantic bully
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2008, 16:15:16 PM »
Its so much better if you know what they are doing, when my cat got cancer the first signs were diarrhoea, if he went outside he may have started to suffer before i knew anything was up.  :(

You also save your cat becomming the target of the keen gardener who doesnt take kindly to a cat crapping in their flower beds.

Please dont encourage them to poop outside :wish:

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Re: 8 month old kitty living next door to gigantic bully
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2008, 12:11:01 PM »
im working on the same thing now with dot, while she is happy playing outside she hasnt mastered going to the toilet anywhere but inside! my tray has slowly worked its way out to the kitchen where the back door is, i will be leaving it just inside the door for a while then moving it outside the door ( when its not raining! ) and see how it goes from there, kipper my older boy just phazed using his oout, so im hoping lady muck will do the same! :Luv:

Offline loudora

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Re: 8 month old kitty living next door to gigantic bully
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2008, 11:59:37 AM »
thank you everyone for all the info, dora has taken well to life outdoors and she doesn't venture off too far which is a relief! new question: does anybody have any advice on how i can teach her to do her 'business' outdoors instead of in the litter tray? it would be nice. i will always keep a litter tray for her indoors for emergencies and for when she is kept in overnight but if she could possibly learn to go outside too instead of playing outside and then purposely visiting us indoors for a poo, then this would make us very happy! and less stinky.xx

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Re: 8 month old kitty living next door to gigantic bully
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2008, 14:52:29 PM »
 :evillaugh:  dot was outside with us the other day when we were clearing our garage, she dosent go very far without kipper to back her up, but she had a cat from across the road come and have a nosey... dot spotted the strange cat and swiftly turned tail and ran the other way back to the garden gate...right between 2 of the dogs, where she sat looking as if to sat - haha, when your ard enough!!! :P

theyre funny things!!!once she has had her stitches out from her spay she will be getting a bit more freedom than she does now, i too have used a harness ( much to her disgust!)  and found it is quite good for getting her used to the area, people prob think im nuts that see me walk my 6 dogs, follwed later on by a little white cat!!

Offline coffeefilms

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Re: 8 month old kitty living next door to gigantic bully
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2008, 12:34:56 PM »
A quiet cul-de-sac is a great place for a cat to live and I think one car running past noisily there is a good, safe, controlled place to do it; I lived on a really major road when I got Coffee so she has always been a housecat, one of the first things we did was let her see the road and the noise and cars and she just wanted as far away from it as possible, the secluded little back garden by comparison was perfect cat territory so she always asked for walks out the back door!

Fences between gardens are exactly as you presume; kind of neutral zones all cats can move around to get to where they need to go, it's likely the garden she likes is either vacant or perhaps has some mint or catnip or something; sometimes you get neutral gardens or neutral rooftops where lots of the local cats will tolerate each other and just sit in each other's company.

Cats going out is a touchy area to many cat folk, they can be very destructive to other wildlife and are subject to more life threatening dangers, but of course lots of people feel a bit cruel keeping them in when they love the outside so much. It sounds like yours is quite home loving so I'm sure things will work out well!

The Scottish wildcat film;
The Scottish wildcat website;
The Mid Kent RSPCA website;

Offline loudora

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Re: 8 month old kitty living next door to gigantic bully
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2008, 13:44:44 PM »
hey tan......nope, she's not forgetful like nemo's dora, but she does like to eat fish! more like dora the explorer.  :Crazy:  xx

Offline loudora

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Re: 8 month old kitty living next door to gigantic bully
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2008, 13:40:32 PM »
thank you steve, that's loads of great advice, i really appreciate it. i feel alot better about letting her out now, she has been going out for a few hours a day when i'm at home but i do get a bit worried when i can't see her, although i can usually hear the bell on her safety collar. yeah, the pet porte cat flap has a sensor on it which locks your cat in overnight.  she can enter the house from the outside anytime but she cannot leave the cat flap from the inside after dark until daylight. i never even thought about taking her near a busy road to put the fear of cars in her! thankfully we live in a cul-de-sac beside a large field but if she ever was to stray far from home she could easily end up in danger of cars, so i will take you advice on that.

glad she is unlikely to get attacked instantly! i'm sure she will put two and two together and realise she isn't big enough to handle the huge cat next door. it really is the biggest domestic cat i have ever seen.  she prefers to walk the fences rather than play in peoples' gardens, like you said this must be due to the scent of the other cats that live there. she has got a favourite garden to explore which is behind us so i'm assuming they are cat-less.

thanks again for the message, i originally joined an american cat forum but everyone freaked out when i mentioned letting dora outside! the advice on this site has been much more helpful. xx

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Offline coffeefilms

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Re: 8 month old kitty living next door to gigantic bully
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2008, 12:19:31 PM »

I'd have slightly different advice...

Does the cat flap mean you'll always keep her in at night? This is a good policy firstly because cats mostly hunt our other wildlife at night, so keeping them in is good for the birds and small mammals, also night-time is when most of the territorial fighting takes place so keeping her in will help her avoid potential border disputes.

Unfortunately, you're unlikely to be able to watch every second of her life for the next 10-20 years so I think you have to bite the bullet a little and let her go; you have to remember that even a young cat is armed with all kind ofhandy senses and behaviours totally foreign to us; if she strays into another cat's territory she'll know it from the scent marks left everywhere, she'll also know if the resident cat is male or female, young or old and have at least a fair idea of how big and tough it is as well, so she can't wander blindly into a risk, it will always be calculated on her part as to how far she wants to push it and she'll likely be very cautious.

Cat fights themselves are also more noise and bluff than anything; all predators, especially solitary cats, a hard wired to avoid confrontation and fighting whenever possible because a serious injury stops you from hunting, in the wild that means you starve to death; that's a lot less relevant to domestic cats but instinct is instinct and it's been there for over 50 million years, this is why most cat fights you hear build up for ages with the cats circling each other growling, most times one will back down and just run off home because it's obvious who the winner will be; an 8 month old kitten is always going to back down and run for home like crazy rather than stand and fight, so it's unlikely she'd get into much trouble based on this alone. When you hear cats fighting it's always two very closely matched individuals that have sized each other up for as much as 20 minutes or even for weeks beforehand before going at each other and it's usually settled very quickly as soon as one gets the upperhand.

Without a doubt, going out cats face a riskier lifestyle than indoors cats and are bound to get in a few scraps in their lifetime, but there is a whole social and moral system of rules there in the way that all cats behave that protect the individual straying into the wrong place at the wrong time, so I think if you want her to be outdoors just let her go for it and leave her to learn and get "streetwise".

I would be more concerned about cars and consider taking her for a walk near to a road and let her get a good scare from a passing car, it's common sense for cats to be scared of them but if she associates road tarmac with big noisy smelly scary thing for a while it can only be a good thing.

Good luck!

The Scottish wildcat film;
The Scottish wildcat website;
The Mid Kent RSPCA website;

Offline loudora

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Re: 8 month old kitty living next door to gigantic bully
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2008, 09:55:12 AM »
that's great, thank you for the advice. she went out quite a bit over the weekend and as expected, the bully cat was hanging around quite a bit, creeping up on her. she doesn't seem to be frightened though, she is pretty full of herself!  a couple of times i chased the big cat away but the final time i just kept an eye out from indoors to give her a chance to deal with it. she is half the size of the bully cat but good ole' dora chased it off!!! i laughed so much. she must be tougher than i thought! i think the other cat may be a bit old and dora is so young and lively, perhaps the bully cat couldn't be bothered with her. if it hangs around our garden i will spray it just in case though, but she wanders through all the neighbouring gardens anyway, so i guess they will meet again regardless. she has a habit of walking along the fences until she finds a garden she fancies exploring, jumps off onto the grass, then can't work out how to get back on the fence. she hasn't climbed one yet, she just finds objects to jump onto to get her back up.

she has been neutered, yep. i'll try to attach a photo for you now. xx

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Re: 8 month old kitty living next door to gigantic bully
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2008, 17:41:15 PM »
 :welcome: to Purrs  ;D

Agree with Tan but a word of warning about the water, dont use it unless the bully is in your garden and a squirt from a washing up loqid botttle should be all thats needed  ;D

if you start using water in a neighbours garden then this could cuase problems, especially if the garden belongs to the bully!

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Re: 8 month old kitty living next door to gigantic bully
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2008, 17:13:51 PM »
Hiya Lou  Warm  :welcome: hun  :)

Dora sounds absolutley adorable ... got any pics  :drool;  ;D

Hmm I think ya doing the right thing by letter her out little by little and also keeping an eye out for Mr Bully.  It is worrying when ya cats are let out in a new area or for the 1st time cause they have to deal with all the cats in the neignourhood who may already have your area as their teriitory (sounds like Mr Bully has!)  All you can do really is let her estasblish her own way in the neighbourhood. If she starts to rush in and tend not to want to go out then she is having a bit of trouble fitting in. If you find she is happy to go out, she prob has a new boyfriend!

Is she spayed hun? She will find it alot harder to fit in if she isn't and you will have many many "boyfriends" chasing after her and spraying.  :scared:

If you find Mr Bully is coming over to her territory around your garden and home, you can use some of water to chuck at him which cats hate but it doesn't hurt to try and scare him off your boundries.

Love to hear more about Dora.

Is she forgetfull?  :evillaugh: ;)
« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 17:14:28 PM by Tan »

Offline loudora

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8 month old kitty living next door to gigantic bully
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2008, 15:48:25 PM »
hey everyone, i'm a newbie and dora is my first ever cat, she is 8 months old now, neutered, and ready to go outside on her own.  i initially started taking her out on a harness and now i let her go out on her own for an hour or so a day when i am around to watch her. she doesn't go too far, just into next door's garden, and next door-but-one. we have the pet porte microchip cat flap which i think is great, she gets on well with it, and it means that she cannot go out after dark. as she is not going out on her own as and when she wants to yet, she cries by the cat flap alot when it is locked. i really think she should be able to go out on her own as and when she wants to but i am so worried about the gigantic cat next door attacking her!!! i've seen it bully other cats in the street and have had to intervene. also, i don't know what i will do if she disappears for hours and hours.  i think i am a bit paranoid.

so, do i just bite the bullet and let her have her freedom? she is definitely ready for it, i'm planning to start from the four day easter break when i will still be at home in the day to notice that she has been gone for hours. also, is there anything i can do to keep the bully cat at bay? :-:


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