No delicate way to put the title of this thread, sorry. I've noticed just in the last week that Swampy's pee honks far more than it used to and it is an ammonia type smell obviously. He's not drinking or peeing any more than normal as yet (he pees about 4x a day, some more copious than others) and next week I will take in a sample when I can get one to the vet's, but is this pretty standard as CRF develops? If it's an infection I'll have to be quicker about it. Having said that, he had an antibiotic injection on Thursday as his cold is so awful that that could be a major factor in the struggle to nosh. (he's now got to sit on the loo - closed lid! - while we shower with our extractor fan off, with a bowl of olbas oil next to him....seems to like it, not that it works too well).