Hi Beanie. Happy New Year.
KNow what you're going through as Paddy gets the same, although he hates the car, full stop. We devised a similar method to Gill. I agree, it isn't recommended but if you're desperate.....
One of us drives and the other is nominated chief Carer - usually OH as he's Number One Best Dad. We sit with Paddy on our knee, and wrap him loosely in a towel or blanket. We talk to him and hold him all the time, and he seems to prefer this. He still gets stressed, salivates and cries, but it's much better than when he's in the carrier when he usually vomits, wees and poos himself with fear. I think he likes the fact he can see out of the window a bit, and he's not confined. As Gill said though about Kocka - Paddy's also elderly and a bit easier to control, and happily our vet is only a five minute drive away (one reason we chose them)
Hope this helps and sending lots of love to Tarzan