His tum's quite hard and a bit swollen like when he had liver disease and he's not hungry, except usually first thing, although is eating a little off his plate, but mostly off the back of the tablespoon while perched on the radiator, or various other places (3 diff places per small meal is normal now). I've noticed lately that he isn't sleeping much. He seems to sit most of the day resting with his eyes open; he only seems to be fast asleep when I come in or in the eves after his last meal. I wonder if that's a sore tum, or is his deteriorated mental state or maybe a function of being deaf so he's on 'other senses' alert and it worries me. OH sat with Swampy for 1/2 an hour tonight and finally Swamp curled up and went to sleep. (hope it's not his bp that is very high making him anxious - he can't take Istin either!). He likes and expects attention every time you walk past him (purrs).
Anyhow he hates the taste of SEB. I can't get him to voluntarily lick at even a tiny bit of SEB mixed with yoghurt, let alone a whole capsule (he normally loves natural yoghurt and I don't have any beef paste - do you have a make to look for please - we only have a sainsburys near us? ).Tuna was banned as too rich for his liver; not sure if it was a tiny bit that he'd eat it anyhow unless I could blend it somehow - did you use the human cans of tuna that are mixed with water?. I am terrified of making him more food or spoon phobic now as it's so important that he eats roughly the same amount each day so I can't mix it with food (food = spoon) so what I am doing is mixing some with yoghurt, then just putting it on his tongue -not ideal & can only get a tiny bit in or he gets too stressed. The powder looks a bit thick to syringe, plus he already gets 2 syringes a day (one Visorbin, one lactulose). As his meals are only 3 -4 hours apart, I'm not sure when is ideal to try as I have to get Zentonil down him on a fairly empty tum too (eves). Sounds like I should try to move the Zentonil to before his lunch perhaps, then give the SEB in a syringe maybe mixed with milk towards the evening. I try to keep the mornings medication free!