Author Topic: HELP!!!! VERY NOISY CAT  (Read 5851 times)

Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2006, 17:38:51 PM »
Hi Smiler welcome to Purrs.
Well done for taking the little fella in and looking after him. Sounds like you are going to make the perfect cat owner slave  :rofl: 

Iwasn't allowed to have pets at one of my previous rents  because there had been trouble with a previous tenant's  dog barking all day

 . I explained that I only wanted to keep one cat that it would be neutered and I would take out a comprehensive insurance on the property so that if there were any damage caused of any kind it would pay for it.  (only cost about £50 with Tescoes)   The landlord was quite happy with that and added `Allowed to keep one neutered cat `   to the tenancy agreement .

If you are thinking of moving anyway it might be worth asking him Explain that you rescued the cat at short notice and there was a possibility it was going to be put to sleep etc
Better he finds out from you than from one of your neigbours.

Itmight help if you can show your landlord that there is no objections from your immediate neigbours. (you could have a chat to them ) If your landlord is a Council or Housing Association they may have a no pets rule but I shouldn't worry too much because they cannot get you out . It would take a County Court judgement and about 6 months  and even then they are unlikely to suceed . If you are a good tennant and pay the rent on time no landlord is going to want to get rid of you. They would rather keep you .

How do I know this ??  I work with a Housing Association and we have ten million tenants with  nasty violent aggressive barking all day long Rottweilers and we do nothing about it !
Plus every block of flats is full of cats and all the communal entrance doors are wedged open all day and night to let the cats in and out hee hee

good luck

« Last Edit: December 27, 2006, 17:49:17 PM by Nick (Peanut & Boo) »

Offline Janeyk

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« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2006, 07:47:49 AM »
Hope things turn out alright
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2006, 18:48:24 PM »
Fingers crossed for him.
Please spay your cat

Offline Smiler230

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« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2006, 16:52:03 PM »
He's all booked up and ready to go, he's due in for the op this Friday, fingers crossed it will do the trick  :-[

Offline Gillian Harvey

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« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2006, 16:21:21 PM »
By the way - the hormones take a little while to settle down after neutering so don't expect the wailing and yowing to stop straight away, although he'll definitely be a little quieter directly after the op I should think, for a few hours, until the effects of the aneasthetic wear off!

Offline Smiler230

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« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2006, 15:17:34 PM »
Oh thats not bad at all, I was expecting something horrendous like in the £100's, I'll see if I can fit the rascal in tonight.

Thanks again everyone you may well have saved my sanity haha, I will keep you updated :-)

Offline Ela

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« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2006, 15:14:34 PM »
Cost depends where you live, round her it can be from £18 - £27ish If you are on a low income Cats Protection can give you a £15 voucher. If you lived in my area we would also pay the balance as you kindle took the cat in.

Offline Smiler230

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« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2006, 14:40:41 PM »
Thankyou all very much for your help it is greatly appreciated, no I have not had him Neutered yet, that will most definitely be my next move and to get him checked over, does anyone has a rough idea of the cost?

No I do not have a garden unfortunately, I live in a first floor flat, there is no pattern to his miaowing, it is pretty much constant, he doesn't even seem to be directing it at me, he just walks around doing it, and he used to follow me all around the house wherever I went which he has suddenly stopped doing.

I really don't want to re-house him as i love the little Tyke dearly and it will break my heart, I am hoping to get a new flat in the new year anyway, I am just waiting until I can afford a car and I can then find a place right out in the countryside away from busy roads so he can go out if he so wishes.

I think a visit to the vet seems like my best option at the moment as I have tried everything else.

Kind Regards,

Offline Claire Hirsch

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« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2006, 14:30:30 PM »
Hi there. Welcome to CatChat.
Here's a list of things I'd do anyway- some of which you may already have done!

First off... If he was about 6 months old when you found him, he'd need to be neutered, vaccinated, given flea and worm treatment by the vet (these are the only ones that work- the ones you buy over the counter are not only ineffectual but often quite bad for cats) and thoroughly vet-checked.
He needs to be neutered even if you never plan on letting him outside.

Second... I'd get him vet-checked again anyway, to make sure there's nothing physical causing him distress, or causing him to make lots of noise. People often think their cats are fine because they seem happy but cats are extraordinarily stoical about pain and rarely communicate distress until they're in agony. There are also non-painful reasons why a cat might make noise. For example, deaf cats often make quite a bit of noise because they're not aware they're doing so... And a non-neutered cat would almost certainly be extremely frustrated living indoors and be liable to express this- possibly noisily.

Third... If a thorough vet workover shows there's nothing physically wrong, then we're looking at psychological issues...   Is there a pattern to his noise? For example does it start when you go to bed or leave the room? Does it start at certain times of day? Are there other triggers- e.g. something going on outside? (A neighbourhood cat in the garden perhaps). I would try to become very observant about what seems to be starting the miaowing off.

Fourth... Clearly he was living outside when found. And although he's been blessed that you've taken him in and given him a loving home, he may very well be finding the adjustment to indoor-only living is stressful and frustrating. I'm not an expert on indoor-only cats, but there are others here who are... Clearly indoor-only cats need lots of space, interactive playtime, stimulation, and lots of opportunity (and space) for exercise... If you have a garden it's worth considering making it cat-safe- i.e. catproofing it so he can't escape to the road. That way he can go outside safely. There's a wonderful woman on this forum called Roz who makes and sells this and her email is However...

Fifth... You say you're not really supposed to have pets which I assume means that your landlord won't allow it. This worries me greatly because it means that this poor cat could be evicted at any time. If that's the case, then better he finds a permanent home now while he's young and more easily rehomeable. Or else better that you move to accomodation where you are allowed pets. I know this sounds rather harsh given you're trying to do your best for him, but everyone here who works in rescue has seen too many cases of cats suddenly needing to be rehomed because their owner isn't allowed a pet.

Good luck and do keep us updated.

Offline Ela

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« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2006, 14:22:40 PM »
As you are not supposed to have pets it is a problem , as mentioned has the cat been neutered if not there is your answer? If it has perhaps a vet check would be the next course of action just to ensure all is well. Otherwise you may have no alternatively but to place the little one on a list of cats waiting to come in at a rescue. The best time is January as rescues seem to home quite a few at that time so the waiting lists are usually not quite as long.

Offline Gillian Harvey

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« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2006, 14:14:38 PM »
Is he neutered? if not, that would be my first guess for the noise as, if he is about 9 mths as you say, his hormones are probably kicking in! If he is neutered though, it may be because he's used to being out and about and is getting frustrated at being kept indoors. Do you have a garden? would it be possible to cat proof it so that he can go out safely?

Offline Smiler230

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« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2006, 13:43:22 PM »
I need some help desparatley, I have a cat which my mum found abandoned in her garden, I have had him for roughly 3 months and he is about 9 months old at a guess, I keep him indoors as I live on a busy road and can't bear the thought of his wandering out into it, anyway everything was fine but for the last week or so he will not stop miaowing all day and all night, it's start off as a normal miaow then just goes deeper and deeper until he sounds like he's in pain! he keeps me awake and is really making me worrid as I am not supposed to have pets, I love him dearly but this miaowing is driving me insane, I have tried everything, I know it's not food, his litter tray is always clean, i fuss him all the time etc etc I've put flea stuff on him, wormed him and just cannot work out whats wrong, he seems happy enough in himself so I don't think he's ill, what do I do??? any ideas? :-(


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