Author Topic: Tony  (Read 3300 times)

Offline blackcat

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Re: Tony
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2008, 21:03:00 PM »
I love the way you write DM - it is lyrical and full of meaning. Claudy lived with me for seven years and was a cheeky rascal who loved to mess with people's heads (abyssinians of all dilutions are like that, Smidgen is the same). But he had such a huge personality. The day he arrived he got out of the box looked down his nose at the two resident cats, and promptly took over the bed (and associated sunshine), stretched out full length as if he had lived there all his life. The other two just sat side-by-side in the hall peering in the door wondering what had struck them,  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I do have some nicer ones of him while he was still healthy that I will post when I find them ... Am still sorting my way through boxes and computer discs and goodness knows whatall from moving in ...

Dark Moon

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Re: Tony
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2008, 20:57:17 PM »
Hi blackcat

I wrote you what was likely an overly long reply (my nature!). But it seems not to have gone there. Sorry!

I likely can't recreate it and likely you wouldn't care to hear anyway....

But I said he was gorgeous. And that is what we all say. But he was.

I also said that I saw what was in his eyes. He was lucky to have found you. And you him. You gave him a soft place to land when he needed it the most. While I would have wished more - and less (pain)  for him as for those I have loved, at least we could give them that. A soft place to land. And maybe play for a time. And a while when they were not hungry nor hurt nor unloved.....

I will fall asleep tonight thinking of Claudy tonight. And hoping that he is playing with Hector and Oliver. Sweet, sweet orange boys!

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Tony
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2008, 20:24:57 PM »
That's fine hun....when posting your pics remember to resize them with one of the free software dont have to go into you profile to add the piccie, just the browse button below when you type!  ;) You will get there...we all started from somewhere!  :innocent:

Dark Moon

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Re: Tony
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2008, 20:22:47 PM »
Thanks, but we all have to learn sometime.

I will fuss with this for now. One learns by doing........

In the meantime there are the avatars.

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Tony
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2008, 20:18:39 PM »
Hi DM, If you want to email me Tony's pic and any you want to write stories about I'll put them on here for you!  ;)

Offline blackcat

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Re: Tony
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2008, 20:05:17 PM »
My lovely Claudy boy came to me one day when I went with some friends to the RSPCA for their dog to be washed (it was a fund-raising thing they do in Brisbane). I got bored and went for a wander past all the dogs, past all the cats, and at the second last pen there was a ginger kitty lieing in a 'hammock' with his back to the visitors. I arrived and he just turned his head, stretched out a luxurious paw and yawned at me... he came home that day  :Luv:. this is him, a week before he was PTS with metastatic cancer - it broke my heart .... :( Hope you can load it on your computer

Dark Moon

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Re: Tony
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2008, 19:56:56 PM »
He is.

I have always told them that orange (ginger to you all, apparently) is THE most gorgeous colour! But then....

Anyway, he is the orangiest ofr the oranges who have graced me with their presence. Oliver, my sweet, sweet Oliver, was the first. He was abandoned as a kitten. I was in U. We were already 4 strong (3, by the way, is the critical #. Once you get 4... why not 5? Once you have 5... well, what's one more? And so it goes........)  I will tell you all of him some day. And of Mysh - my wild black boy (and I mean that literally. He was a wild cat) who came to love Oliver with such intensity....

My beloved Hector - who died last May. He and I....... that's yet another story. But we lived together for almost 20 years. And I miss him. He too had a black brother (Simon - whom you have seen) who loved him intensely and who has been lost since....

My Winnie is a soft orange. As is Clawdette (an orange lady who came to me from the humane society...Many toes, hence the 'Claw' part of Clawdette).

Yup, orange (ginger) is the way to go.

As also is black and B&W, and calico, and tabby (all flavours!) and tortie (my exquisite Ariadne!), and even Siamese. Have never been without one since I was 6 months of age. Blue Boy. Nitchevo. Emma. Niome. And now the Pixie-Pucks (except when they are being the Puck-Pixies - a brother/sister combo who landed here quite unsought for but yet......... well, you know how it goes............

But orange/ginger........... yes.

And Tony, as do all, has his own story.

Offline blackcat

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Re: Tony
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2008, 19:42:52 PM »
he looks very long and ginger - very sweet. I have a weakness for long ginger cats .... My claudy boy was long and ginger, being an abyssinian cross. He used to lurk on top of doors and pounce on the shoulders of unsuspecting passers-by  :evillaugh: used to give my cleaning lady fits when she was vacuuming  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dark Moon

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Re: Tony
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2008, 19:40:22 PM »
oh yeah... dial-up... don't get me started!

I would do anything to get more but I live .... well, by comparison, the nearest little 'town' would make the 'back and beyond' look like downtown London/NY/Paris?Tokyo/wherever........  Actually had a sweet young thing (whom I called once on a help line this past year) tell me that he didn't realize that anyone was still on dial-up!

But dial-up is better than nothing. I have lots to learn. Bazsmum mentioned photobucket before and I actually went there, and decided instantly that that particular night was not the time for me to begin to learn. But I will keep it in mind.

But, assuming you use a magnifying glass, at least you can see some of my kids now.............

Offline blackcat

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Re: Tony
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2008, 19:28:44 PM »
you're doing fine. I am a great fan of you can upload all your pix to there, and then click on the fourth option and paste the link into your post so the pic shows in the post as full size. It is a fairly straight-forward operation, but then I have a good server and I think I noticed you are on a dialup service? which could make it a slower process... If you have broadband, give it a try ... ;D

Dark Moon

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Re: Tony
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2008, 19:26:22 PM »
Oh well - but hey - you did better than I! I didn't even get a little white square with a red cross!

He's there in the avatar........

Sorry. It must be hard for you all dealing with one such as I. Oh well, my kitties love me. At least when I have tuna or some such in my hands!  ;)

Offline blackcat

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Re: Tony
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2008, 19:13:57 PM »
worth a try, DM, but no ... a little white square with a red cross is not a cat ... ;)

Dark Moon

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Re: Tony
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2008, 19:13:38 PM »
nope, it didn't. Ah well, back to the drawing board............

Dark Moon

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« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2008, 19:13:02 PM »

Have no idea if this will work, but if it does - that's Tony


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