So I'm still learning about living with a cat, how fun its been. So much that I'm thinking about getting another at some point.
One of the things people keep telling me is how independent cats are. Well I'm finding Memphis is getting REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY clingy, he has to be whereever I am. If I go upstairs he's there, to the bathroom he's there. If I have a bath I walk out the door to find him camped outside. If I head out the front door he's there wanting to come with me
If i'm on the main computer he sleeps right next to it. At night he sleeps either on me or next to me. I don't mind it one bit, but always associated it with dogs, even Molly isn't that clingy. He can be fast asleep, I very quietly sneak out to get a drink of water or something and voila he's there.
Also he's very whiny. He does these long meows that sound like he's crying. Yesterday he woke me up by sitting on me and doing this. That's understandable since he wanted his breakfast, but he will do it for no apparent reason as well. He's a VERY vocal and expressive cat which I like a lot. Sometimes I don't quite understand what he's saying to me or wants
If I've been somewhere and come in he charges straight up to me then sounds as if he's crying at me.
I'm not complaining one bit and wouldn't change him for the world (in fact I'd love to clone him lol), I'm just trying to learn cat behaviours and work out whats going on in his mind ... I have asked him, but he just licked me
(oh yeah he's a biiiiiiiiig licker too). I'm just trying to work out what type of cat he is personalilty wise.
Anyone have a cat like him?