I guess, were I to be honest, I would say that initially 3 was the limit. Muff, Duty and Hannibal. But then Chevo (Nitchevo) came. So 4 was good. Then came my beloved Ariadne. I guess that's when we hit the wall.
But, you know, some of those I hold closest to my heart came after.... and that has always posed a problem for me. 18 is too many. But had I not had 5 I wouldn't have had Ariadne. Had I not been willing to take on 8 I wouldn't have had Brigit - and she was THE most beloved of my life. Had I not had 15 I would not have had Winston, and he, next to Brigit, is THE cat of my life...........
I have to keep telling myself that I am not responsible for all cats. That there are many others able... That, from the cat's point of view, maybe being one of a few is better than being one of many. And, from my viewpoint,.... how many can I care for to the best extent?
I am at a standstill right now. Until the next one wanders through........ Whom I will take in... it's a given.........
You need not worry. Most of this took place long ago. Muff, Duty, Hannibal, Chevo, Ariadne ... they have all since crossed that bridge. In between my beloved Brigit came. As did Oliver. Bress, who saw magical beings (?!) Angus, who tried to. Hector (whom I lost at 20+ (he came as a stray so don't know. We lived together for 20 years). We are a giant family. But not 36. 18 is too many. Not too many for me. But how many can you care for personally? Give them the love and attention they need? She who has 36 is a far, far better person than me. I wish I was like her. For me, I find myself struggling sometimes to give each what s/he should have.
I don't want them just to have shelter, safety and food - though I wish to Heaven I could give them all of that! - I want them to have the individual love they deserve too.
So - how do we do that?