i took Tigger back to the vet this morning instead of waiting till tomorrow, he was'nt well, he would'nt eat this morning and he would'nt let me give him his tablet and i did'nt want to force him, did'nt want to hurt him!
i crushed the tablet and mixed it with his fish, but no! he was'nt having any of it! then he was hiding behind the couch, so i rang the vet to ask to see him today, so off we went again! and more to pay!!! i told the vet about him not having his tablet, so he gave him an injection and he said it would help him to feel more comfortable, he had a look in his mouth and he said it is starting to clear, he also said his mouth will be very sore after all the poking around they did and that there had been a lot going on in there!![a lot of infection] but he said they are almost certain it was an abscess and nothing nasty[oh i hope they're right!]
anyway, he's perked up a bit now and has eaten some fish, [the vet said to give him soft foods]he even chased Meg behind the couch before! he has to go back Monday, at the moment he is sleeping in front of the fire.