Poor Bilbo was right off colour yesterday, seemed to just sleep, wouldn't eat, wouldn't purr and by 9pm last night hadn't gone to the toilet. I checked him over to see if any bits were sore or hurting but there was nothing, though I was a bit worried by the not going to the toilet bit so I gave the emergency vet a ring. He said that if Billy wasn't showing any pain or discomfort he wouldn't need to see him until first thing this morning, so I stayed up with him all night to keep an eye on how he was (Bilbo I mean, not the vet). By 4am he'd got his purr back, and at 6am he went to the toilet. He still wasn't right though so I packed him in his box and took him to the surgery. The vet checked him over and he has a slight infection on his chest and as a result is running a fever
One injection later he's home, but we have to take him back tomorrow to ensure his fever has gone.
Bilbo's rap sheet at the vets is huge