Author Topic: Selective sickness....  (Read 1163 times)

Offline unseeliechylde

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Re: Selective sickness....
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2007, 12:16:46 PM »
Ooh!  :shocked: Good thinking Blackcat - that never occurred to me!  :-[ The sickness did start round about the time she decided to demolish not just the meat but the bones, too - so it would make perfect sense! I suppose her much smaller throat can't cope with the bone as well as Riley's, who isn't bothered by them at all.
I'll give them both a break over the festive period (they'll be getting enough treats as it is!), and put them on plaque-off for a while instead.  :thanks: guys! ;D

Offline blackcat

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Re: Selective sickness....
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2007, 06:23:06 AM »
am wondering if maybe she swallowed on the wrong way and injured the back of her throat. If so, it may still be sensitive and the texture of the chewed bone simply triggers a vomit reflex as it goes down. Wait a few weeks to give it time to heal (if that is the case) and try again.

Offline unseeliechylde

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Re: Selective sickness....
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2007, 23:30:24 PM »
Hell yeah! :rofl: No, we have stopped for now. I just wish I could figure it out - we started the wings for Riley's teeth, but of course now neither of them can have any in case Skye gets sick. :( Anything esle we can give them for their teeth apart from chicken wings? Its such a shame - Riley has just been getting the hang of them and loves them! :tired:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Selective sickness....
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2007, 23:14:55 PM »
I dont know but they obviously are not agreeing with her , so best to stop them.  ;D

Offline unseeliechylde

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Selective sickness....
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2007, 23:12:46 PM »
Skye has started puking up her raw chicken wings. :sick: She's been getting them for about three weeks, about 3 a week, but this week every time she has some she throws it up again within about an hour or two. She keeps everything else down just fine - catfood, biscuits, cooked turkey / steak etc....I don't get it. :-:
The wings she is getting are fresh, either the day we buy them, or having been frozen and defrosted (naturally, not in the microwave etc). She still loves eating them, she is just horribly sick afterwards. :-[
She's 6 1/2 months, very healthy, vaccinated, neutered etc. I'd thought worms - but why is it only the raw chicken (and not raw turkey chunks, or raw steak) that is making her sick, and why now after being fine with it for the previous two weeks? :-:


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