Author Topic: Goodbye, little Bat Cat  (Read 8698 times)

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #30 on: December 08, 2007, 20:04:07 PM »
Can't believe it has been so long, I hope you got sent a message - and a nicer one than Spike not coming home on time!!
Please spay your cat

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #29 on: December 08, 2007, 17:57:37 PM »
I am sure little Bat cat is watching over you and knows that you will love her forever  :hug:

Offline Telstar

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #28 on: December 08, 2007, 17:55:48 PM »
A year on and I'm still missing my little friend.

I had a very nasty moment this week when one of our other cats, Spike, who was Bat's best mate, didn't come home for his dinner. Still no sign of him in the morning, and all those awful feelings from last year came flooding back.

About 6.30 the following evening he calmly strolled in, like nothing had happened. Cats, eh?

Still thinking of you, little BatCat, and always will. You were a very special girl.


Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #27 on: January 01, 2007, 19:30:47 PM »
I am glad you have your other cats to amuse you, it is so hard facing things for the first time.
Please spay your cat

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2007, 19:04:06 PM »
Sorry have only justcaught up with this thread.

RIP little Batcat, play hard on the Bridge.

I am so pleased you have Loris to help you through the hardest times, thinking of you.

Offline Telstar

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2007, 18:53:03 PM »
Well, here we are, the beginning of a New Year without my Little Cat. One of the toughest things I've had to do is go around the places I put up posters when she was missing: newsagents, vets, local pet shop. Of course everyone asks if I've got her back. Bursting into tears in a newsagents is quite embarrassing......

But, I have my lovely Loris, who has been such fun over Christmas, and has been the most incredible comfort. And my other cats, of course.

Here's to a happy, healthy and SAFE New Year for all our beloved furry friends!

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2006, 18:12:58 PM »
Just catching up - so sorry to hear of your loss, things do get easier in time, and I do think that Loris is a present from Bat, they have a knack of doing things like that!! I know the resentment too, it does feel awful, but I think it is a natural part of things. We are all here if you need to talk, RIP little one.
Please spay your cat

Offline tammy

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #23 on: December 21, 2006, 17:08:13 PM »

You are so right that it is good to be able to help other as you know what they are going through. Its such a shame though that we have to all be here saying this.

Offline Gail Bengal Slave

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #22 on: December 21, 2006, 15:13:20 PM »
When you can think about them and smile through your tears you know they have captured your heart.  I still break down over my boys Beau  who I lost nearly 3 years ago and Zak nearly 2 years. 

I have just posted to someone who's 8 month old i dying of FIP. this is how I lost my Beau, I lost my Zak in the same way you lost Bat. so it is hard, It gets a bit easier but you will always have a scarand it still opens up.

but I believe the Rainbow Brigde is there and they will be waiting for me and we will all be together for ever.

It also helps when you can help others, you know what to say as you have been through it, and it always comes from the heart.

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Offline Telstar

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2006, 19:01:38 PM »
Gosh, I have been so very touched by all your lovely thoughts and wishes. Thankyou all so, so much. A huge hug to all those who have been through this themselves recently.

Yvonne, that poem just captures the way I'm feeling today. Bat was such a happy little cat who luxuriated in everything that was wonderful about life, and I'm sure she wouldn't want me to be sad. So today I haven't cried; I've taken a bit of time to write down some of my memories of her, and have a little smile to myself. She will always be there in my heart.

Offline Gail Bengal Slave

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2006, 16:06:55 PM »
Rainbow Bridge page is here to express your feelings and love for your Furbabe, and share their life with everyone.

RIP little one - Take care xxxxxxxxxx

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Offline Yvonne

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2006, 23:34:02 PM »

After They Are Gone

When someone we love passes away,
We ache, but we go on;
Our dear departed would want us to heal,
After they are gone.

Grief is a normal way to mend
The anguish and pain in our hearts;
We need time to remember and time to mourn,
Before the recovery starts.

Let's draw together to recuperate,
As we go through this period of sorrow;
Let's help each other, with tender care
To find a brighter tomorrow.

RIP Bat Cat

I cannot really add anything else to what has already been said, I do know the pain and can still feel it now.
Take care xx
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Offline lynne

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2006, 19:23:44 PM »
I am so sorry for your loss, its awful not to know what happened to them,

My cat also died in Oct, and we think RTA, and , like you,  we will never know It is hard to deal with at time..

My heart goes out to you at the terrible time
Thinkin of you X

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2006, 18:35:59 PM »
Telstar I've just caught up on this thread and I'm so sorry to hear about beautiful little Bat.

I remember your first post on CC and, like everyone else has said, it has always been obvious how much your little girl meant to you.

My heart goes out to you at the terrible time.  At least Bat is now back home with her mummy and daddy and furry friends.

RIP Bat baby ... play hard at the bridge you will find lots of new friends there and my Sox will show you the way.
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Offline Telstar

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2006, 18:13:24 PM »
Thanks for the thought, Nick. I'm very lucky to be married to a wonderful bloke who loves these animals as much as I do, and he's provided a shoulder to cry on and endless hugs over the past few weeks. And he's not ashamed to shed a tear over the loss of a cat, either, which would probably surprize a lot of people who think they know him as just a big hairy biker!

Jonty, I read your thread about your beloved Minstrel. I thought you expressed your feelings so well, and I wish I could have thought of something meaningful to say to you then. Regarding the afterlife, well, maybe you're right. It's a beautiful idea. Sadly I haven't heard my little Bat meowing - and she had such a voice there'd be no mistaking her! Someone earlier suggested that maybe there's a little of her in my latest addition, Loris. The way he came into our lives had an air of fate about it, and he talks to me just like she did, albeit at a lower volume!

So sorry for your loss, too, Tammy. I'm glad you found comfort via the animal communicator. It's something I've read about, and perhaps it's something I'll consider. I agree that talking with others who understand is such a help. I am so glad this DG was started after CatChat's demise.

I'm trying my hardest to smile at her memory now, rather than shed more tears. I'm still battling with the blame thing a little, and I can't stop my mind trying to fathom what exactly happened to her, and why we didn't find her remains sooner. I fear those mysteries will remain so, and will probably haunt me forever.

Offline tammy

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2006, 18:03:38 PM »

Sadly, today all my hopes have been dashed. It was a lovely morning so I went for a little wander round out bit of land, and found the remains of my darling little cat. How we didn't find her before I just don't know - we must have walked by that spot so many times, and she had obviously been dead for a long time. What happened to her? Was she hit by a car? Our lane is very quiet but we still have those who insist on driving too fast, too carelessly. I can only hope it was quick, and that she suffered no pain - she did not deserve pain.

I know how you feel. I found the remains of Smudge on 23/9 this year just yards from my house (can see the spot from my bedroom window). She had also been dead for a while as she had began decomposing.All sorts of questions haunted me for weeks afterwards, this is when I decided to contact an animal communicator and this has helped answer some of my questions. The pain is still there but at least I can now live my life with some kind of normality. Talking to others who have also experienced similar distress has helped a great deal. My first xmas without my little Smudge will be ever so hard but am determined to go on somewhat happily for the sake of my other pets.

RIP Bat hope you are well now.........

Offline ddraigmor

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2006, 17:01:37 PM »

Thinking of you.

They come into our lives and want nothing more than love, affection, a warm bed and food but give us tenfold that back. My boy Minstrel was an RTA just over two weeks ago now. A kind soul telephoned me at work to say they'd placed him at the roadside, on the verge, and covered him up. I went home and was able to bury my big boy - just under three years old and with me but six months. His passing still cuts like a knife so the feelings will be acute for such a long time. At least I got him home to bury him.

Afterlife? Oh yes, there is. I know because I heard my boy mewl in his distinctive voice when I was on the periphary between sleep and waking. It comforted me such a great deal after days of wondering how, why, what for?

Play well across the bridge, Li'l Bat - and if you see my Minstrel, tell him he's still so sorely missed.

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Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2006, 10:47:31 AM »
wish I was nearer to give you a big hug Telstar you silly daft sod . We could have a good cry together . Everything has its equal and opposite and its right that it is so. There are some in this world  that have never been fortunate to experience love.  I wouldn't miss one second of the  love I have been fortunate enough to share with my cats to avoid the inevitable pain I feel at  their loss

Offline Telstar

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2006, 08:24:54 AM »
Although it's made my cry again every time I've come back to this thread, I am so grateful for all your kind words and thoughts. It can be so difficult to talk about ones grief, especially maybe when it involves the death of an animal. There are many who manage to live their lives untouched by the affection of a little furry friend, and they just don't understand how the death of an animal can be so devastating. They might say the right words, but their eyes tell you that really they think you're some kind of silly daft sod.

Well, I like being a silly daft sod. I might be breaking my heart now, but every tear I'm shedding is nothing compared to the pleasure I esperienced sharing two and a half years of my life with my little Bat Cat.

She was a very special cat, but aren't they all?

Offline sheryl

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2006, 19:51:20 PM »
RIP little Bat Cat - play hard at the bridge - forever in your Mummies heart xxx

So sorry for your sad loss, thinking of you. xxx
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Offline Fiona2

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2006, 19:47:19 PM »
So sorry for the loss of your little one, she sounds like a real sweetie.
They are all special little souls but I know some of them hold an extra special place in your heart. Grief hits you in unexpected ways, resentment being one of them, you wouldn't be normal if you didn't feel that way.
Hugs from all of us


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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2006, 14:33:46 PM »
You see he is the sign that she is still with you. I know its hard at the moment but please dont be too hard on yourself, Bat wouldnt want to see her mummy this sad.  :)

Offline Telstar

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2006, 14:21:16 PM »
Lil' Loris is sitting on my lap, purring away as I read your lovely messages and shed more tears for my girl. I'm not a particualr believer in fate, but it does almost seem as if Loris was in just the right place at just the right time to help us as we helped him. An elderly couple phoned in response to our ad in the local paper about Bat going missing. They were in a village quite a few miles away, but were very insistent that this black cat they'd trapped in their shed was our cat. Even from the quick glimpses we caught before we managed to catch him, it was obvious this wasn't Bat, but he was so terrified we couldn't just leave him. He was just a tiny bag of bones and fur (and teeth and claws) really! Where he came from we don't know, but he was starving and unloved, so we had to take him in.

He's come on such a lot in the 6 or so weeks we've had him. He's about 3 times the size, with shiny fur and bright eyes, and he's gradually learning to enjoy being fussed. He's still afraid of poor Trev, but Trev doesn't mind too much as Bat was my baby really, and Loris is taking on that role.

Looking at him, you know, he's got kinda big ol' ears, too!


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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2006, 14:13:55 PM »
So read to read Bat's story, she sounds great. :) RIP little one. x
And I do think after this life our little babes are still here with us, every day, untill there owners can go and care for them.  She will be watching over you. x :)

Offline Roz

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2006, 12:18:08 PM »
Hello Telstar,

I'm so sorry to read about the loss of your wonderful little Bat....bless her.  As everyone else has said, the love you felt for her shines out with your every word. An animal taken by a car is just the most awful waste of a is truly heartbreaking and the grief is unendurable.

Unlike you however, I do believe in an afterlife.  I have made such a study of this subject.  After I lost my own beautiful little baby, Ruby in an RTA six years ago I read and read about the possibility of an afterlife...and I spoke to so many people about their experiences...I haven't visited a medium or anything like that......and I was not looking for false reassurance...that would have been futile......but I am now convinced that life after death does exist and that it is wonderful.  And I also believe that Loris was guided to you by your beloved Bat.  So, when you next look at that dear little kitten, try to hang on to that thought, if you might just help to comfort you at this sad, sad time.

This is the first time I have ventured onto the Rainbow Bridge Section because I find it so heartbreaking, but I was so touched by your posts about Bat that I needed to read the rest of her story.

R.I.P. Bat darling... Go run in those sweet meadows beyond and watch over your mum who loved you so much.

God Bless

Lots of love

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2006, 08:49:33 AM »

Sorry for your loss. I can relate to the resentment feeling also, I had pangs of that towards our other cat Jazzy, she comes from a Feral background and is not a lapcat like Nikki (who we lost) was at all. So we miss our cuddles with Nikki, but can't get close to Jazzy. But we gave Jazzy a good home just as we did Nikki and thats all that matters.

RIP little Bat

Offline Telstar

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2006, 08:19:43 AM »
Thankyou so much for your kind words. It helps so much having somewhere like this where you can pour your heart out knowing that others will understand.

I know that Bat had a fantastic life for a cat. She had the freedom of beautiful fields and hedges to explore, good food, the companionship of her best mate, Spike, and lots of love and fuss from Trev and I. She never knew cruelty or hardship. It still doesn't make it any easier that the span of her life was only two and a half years, though. It simply isn't fair.

Whilst she was missing we ended up taking on a tiny stray kitten, who we've named Loris. He's such a little darling, and he really helped keep me going during these tough times. It's awful though, last night I felt resentment towards him, because he isn't Bat. It seems so mean, he can't help it. He wasn't at all socialized when we got him, and he's still very nervous, and last night I found myself wishing he could be the gregarious little character Bat was. I'm annoyed with myself for writing this, but it's true. What a cow.

I guess this feeling won't last, and Loris definately has a home for life with us. I know he'll become tamer as time goes on. Grief doesn't always bring out the best in us, does it?

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2006, 18:48:27 PM »
I am so desperately, desperately sorry to hear this. It shines out from your post how much you loved Bat and how much you miss her.

I am glad that at least you know, now, you don't have to wonder any more and you have a real chance to say goodbye.

Hugs to you and yours.
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Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2006, 18:46:56 PM »
I understand. I'm like you and I am so very sorry for your loss, Telstar. Bless you Bat Cat.

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Offline Telstar

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Goodbye, little Bat Cat
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2006, 17:15:16 PM »
Some of the Cat Chatters may remember my thread on the 'missing' page, when my darling little Bat went missing on 1st November. We searched high and low, put ads in the local papers, put up posters, posted flyers and put her details on MyMoggie. Every time I felt like giving up, someone was there giving me hope.

Sadly, today all my hopes have been dashed. It was a lovely morning so I went for a little wander round out bit of land, and found the remains of my darling little cat. How we didn't find her before I just don't know - we must have walked by that spot so many times, and she had obviously been dead for a long time. What happened to her? Was she hit by a car? Our lane is very quiet but we still have those who insist on driving too fast, too carelessly. I can only hope it was quick, and that she suffered no pain - she did not deserve pain.

Bat came into our lives two and a half years ago. We had lost our beloved cat, Maisie, to cancer a couple of months before, and decided we'd like to give a rescued cat a home, as we had with Maisie. We chose a big handsome tabby and white fella, but were then asked if we'd like to have a look at the kittens too. Who could resist? There was a litter of Siamese cross kittens, all fast asleep in a heap, and the sign on the door said there was a black one. My husband reached in, and there at the bottom was this little black mite, with the biggest ears I'd ever seen! I was smitten, but we weren't really looking for a kitten, were we? So I put her down and went for a look round. But when I walked back past the pen, there she was, sitting all on her own in the middle of the floor. She looked up at me, mewed loudly, and my heart melted. So we went home with a big bruiser, Butch, a little scrap, Bat and 6 chickens too(but that's another story...)

Bat, you had the sweetest nature of any cat I've ever known. You wanted to be every other cat's friend. You even managed to tame the savage beast, Spike, our big black cat who came from a farm and thought every question should be answered with teeth and claws. The play fights you two used to have had us in fits of laughter.

You loved to be cuddled, and you would happily be carried round, draped over my shoulder, rumbling away with that purr of a cat twice your size.

And I've never known such a LOUD cat! That would be the Siamese in you. You could yowl for England! I will so miss the long conversations we'd have (most people would have thought me mad, though I'm sure the lovely people on this DG will quite understand).

It's at times like this I maybe wish I believed in some kind of afterlife. Perhaps I'm being a bit of a fraud posting on Rainbow Bridge when I'm not a believer. I hope this doesn't offend anyone. I just wanted to say a bit about my little cat, who I loved, and who I miss like crazy.


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