thought i'd do an update on heidi for anyone who's interested
she had her operation 9 days ago and it turns out things are more complicated than the vet
thought. the groove in the bone where the knee cap sits is fine so that's not what's causing
them to dislocate, apparently it's all to do with the ligaments round the knee. he told us that
her legs can hyper-extend at the knee which means that they bend the wrong way this is why
the knee caps dislocate
they've tried to stabilise the knee cap but there is a chance it
might not have worked because she's missing one of the ligaments inside the joint so if it's not
they'll have to go back in and create an artificial ligament. i'm really praying it has worked because
i don't want her to have to go through all this again on this leg when she's already going to have
to go through it on the other leg. we're at the vets tomorrow night for her stitches out so the
vet will be able to let us know how she's doing so fingers crossed!
she's alright in herself but she's not to happy bout being kept in a pen poor baby. we're having to
keep her sister, fifi, and fidget out of the room because they keep trying to jump on the top of the
pen and it's not solid so they'd fall through. do you think this will affect their relationship? we let them
in at least once a day to have a sniff through the bars, do you think this is enough?