Author Topic: outdoor cat coming for Xmas with our indoor cat  (Read 1334 times)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: outdoor cat coming for Xmas with our indoor cat
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2007, 16:28:53 PM »
I feel that the outdoor cat will start to get problems if he is being allowed out then stopped, especially in his own home, cos he will not understand why this priviledge has been stopped.

As far as I know introductions would have to be done again cos cats dont remember, a bit like when one of two goes to the vets.

I would also be very concerned as your cat is not vaccinated and agree about the question about the litter trays.

Is there a way that he could stay at his own home and you go and visit a couple of times a day?

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Re: outdoor cat coming for Xmas with our indoor cat
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2007, 16:16:41 PM »
With adults cat i wouldnt shift them into each others homes, as they age it can get more difficult and possibly lead to behaviourial issues.

I think a cattery or for your friend to keep her cat indoor only in his own home with a sitter. If he is home alone and has access to outdoors hes at risk of going walkabout looking for company.

My other worry would be for the friends cat to slip a door and get lost  :scared:

Offline clarenmax

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Re: outdoor cat coming for Xmas with our indoor cat
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2007, 15:00:24 PM »
To be honest I don't know, I'm not sure whether they will still have a memory of each other, or whether it will be like starting from scratch again.

The fact that they are still both young cats, I would be hopeful that they may accept each other again if they do not remember, but I'm simply guessing. 

Hopefully other peeps on here will be able to add more practical advice on the intros etc if they do not remember each other.

Do you have a separate room where Ollie could go to do gradual intros or indeed separate if this becomes necessary?


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Re: outdoor cat coming for Xmas with our indoor cat
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2007, 14:40:45 PM »
Thanks Ela and Clare,

I'm going to give the vet a ring about flea treatment etc and Clare, that's a great idea about having my pal keep Ollie in for a week before he comes to me so he gets used to it - thank you.

Do you think being kept in again could affect Ollie's behaviour and how he and Charlie could get on? I wonder if I've been looking at their relationship through rose-tinted glasses a bit. Ollie was much smaller than Charlie when they last saw each other and will now be bigger and stronger. Do cats remember each other or will it be just like starting from scratch again in terms of introducing them to each other etc...


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Re: outdoor cat coming for Xmas with our indoor cat
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2007, 14:10:43 PM »
I'm not sure whether I'm just being oversensitive.


Also, when we had Charlie wormed the vet said as long as he’s not an outdoor cat

I am very surprised about this as cat flu is airborn and enteritis you can walk in on your shoes. All our indoor cats are injected for enteritis and cat flu.

I know that Ollie will be properly protected through his vaccinations but I'm a little concerned that with access to other cats outside he may carry infections that although they're not harmful to him, might well be harmful to an indoor cat like Charlie who’s not vaccinated.

Just because Ollie is injected it does not mean that he cannot get the infection, it is just that should they get enteritis and cat flu it may not be as server as it may have been.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2007, 16:14:46 PM by Ela »

Offline clarenmax

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Re: outdoor cat coming for Xmas with our indoor cat
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2007, 13:47:40 PM »
Hiya, not much in the way of advice really, but just wanted to say I hope you find a workable solution.

It might be worthwhile your friend keeping Ollie in for a week or so before he comes to stay with you, that way he'll be used to being indoors again for a bit.

I would be a little concerned about Charlie not being vaccinated though, as you never know what Ollie may be carrying.  My boy is indoors, and I don't vaccinate him, but that 'cos he has FIV.  If Charlie is healthy, I would recommend you vaccinate him as a matter of course, as airborne viruses still exist as well.

Also, do you flea Charlie?  If not, I would defo recommend you get him on a course of treatments (from the vet as over the counter ones are rubbish, and sometimes dangerous), as Ollie may carry in a flea and that's the last thing you want, especially over Christmas  :evillaugh:

Sorry I can't be of more help, just a few of my thoughts


Modified to add:  it will also be worthwhile checking whether Ollie is still using a litter tray as he's going outside now.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2007, 13:49:24 PM by clarenmax »

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Offline Shay

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outdoor cat coming for Xmas with our indoor cat
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2007, 13:35:00 PM »
Hi All,

Hope you can offer any advice about this? A good friend is going away for Xmas and New Year and I offered to look after her lovely outdoor boy cat Ollie(aged nine mos or so). My 14 month boy Charlie is an indoor cat and when Ollie came to stay for a week months ago, he was still a kitten and an indoor cat. After some initial caution, both cats became good friends and Charlie also had a successful visit to Ollie's when we were on holiday, again, when Ollie was still an indoor cat.

My friend started letting Ollie out two months or so ago and by all accounts, he's adapted really well. He has a cat flap, garden etc and is happy as Larry which is why it's only just dawned on me that him coming to stay in our flat where he can't go out is such a good idea. He's a lovely, good natured cat but I'm worried that he may get frustrated at not being allowed outside and start ripping up the furniture or that he may take it out on Charlie.

Also, when we had Charlie wormed the vet said as long as he’s not an outdoor cat, he won’t need a variety of other injections to guard against other cat infections/ diseases etc. I know that Ollie will be properly protected through his vaccinations but I’m a little concerned that with access to other cats outside he may carry infections that although they’re not harmful to him, might well be harmful to an indoor cat like Charlie who’s not vaccinated.

I'm not sure whether I'm just being oversensitive. I'd love Ollie to come and stay but I want both cats to be happy. Has anyone been in this situation or do you have any thoughts? My friend lives too far away for me to feed Ollie daily in his own home.

Thanks for reading!
S x


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