I can imagine! (assignment procrastination that is!) My solace is that this is a cat forum and all my essays are cat related... so it's KINDA like studying.
During unit 2 I had to complete a 24 hour observation of my cat and I've almost finished writing it up, however I haven't even started the other essay in the unit which is a contrast between pet and feral cats hunting. Hopefully I'll find a wealth of information around here and maybe even a few wise souls that I can quote! You guys will have to keep me on the ball! Remind me that if I ever want to become a practicing behaviourist I'm going to have to at least finish this course!
Stuart Bonus points for you!! *Grins* Leeloo is indeed a nod to the 5th Element, and while she may not be the 5th element... she sure gets treated like a supreme being around here!
oh and one more picture just because...
we call it her 'too tiny to reach the floor' picture