Took Gwynnie for check up this morning. I wanted to make it as calm and easy for her as possible as she'd been so scared the other evening when the surgery was really busy and full of dogs. I'd already got the cat basket from the garage into the downstairs loo the night before, and thought I was acting completely normally so as not to raise suspicions! However, she sussed me totally BEFORE I'd even opened the door to get the basket out - and shot under the settee
Thats not an easy move, crouching, stretching arm, pulling out reluctant kitten! Think I've put my shoulder out!!
Anyway, her temperature was normal. She weighed in at 2.1 kg (compared to 1.8 kg) last time (can't remember when exactly, but a week, 10 days or so), so thats really good. Vet is pleased with her progress, but still can't bring herself, as she put it, 'to jump for joy' - hmmm, thanks
. She first of all said we could keep her on the steroids for another couple of weeks, at the quarter tab every other day dose, but later said perhaps it would be good to see how she is without them, and can always up the dose againi if neurological signs with her legs again.
Understandably she was a bit quiet after the vets, makes me feel bad as she was doing so well, and it seems like a setback, I feel like anything out of the ordinary for her now is potentially gonig to set her back, or maybe I'm just worrying too much (ha!)
So today she's due for a steroid tab, and I'm going to give her that one, and then stop them like the vet suggested.