Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on December 13, 2006, 18:17:40 PM
I'm a bit worried about Foxy she keeps wretching and bringing up a bit of foam but not acutally being sick. She looks a bit drepressed and "down" and is being really quite. I'm not really sure what is wrong with her ... anyone got any suggestions.
She is still eating and drinking.
Is she usually one for furballs?
Be worth checking with the vet first thing in the morning (or sooner if you're really concerned) but if she'll have a bit of Defurrum in the meantime that may sort it.
Sorry, can't remember if she's an indoor cat or not but if she's got access to grass she might go and eat some to help clear her stomach.
I would most certainly ring the vet now and they can then decide if you should wait until morning.
Thanks Rebecca I thought it might be a furball. She's not really an indoor cat however getting her to go outside at the moment is about as easy as getting her to have a bath :rofl: She a reall wuss and won't go out in the dark, or the cold, or the wet!!!! I'm not too worried as she is eating and drinking so I will buy some deffurum tomorrow and see if that helps.
I never used defurrum before is it fairly fast acting?
I would most certainly ring the vet now and they can then decide if you should wait until morning.
Thanks Ela ... my vet closes at 6:30 and I really don't think it's an emergency.
MIne wont eat defurrum or katalax grrrrrrrr but would guess on it being a fur ball, or even an imagined one LOL.
If Foxy is eating and drinking it sounds OK but keep an eye on her.
Yep, mine do the whole bit of water before a hairball thing; it's delightful! Keep us updated on ohw she is! :)
Thanks peeps .... :Luv:
She is probabaly waiting until it is dark to bring up a hairball, that way you can tread on it in the middle of the night when you get up to go to the bathroom!
Joking aside, it does sound as though it could be an attempt to bring up a hairball but obviously if it continues or you are really worried then a trip to the vets can do no harm (except to the bank balance).
Once she has had defurrum how long will it be before I see a furball. Assuming of course she doesn't do like tiggy's mum says and plant one in the middle of the landing for me to tred on tonight! ;)
I think defurrem helps to ease the furr through there system so it comes out the other end, if they have it regularily and so it stops furr balls.
I dont know if it works quickly but guess it depends on how much furr is lurking inside and whether they will have the defurrem regularily.
I know Misa has started moulting again but is also growing his winter coat, noticed it getting longer this week and that means moreeeeeeeeee furballs grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Thanks Gill ... will get her some tomorrow and hopefully it will sort her out :)
will get her some tomorrow and hopefully it will sort her out
Do you not think it would be wise to have a word with the vet, also something could be lodged in the little throat.
Defurrum will work in about 24 hours from my experience..however do get her to the vets if there is no sign of her coming out of herself as this could be something more serious also furballs can gather in the stomach or get lodged in the throat.
Sorry dont mean to sound so depressing about it - hopefully it is nothing !
Hi Sam, Just caught up with this thread and was wondering how Foxy is today? Better, I hope! :Luv:
Anyway, Libby, Nellie and Phoebe all send her hugs and headbutts and hope she's feeling 100% soon! :ahh:
Sam got fingers and paws crossed here for Foxy, any news?
How ya doin', Foxy? :-:
Hi ya everyone .... still no sign of the "furball" but madam is alot brighter today. I gave her some Sherleys Hair Ball paste last night (Pets at Home have stopped doing Defurrum) and another bit this morning. I am hoping to find the when I get home this evening .... if not she will be visiting Mr Vet tomorrow for a check-up! Just what we need 1 week before Xmas but needs must.
thanks for your concerns and I will keep you posted.
That is great news Sam you must be soooo releived !!!
Sorry to be cheeky Sam, but did you see if they still did the defurrum treats ?..grr i hope so ..
Thoght you'd all like t know after a bit of coughing and spluttering last night Foxy hacked up the biggest furriest Fur ball I've ever seen. Of course being a cat she made sure she did it slap bang in the middle of the of the brand new pure white 100% egyption cotton duvet cover I had put on the bed about 2 hours previous >:( and she had the audacity to site next to it and look at me as if to say " Wow look what I coughed up Mum!!!" LOL
But I really spleased it was more serious.
BTW Pets at Home do still have the defurru treats.
:rofl: well done Foxy - and I'm glad she's OK now, Sam.
fantastic Sam :) what a relief.. to your wallet :rofl: :rofl: lol hee hee :evillaugh:
had us all worried there for a minute :)
Really glad to hear that Foxy's ok now Sam! ;D
Not so good about the duvet cover though!!! :sick:
Thoght you'd all like t know after a bit of coughing and spluttering last night Foxy hacked up the biggest furriest Fur ball I've ever seen. Of course being a cat she made sure she did it slap bang in the middle of the of the brand new pure white 100% egyption cotton duvet cover I had put on the bed about 2 hours previous >:( and she had the audacity to site next to it and look at me as if to say " Wow look what I coughed up Mum!!!" LOL
But I really spleased it was more serious.
BTW Pets at Home do still have the defurru treats.
Yep, that's cats for you! Mine enjoy nothing more than waiting until a new duvet cover or throw has been put on a piece of furniture before proceeding to hack up scary looking hairballs.....it's a good job we love 'em! :) Glad Miss Foxy is alright.
Ha ha! Nice one, Foxy! :wow: I'm glad she's ok.
glad to see Foxy is ok, what a clever girl. ( RIP Duvet)