Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Mark on October 30, 2007, 23:25:24 PM
I thought you were supposed to feed a kitten upright to avoid choking on milk?
Not more youtube lol
Thats cute
OMG :Luv: How cute is that :Luv: :Luv: and listen to the ickle Mew's, aaawwwwwwww :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
There's some good stuff on there. I was reading through the comments - most are stupid but 2 others said it's the wrong way to feed. I need to know these things in case there is an emergency and I need to feed one :Luv: (thats my excuse :evillaugh: )
yeah Mark, I did forget the reason for the post... somehow along the way :Luv: :Luv:
hmmmm, I didn't know that you arent supposed to feed kitten's that way!!
I Know Now ;)
Good god, no that isn't the right way to feed a kitten - am sure you are supposed to have them on their belly. i do think You Tube can be a bad thing, people might see that and think it is right.
For the same reasom that "Yahoo answers" is a bad thing. Any idiot can post an answer and 9/10 in stupid or bad advice. The is far too much misinformation on the net. >:(
I have never seen Yahoo answers - and to be honest, wouldn't see YouTube either if people didn't keep posting things.
There is a lot of good stuff on youtube - its just a case of weeding out the rubbish. There is an excellent "how to" series on there with anything from animal care to changing a fuse. Anything that can educate can't be bad. There is an option to "Flag" anything inappropriate. Where their mods will either remove it or censor it as "adult only"
Yeah, but joe public might not weed out the rubbish, and might go with the first thing they see, and that is the danger.
If you look at the background, the kitten isn't on its back, but sitting on her 'mum's' lap and leaning against her mum's front, so is in an upright posture. The way the camera is being held give the illusion that the kitten is on its back.
Positioning doesnt look too bad to me, could do with being alittle bit more sitting up.
That took me back to when i bottle feed Isseys babies and i had to feed 4 !! I got through so many teats as they chew on them as they are sucking. But i would do it all again :Luv:
I still think its the wrong angle. They should be slightly leaning forward as if they were feeding from mum. If someone if sitting straight in a chair, that may be OK but not ideal but she looks like she is slouching to me :evillaugh:
We need Lesley, Ela, Teresa (and any other kitten people) to referee :boxer:
I'm no kitten person, Mark, so I bow to your better judgement. Just thought I'd point out that kit isn't lying on his back.
Not judging, I'm just asking ;D
It makes sense that a kitten should lean forward so any overflow can just come out of its mouth (I think)
Not only is that kitten old enough to lap but to bottle feed in that position is very dangerous. Kitten should be in upright position with all four paws on firmly on your knee whatever. The other noticeable thing kitten is chewing that teat so obviously not a true bottlefed who will drain the bottle as they get older,my opinion a total set up for a silly bit of film.
The other noticeable thing kitten is chewing that teat so obviously not a true bottlefed who will drain the bottle as they get older,my opinion a total set up for a silly bit of film.
My 4 chewed the bottle T, they had Isseys milk until about 2wks old but then i had to bottle feed as she got Mastitus so bad she couldnt feed them
The other noticeable thing kitten is chewing that teat so obviously not a true bottlefed who will drain the bottle as they get older,my opinion a total set up for a silly bit of film.
My 4 chewed the bottle T, they had Isseys milk until about 2wks old but then i had to bottle feed as she got Mastitus so bad she couldnt feed them
A kitten who has had the luxury of a mothers teat will chew at first but once the kitten becomes used to the artifical teat and the feeder a good sucking takes place. Basically the kitten in the film did not need a bottle,this bottle has been newly introduced to him.
Definitely looks like a set up as T says, and actually there is no milk in the bottle!! But definitely the WRONG positioning for a kitten to really be bottle fed. :doh:
The kitten does seem to be rejecting the bottle. He keeps turning his head to the side and trying to push it away.