Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: Teresa Pawcats on October 20, 2007, 11:02:39 AM
On Tuesday evening I made the heartbreaking decision to bring in Aurora and leave mum and older kitten in the wild; Aurora was almost dead but mum had been seen with 5 tiny babies a week ago.We suspected that 4 babies had died but couldn`t be sure so mum was left behind just in case.
At 7am today my prayers were answered when the call came to say that 3 very cold kittens had been found I was overjoyed,husband was sent to collect the babies as I was busy mucking out. Imagine my elation when husband arrived home an hour later with 4 tiny kittens,the last one was spotted just as he was about to drive off. Mother cat and older kitten will be trapped this weekend now that we know all babies are safe.
I am just so happy what a wonderful way to start the day.
Aurora has made wonderful progress,pic of her taken yesterday.
2nd pic is 5 kittens reunited. 3 girls and 2 boys.
Aunty Christine is I hope going to think up 4 names on a similar vein to Aurora.
oh thats wonderful news. oh can just imagine aurora is telling her siblings how cool it is with auty T and how they've all landed on their paws now :Luv:
That's just brilliant news ;D
:cccooorrr: Made me gulp there Teresa. Well done! Great to see that Grumpy got them all. I am so happy. Welcome home Aurora and sibs.
Christine good luck. Five names of Roman gods and godesses.. would I be right in saying Diana and Fortuna were both Roman? Me thinks those are names not suited here :evillaugh:
I have just read this and I am in tears :Luv: what absolutely wonderful news :wow:
I am deeply honoured :thanks: to be asked to name the little family and will now study the picture.
They are so precious :Luv:
That's fantastic! ;D
how about star and twinkle? and um..... ok, i ran out of names. moon and..... barry?
Super kewl!!! How about the name Luna?
Teresa, here are some suggestions for Auroras two brothers and two sisters.
The sisters: Selene (pronounced Se-lee-nee) and Noor (from the Greek and Arabic words for light, respectively)
The brothers: Altan and Luken (from the Turkish word for dawn and the Basque word for light, respectively).
Fab news
Gorgeous masks on two babies and those pink noses :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
Think you have them just in time, it is turning really chilly here. Paul (hubby) left the heating for the boys last night as it goes chilly in lounge. Thai was snuggled up in bed with us.
Wonderful news that they are safe and hope other kitten and Mum will be safe soon too :hug: :hug: :hug:
Rushed off my feet but just popped on to say Another little boy found this afternoon,so yet another name please Christine
modified to say the latest arrival is all black just like Aurora only male
Another little boy found this afternoon,so yet another name please Christine
Roshan - a Persian name meaning bright light
I am totally bewildered by the events of today,I now know what an expectant mum feels like to be told not one baby but 6. Mum and big kitten are still out because I need to be sure beyond a shadow of doubt that all tiny kittens are now safe.Roshan had terrible green dried on gunky eyes but like the rest is now clean and medicated with full tummy. I find myself wondering if big kitten could possible also be a mum herself though size wise its doubtful, it is possible that all 6 are from same litter but equally possible they are 2 different ones the same age or couple of days difference.
Going out to trap mum and big kitten tomorrow then a massive search to make sure we have all kittens.
Aurora, Roshan,Selene,Noor,Altan and Luken thank you for such purrfect names. Rob asked did you swallow an encyclopaedia, I told him you are just very intelligent.
What a load of work you'll have on but those little kitties have fallen on their paws big time, with you caring for them. Well done Teresa.
Oh Teresa that's wonderful news :)
I am in tears as two of the new arrivals look so much like my boys. Without you saving them I wouldn't have two of most gorgeous, loving and extremely naughty :evillaugh: boys who we love with all our hearts :hug: :hug:
Sending all the new arrivals and Aurora lots of love and gentle cuddles xx
Love and hugs to you for everything you do xx :hug: :hug:
Wonderful names Christine :)
Aww, I am glad they are in your care, and I hope you get some success tomorrow.
Oh Teresa that's wonderful news :)
I am in tears as two of the new arrivals look so much like my boys. Without you saving them I wouldn't have two of most gorgeous, loving and extremely naughty :evillaugh: boys who we love with all our hearts :hug: :hug:
Sending all the new arrivals and Aurora lots of love and gentle cuddles xx
Love and hugs to you for everything you do xx :hug: :hug:
Wonderful names Christine :)
I echo this. E!! This means we're probably gonna see these babies at the Social... possibly if they don't get nabbed up by some lucky people by then (which I hope they do when they are old enough!)
I was thinking that too R :)
That pic did make me cry :hug:
Note to self .... Take huge bags to T's, some for the goodies and some for the kittens :evillaugh:
What a lovely (big!) family. Thank goodness they are safe with you now Teresa and hope all goes well tomorrow.
Great news Teresa ;D - Especially this time of year :scared:
Our trusty Trio (Grumpy,Claire and myself) are off out trapping shortly,we need to bring in mum and big kitten and do a massive search just incase there are any more miracle kittens out there. I`m praying we have all the tinies but praying even harder that if there are more we will find them.
The 6 tinies are doing well,all have cat flu but should recover ok and all eyes should be fine; I am a little concerned about tiny boy who is very lightweight and is having urinary problems but am sure we will soon have things sorted. Will update on others later,off to brave the cold and traps now.
Good luck for today.
Hope everything goes well Teresa, Claire and Grumpy :hug:
Sending the six wee darlins lots of love and gentle cuddles xx
Good Luck with the trapping T :Luv: ;)
Just back from a family lunch and checking up on progress. Hope the trapping was successful?
Big kitten is sadly still out and lying low,he/she must be at least 4months so will be fine;we have left the couple with the trap set at their door for when he returns hopefully now its dark.
Mother cat has been caught and safely re united with all 6 of her babies ;Claire and I were treated to the sight of her washing them and babies so pleased to see her; wouldnt swap that for anything.Only down side kittens using litter tray now but mum wet the bed right through so poor washine machine on overtime yet again.
Even though Aurora left her mum last Tuesday she has let me know that she loves her feline mummy much more than me :)
Feline mum will be going back after neutering and the people have asked that we call her Milly.
So pleased that you have got all except the older kitten and hope that will walk into the trap tonight :hug:
That's great news that Mum and babies have been reunited :)
I have everything crossed that the older kitten can be trapped tonight :hug:
Sending Milly and her wee family lots of love and gentle cuddles xx
Aww, what an excellent end, and mum is going to have a home to go to. Fingers crossed for the big kitten.
Wonderful news that you have reunited Milly with her kittens ;D
Just Big Kitten to come in, then: I have a name ready for him / her but will not say it until s/he is safely at Paws Inn.
A very special thanks goes to Claire for taking Megan and Florence home to foster for me,otherwise I wouldn`t have been able to fit mum in,despite rehoming Sebastian, Benjamin,Tobias and Madeline in the last couple of days we havent managed to empty a single pen.
Christine big kitten is very wild, currently referred to as Junior. :rofl:
Hope big kitten gets to you safely real soon. well done on all the others xxxxx
Oh T, she's fabulous. :Luv:
I am sure I have replied to this before but it's disappeared again :Crazy:
Teresa Milly is beautiful :Luv:
Mum is gorgeous, fingers crossed for them all, and good on Clare for stepping in.
Milly looks so young :(
Milly is a little more relaxed than she was,she is fine with me handling the babies and medicating them.When I went in this morning 5 babies came toddling to me but the sixth stayed behind mum, I was gutted it was Aurora telling me again she prefers her real mum. Thats catgratitude :rofl:
Still not got Junior kitten :(
Aurora is just making up for lost time with her mama cat and maybe is worried she will lose her again :hug:
Not only is mum Milly using the litter tray she is purring and has headbutted me, shes not feral but a domestic that was reverting to wild,this whole family are a delight. Just need to catch Junior but trap has been put away for a few days to build confidence, he/she is safe and being fed twice a day.
I am pleased that Junior is afe and getting food and Milly and family sound great ;D
I am so pleased she has regained her domestic confidence and will now be able to pass it on to the kittens ;D
What wonderful, heartwarming news :Luv:
I presume this means that when Milly eventually goes back, it will be as a house guest not an "outsidey"?
Most definately :)
That is wonderful to hear, sounds like she was caught in time.
Well done Teresa - this is such a heartwarming tale.
Milly reduced me to tears today,she has taken to nuzzling herself into my chest and purring even ignoring her food to do so. This little girl is a domestic dumping and must have gone through a living hell struggling with older kitten and then the 6 tinies;for the life of me I cant think what she must have done to deserve such treatment.Is it so obvious that I am totally smitten.
just read this story T, it's so lovely :Luv
well done on getting these babes safe and sound, they are absolutelu adorable and as soon and i seen the black and white ones i though of ellies boys :)
:hug: xxxxxxxxxx
Milly reduced me to tears today,she has taken to nuzzling herself into my chest and purring even ignoring her food to do so. This little girl is a domestic dumping and must have gone through a living hell struggling with older kitten and then the 6 tinies;for the life of me I cant think what she must have done to deserve such treatment.Is it so obvious that I am totally smitten.
Oh Teresa that made me cry :hug: You would never guess you were smitten ;) and who could blame you :Luv:
Sending Milly and her babies lots of love and cuddles xx
just read this story T, it's so lovely :Luv
well done on getting these babes safe and sound, they are absolutelu adorable and as soon and i seen the black and white ones i though of ellies boys :)
:hug: xxxxxxxxxx
My thoughts too Sarah. It reminded me of the first pic of my boys Teresa posted :) It was love at first sight :Luv:
aurora is absolutely beautiful, i keep looking at the first photo of her :Luv: with her little tubby belly :Luv:
Mum sounds like a little sweetheart, and so lucky to be safe with you now.
I'm so glad they were found, poor girl must have had a horrible ordeal
Hi Teresa just sending Milly and her wee babies lots of love and cuddles :Luv:
Thanks Ellie, Milly and 4 of the kittens are doing really well,the 5th little one is bright but may have one or two little problems as he grows, the 6th kitten a little girl has really been suffering from flu and been very down the last couple of days,I am hoping she has now turned a corner and starting to recover.
Aww, fingers crossed for those two T.
Yeah, gentle finger rubs for the little one. x :)
Hi Teresa sending lots of love and cuddles to Milly and her wee babies :Luv:
Special gentle cuddles to the wee boy and girl xx :Luv:
The boys send them lots of healing purrs and headbutts as they know how special your TLC is :Luv:
Oooops behind with cuddles for Milly and her babies xx
How are they all tonight Teresa?
They all came in with cat flu Ellie which we got under control very well,however one by one the kittens have gone down with limpy leg syndrome
(an offshot of Calici) so each day I have had a different poorly limping kitten that has needed to be syringe fed hopefully we are near the end of it all.They are all gaining weight including mum and are a truly wonderful litter.
Oh bless their wee paws :hug:
Sending them lots of gentle cuddles and the boys send them lots of get well soon purrs :Luv: :hug:
:hug: poor little souls. Hope they're all on the mend now.
Bless them, fingers crossed they are starting to get better.
Just to send lots of love and cuddles to Milly and her babies :Luv2:
How are they doing Teresa?
Just to send lots of love and cuddles to Milly and her babies :Luv2:
How are they doing Teresa?
Ellie they have all turned into happy little monkeys and touch wood are healthy now, will take some pics when I get some time as I need to get them on website now.
Monkeys? At Paws Inn? NEVER!!
:naughty: can't wait to see them
Just to send lots of love and cuddles to Milly and her babies :Luv2:
How are they doing Teresa?
Ellie they have all turned into happy little monkeys and touch wood are healthy now, will take some pics when I get some time as I need to get them on website now.
They are just like the boys then :evillaugh: I love naughty kittens :Luv2:
Looking forward to seeing their pics :Luv:
A little update Milly has now been spayed and all kittens received 1st vaccs.
Aurora and Altan went to their new home yesterday and this evening I received the following from these very clever kittens
We thought we should write to you to let you know that we are settling in well in our new home. Its very strange and we have spent a lot of time exploring every possible nook and cranny. We are missing all of our friends at PawsInn. There are some new cats here that ran away at first, but at least will now sit in the same room as us. We think we will win them over soon. They have already let us play with their toy ball. There is a house plant which is also ideal for pulling leaves off.
Altan overheard our new owners speaking to the vet about our injections. We aren't looking forward to this at all but at least it will be over before Christmas. We are really good friends now. We have sent a picture of us on our new, big, soft, sleeping bag. Sorry about the angry looks, the whirr of the camera disturbed our nap. There is also a picture of us having a nice meal.
Thank you again for rescuing us. You were very kind and we think that we are very lucky kittens. Please say hello to the rest of our family for us.
Aurora and Altan
aww teresa, such a happy ending!
and i absolutely love their names, so different! :Luv:
well done :hug:
Thanks Sarah
Christine kindly chose the names Altan,Roshan,Noor,Selene and Luken after I had named Aurora; they are all to do with light. ie Roshan is Persian for light.
I have such a soft spot for all this little family :Luv: It is brilliant to hear that Aurora and Altan have a new home so soon :wow: and I wish them all the best in their happy new lives.
Thats great and that must make you feel so happy Teresa ;D
Aww, that is lovely.