Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Mark on June 23, 2007, 17:28:18 PM

Title: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Mark on June 23, 2007, 17:28:18 PM
I went over the road to get a DVD and there was a cat by the road. The woman that owns it lets it out but it can't get back in until they let it in as they live in a flat over a shop. The cat is gorgeous & really friendly. I sat on the bench and the cat jumped up and sat on my lap. He will go up to anyone and is so affectionate. She did the same thing last summer. I am worried that it will get run over as its a main road. The other thing is he is so friendly that he will go up to anyone and there as some evil kids around is frigtening. What can I do?
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Rosella moggy on June 23, 2007, 18:58:44 PM
Whatever you do don't shout at em Mark coz it makes everyone's life hell and will do nothing good for the furry feline.  How come she only lets it out in the Summer?
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Mark on June 23, 2007, 19:50:58 PM
No idea why she only lets it out in the summer but I worry for it. I almost feel like I should take it  and get it rehomed where it will be safe and respected.
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Millys Mum on June 23, 2007, 19:59:44 PM
Have you tried having a chat? Or a popping a letter through the door?
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Gwen on June 23, 2007, 20:10:34 PM
I feel so blessed that I don't live near a main road or I'd be worried sick if they ever got out :(
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: ronandcats on June 23, 2007, 23:13:31 PM
 Maybe someone will fall in love with it pick it up and take it to a safe home, its owners don't seem to care to much for the poor little cat  or they would not let it out the front of the shop where it could get knocked down or hurt by creeps. if it was me i would pick it up take it home and wait to see if they botherd to look for it.
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 23, 2007, 23:15:22 PM
Very difficult decision and this was the norm in London where I lived. Has to be said that all of our cats would go outside and raom from garden to garden. I expect she just thinks she is letting the cat have some summer air.

Kocka rushed out the front door one day and refused to come back ansd she walked round the block and came back in at the back.We had a n overgrown alley that ran down between the houses  and from there she could find her favourite sleeping place if she new she had heard me mention vts on the phone!
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Mark on June 23, 2007, 23:27:41 PM
Have you tried having a chat? Or a popping a letter through the door?

I have met this woman and she seems a bit simple - she is a single parent with 2 little girls - I wish someone that didn't know her would speak to her. I may ask Sharon if I could send her an advice letter on headed paper or something like that. It seems quite streetwise but I'm scared that someone will hurt it as it is so trusting.
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: ronandcats on June 23, 2007, 23:41:08 PM
 seems a good idea mark its worth a try for the little cats sake, have you tried talking to her before
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on June 24, 2007, 01:19:28 AM
Mark, you've got one shot I reckon.

If you know the woman enough to talk to, hows about dropping into the conversation very casually "don't you ever worry that your cat will be run over? What about the vet's bills if it gets injured? What if someone tried to steal it"

Her reaction to that will give you what you need to make a decision over further action. We would never contemplate the theft of anyone's property, would we? But if people, after being made aware of the risks, continue to let their possessions be vulnerable... well, they can't claim they haven't been warned.  :sneaky:
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Mark on June 24, 2007, 07:32:57 AM
I don't have conversations with her. She used to go into the same cafe in town as me - it closed down recently so I never see her. I wish an outsider could speak to her. I mightjust put an anonymous letter through er door.
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: blackcat on June 24, 2007, 07:50:12 AM
Tricky in a small town I know. Why not recruit someone off the site. Happy to do it when I get down to Kent, and with my accent I can masquerade as a tourist  :evillaugh: :evillaugh:. Though it would have to be a couple of weeks from now. How do you get to W from Chatham if you don't have a car and you do have a dog?
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on June 24, 2007, 11:07:19 AM
Mark if I was you I would knock on her door and say you have seen kitty have a near miss on the road and was she aware of the dangers.

Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Mark on June 24, 2007, 12:18:18 PM
Tricky in a small town I know. Why not recruit someone off the site. Happy to do it when I get down to Kent, and with my accent I can masquerade as a tourist  :evillaugh: :evillaugh:. Though it would have to be a couple of weeks from now. How do you get to W from Chatham if you don't have a car and you do have a dog?

Might be a good idea. Obviously the woman isn't that bright to allow her cat out on a main road. The train from London goes through Chatham - its the train thw does to either Broadstairs, Ramsgate or Dover - its about 1/2 hour from Chatham to Whitstable
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Mark on June 24, 2007, 12:19:36 PM
Mark if I was you I would knock on her door and say you have seen kitty have a near miss on the road and was she aware of the dangers.

I' a bit wary as she knows where I live and you don't know the sort of men these women hang around with. I think she's quite pleasant, just not all the ticket.
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: ccmacey on June 24, 2007, 12:22:17 PM
Good idea Sam.

Or pick the cat up and take it home and tell her you have taken it off some kids that were trying to take her cat home, this would make me think twice about letting it out and it might scare her a bit. Does he have a collar on?
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 24, 2007, 15:41:22 PM
I think Sams idea is great but I do not approve of the 'animal police' when we percieve a danger that we know is real and others dont agree, like the owners of a cat. The cat is purrfectly healthy but the owner chooses for what ever reason to let it out. I think one can warn but other than that nothing else should be done.

I would be very very angry if someone saw my cat out at the back in the field and decided that it was too dangerous cos I have a road at the front, its my decision and what is best for the cats in the owners opinion.

I know that lovely people on here have ummmmmmm taken a cat cos it is not being looked after and/or is sick but that I feel is slightly different to this cat.

In many places the cats sit outside on doorstep waiting for owners to come home or let them in and where I used to live I would get to know many cats over the years who used to sit on garden walls etc, only once have I asked a rescue to come and take a cat unknown to anyone because it was sitting in the road and had been fed by neighbours who had gone on holiday for two weeks. The beatiful cat was hungry and had nowhere to go cos we were all terraced and as soon as I opened my door it rushed in but within a few minutes was attacking very old Kocka. Once outside it would go and sit in the road again........sigh.

I knew my neighbours didnt have a cat and also there was a cat dish in their porch where this cat had been feeding, they were just nice people who were trying to help but had forgotten what was gonna happen when they went away. When they came back they eventually got two cats of their own but probably thought this other cat had found somewhere to go.

I have a picture of this lovely cat noshing in my kitchen but it went to a safe place to be found a good home.

Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on June 24, 2007, 16:13:24 PM
I would go along with Sam's idea and tell the owner the cat has had a near miss, I'd also add on that you saw someone kicking her out of the way as well  ;).........some owners need a little education, and may not have even thought of the dangers of the road or the other danger that are out there, especially to a cat that will go up to anyone.
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Mark on June 25, 2007, 07:03:23 AM
I will wait until I see the cat outside again and speak to her. What makes it even more worrying is cat was run over in the same spot last year - there are a lot of boy racers in the town  :(

I think it will be hard to make someone like that see sense as if she had any, she wouldn't let it out on a main road to begin with  :-:
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on June 25, 2007, 10:25:48 AM
I think Sam's is a good suggestion too.  You could take a "is she ok?  I saw her in the road and was worried she got hurt" approach so that you come across as just genuinely concerned about the cat rather than critical of her being outside near the road.
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 25, 2007, 10:58:40 AM
Yes Susannes with Sams answer could be the best way  ;D
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Mark on June 25, 2007, 11:04:39 AM
Thanks people. It only sems to be out on sunny days so will keep a close eye. A while back I would have reported her to the RSPCA but don't think thats a good idea now  :-:
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: blackcat on June 25, 2007, 13:11:46 PM
well, it won't be out much then.... >:( :rainin:
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Mark on June 25, 2007, 13:50:22 PM
well, it won't be out much then.... >:( :rainin:

If its not going to be out its more of a  ;D

Better an indoor kitty than one who could get run over or hurt. All you have to do is sit on the bench outside and he siits on your lap  :Luv:
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on June 25, 2007, 13:52:13 PM
well, it won't be out much then.... >:( :rainin:

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: blackcat on June 25, 2007, 18:34:42 PM
There are three cats in my street that do that to me, and my street is full of hooligans and lairs. So maybe it just senses you are a nice cat-friendly person ........... I have that problem whereever I go. Cats and dogs (and horses and donkeys) just come up to me and want to make nice. It is a source of constant confusion to owners who pride themselves on their animals standoffishness. It also stood me in good stead when a vet assistant as I was frequently the only person who could approach a terrified animal without losing layers of skin...
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Mark on June 25, 2007, 19:25:13 PM
I like to think thats how it is. There was a dog that pulled its owner towards me a while ago and wanted a fuss. The lady said she had never done that before as she was usually scared of strangers  ;D
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 26, 2007, 00:20:48 AM
Cats just like me too..........well except Sasa!

Was at my vets with Franta earlier in year and he said to just wait a min cos he had to get something and opened a door and went out to the back and a cat came up to me from that room and I was talking to it and it was sniffing my hand.

The vet came back and said you must have a way with them cos usually she wont go near anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now why cant Sasa be like that with me?
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: blackcat on June 26, 2007, 05:49:07 AM
Now why cant Sasa be like that with me?

Because you are her slave and therefore have to do all the running!! :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Hippykitty on June 26, 2007, 06:50:10 AM
A woman who lives a few houses from me lets her cats out of the front door. She used to have a cat who was clueless about cars, and frequently having near misses. Many times I would gather this cat in my arms and knock on her front door, handing the cat over, saying "he was playing chicken with the traffic again!"

Sad to say, he was killed in an RTA.

Four of her cats went the same way.

Touch wood, I've never lost a cat to an RTA, despite living only a few doors from her. Cancer, FLV etc, but not RTA.

It's so hard to get through to some people. It seems self-evident that cats+road=RTA :(
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on July 02, 2007, 15:56:34 PM
Just wondered if there's been any developments, Mark?

Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Mark on July 02, 2007, 16:26:56 PM
I haven't seen the cat but I have seen the woman sitting on the bench with a box of junk. The first time, I was curious but the second time, I decided that she is a loon. I'm not sure if she is selling the junk in the box  :evillaugh: She looks more dishevelled than I remember her. I will keep a close eye and catnap if need be  :sneaky:
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Pinkbear (Julie) on July 02, 2007, 16:37:02 PM
I think you're admirable.... I'm such a sticky beak, it would drive me crazy not knowing what was in the box, and why she was sitting on the bench with it.  :evillaugh:

It's great that puss has got you watching out for him, though.  :sneaky: Don't forget I've got a spare room if you need a 'place of safety' at short notice.  ;)
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Mark on July 02, 2007, 17:26:19 PM
Thans Julie. What it is, Her flat is upstairs to the sweetshop - her door is on the side - as we are on Oxford Street (continuation of the high street) there is a bench outside her front door. If you have family in Whitstable, you probably know where I mean - near the library.

 btw - the box has a open top. Its a box that tomatoes come in - it had things like a broken lamp, tatty paperbacks etc.  :evillaugh:

I will keep an eye on the cat - I am trying to find my charger so I can take a pic - but I have to do my fire risk assessment first.

BTW - Belinda the herbalist is going to put an AnimalAsia poster in her window for me  ;D
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Hippykitty on July 03, 2007, 07:44:18 AM
Has this woman been evicted from the flat, and has her 'worldly goods' in the box? Is she living rough, or just taking in some sun (what sun?). Seems very odd, but that's care in the community for you!  :-:
Title: Re: Cat allowed out on busy street - can I interfere?
Post by: Mark on July 03, 2007, 08:11:49 AM
I can't imagine that she has been evicted - she has 2 little girls of about 8 & 10 - but she did look scruffier than I remember.