Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: NikNakNoo on May 17, 2014, 21:14:40 PM
Hi all
Hoping I can get some advice about Bebe. Basically since getting Bruno last week she's not been eating like normal. She use to love her food. We've tried feeding them at separate times, we tried placing her food up higher, we tried heating her food but she won't eat it. We can't leave her food down as Bruno is a porker and will scoff the lot. We tried closing the door and feeding her but she seems to become distressed. Today however we fed them next to each other and she ate but this evening Bruno has tried to eat Bebes food and we removed him but then Bebe stopped eating. Should we allow him to eat from her bowl if it means she eats? Any ideas what is going on?
Thanks all
So long as they are not fighting try every option to get them both eating. If she will only eat when he is present give them a bowl each and let them get on with it. Eventually things should settle down. How much are you feeding the little one? If he's hungry it might be because he's not getting his fill? Check his weight against the feeding directions on his food.
I'd agree about feeding them together if they're happy to eat together - it's a positive reinforcement of nice things. Our two regularly swap over from dish to dish when eating together - and it's usually the same food in each. :innocent:
The trouble is Bruno eats so fast he will eat his and Bebes food in the time Bebe attempts to eat hers. Bebe gets science plan light, is that okay for Bruno? And the vet said to feed him a pouch to a pouch and a half a day but he wants to consume much more than that. Yesterday he had two pouches plus kibble. We are just worried Bebe isn't getting enough of a chance to eat.
How often are you feeding the not so little tyke? :) I think he is 8 weeks old now? Small amounts and frequently for young uns I believe. At least 4 times a day if you can manage it. Two pouches plus kibble sounds a fair bit but depends on the amount of kibble.
Also the worry is about his tummy given his recent bouts of runny poo. I would be more inclined to lock him away from Bebe rather than locking Bebe in when she eats but don't know the set up of your home. I think it is likely to be trial and error to see what work best.
We are giving him a main breakfast and evening meal with two small amounts during the day so 4 in totally. It's not a huge amount of kibble but enough for a little'un. The trouble is Mr Bruno starts really meowing and this seems to distress Bebe and she stops eating. We've tried evryrhingr we can think of. We would be fine for them to eat together if he didn't scoff the whole lot within 5 seconds!!! Hes a right porker!!! :)