Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: heather sullivan on July 04, 2013, 21:47:01 PM
My sister's handsome ginger & white cat who is only 7 went to the vets this week for a problem with his bottom teeth. Had an op yesterday and a lot of his bottom teeth removed but when they cut open his gums, they said he has a very aggressive tumour that has eaten quite a lot of his jaw
away :( but will only be 100% certain with biopsies. The vet suggested putting him to sleep while he was under anaesthetic. My sister said no, she wanted to bring him home. They have sent some samples off for biopsy, so she is awaiting the results. he has his gums stitched up, on Metacam and antibiotics but he seems fine, has not stopped eating, even rugby tackling his sister and scoffing her food as well! :evillaugh: Years ago I had a rabbit that got an infected toe and the infection ate away all the bone in his toe and halfway up his leg. Am hoping that its just a massive infection that has done it, and not a tumour :(. back to the vets monday for his check up.
Sending massive good vibes for Jack :hug: :hug:
Healing vibes for jack :hug:
Oh jeez this is so worrying. Am sending all my love and hopes for the best possible news for poor Jack. :hug: :hug:
What an awful shock that must have been :( :hug: Fingers crossed that the biopsy results are more postive than first feared, please let us know how he gets on :care:
Thanks all :Luv:. Will let you know as soon as we get biopsy results :(
Poor Jack! Am sending lots of healing vibes your way ~~~
So glad I insisted on my sister having a biopsy done. I said it could be osteomyelitis (bone infection) being a medical secretary I know about these things, vet insisted that it was an aggressive tumour (3 vets had all looked at Jack when he was under anaesthetic) and even having biopsy wouldn’t change the outcome :(. Anyway vet rang yesterday, said they were all really surprised but it wasn’t a tumour after all, just a massive bone and gum infection. He now has to stay on antibiotics for another month. It’s a good learning curve for them. Imagine if my sister had agreed to put him to sleep when they rang her and said he was under and probably the kindest thing to do, as he would have no quality of life and be in pain and unable to eat :(. Hopefully in future if it happens to another cat, they will think twice. In the meantime we are so happy that Jack is going to be okay :) :) :).
what wonderful news! I've found with my own health that medical people don't know everything and it certainly doesn't hurt to challenge them, it saved a life in this case
That's amazing and such wonderful news. Thank goodness you were around. :hug: :hug:
That's brilliant news! Hopefully the antibiotics can get the infection under control :wish: Little Jack most probably owes his life to his Auntie!
Thank goodness the vets were big enough to acknowledge the mistaken diagnosis. Very pleased at the outcome for Jack. :) :hug:
Wow wow wow what wonderful news, well done you and :hug: to Jack ;D ;D
Goodness, that was a close call! Glad to hear that Jack is now doing well :briggin:
That's wonderful :)
Sending hugs over for jack xx