Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Gillian Harvey on March 11, 2012, 19:03:19 PM
A new addition to the Persian Palace, Ebony - Sophanise Ebony Queen to be exact ;) She's 2 years old and an ex-breeding girl (only bred from once and due to having to have cesarean, was neutered). She was being bullied by the other breeding girls in the breeders home and so was rehomed - but was returned after just 4 days >:( as 'the boyfriend was allergic'.....My friend, the breeder, contacted me after she'd heard I'd lost BB and Lacie recently - wondering if I might be interested :innocent: - I couldn't take her straight away as I still had foster cat Bella in the house - so Ebony joined us last Tuesday and she's settling in really well (not met the others properly yet - but has seen them and did a little sasshay past Ben on the landing the other night, much to his delight :evillaugh:
So, to pics of the girl herself :Luv:
:Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
I'm rather partial to a little something in black myself - and she is :Luv: :Luv:
Absolutely stunning and my favourite colour but don't tell everyone ;D
:wow: Gillian she made me GASP - what a beauty. :Luv2:
Love those eyes, just so special. Congratulations and well done. :hug:
Wow, she is gorgeous, lovely photos , I always seem to get funny co
Our eyes on mine!? :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
she is a beauty for sure! Ben obviously has good taste! :evillaugh:
:Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: beautiful eyes.
She's lovely and those amber eyes :Luv:
I let out a verbal :omg: Gillian. Oh... she is certainly gasp material and those eyes! :Luv:
If ever a smilie was made for just for her.............. :catluv:
Thanks everyone :thanks: She is such a little sweetie, and has a sassy little wiggle when she walks lol! She's very kittenlike and certainly this is the youngest persian I've had in a while! Of course madam Gwynnie was the baby of the family - but she's coming up 5 this year believe it or not! :shocked:
She is fabulous and those eyes are to die for ;D ;D
Loving the furry little black number ;) :Luv2: :hug:
A friend of minw from over 20 years ago had a black persian called Remus and his eyes were the same - so yummy.
I can see some very good pics coming up in the very near future Gillian.
she is a stunner Gillian, although I'm shocked to hear that Gwynnie is nearly 5!!!
Oh she is gorgeous and by the looks of her first pic she most certainly knows it as well! :Luv2:. I love those eyes same colour as Tosca's :)
What a sweetie. I have to admit that Persians tend to make me giggle more than gasp. They look stunned all the time to me. (Don't take that the wrong way, Chi does too. ;) )
she is a stunner Gillian, although I'm shocked to hear that Gwynnie is nearly 5!!!
I know! scarey isnt it how time flies? :shocked:
Ebony has investigated downstairs today (closely followed by Ben :evillaugh: ) Upstairs, Harry was in his igloo bed on my bed - she went straight up to him - think he was a bit surprised at her audacity lol! but there was no hissing - in fact I havent heard any hissing from any of them - yet ;)
Ooooooh what a doll :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
:wow: Miss Ebony is a very sassy looking lady :Luv: absolutely stunning :Luv2: :Luv2:
One word Gillian, (broken into segments for effect)...
PH-WO-OAR :drool;
Oh, and :1st place: :hug:
One word Gillian, (broken into segments for effect)...
PH-WO-OAR :drool;
Like it! ;)
She's very adventurous and has absolutely no fear of the others :Luv2:
How about a swap for two mad kittens :rofl:
How about a swap for two mad kittens :rofl:
Nope! :evillaugh: although I was very nearly tempted by a kitten at the breeders house, luckily she was keeping that particular one ;)
oh shes a stunner :Luv2:
i want her :evillaugh:
persian kittens must look hilarious with those little squashed faces, I don't think I've ever seen one
persian kittens must look hilarious with those little squashed faces, I don't think I've ever seen one
Heres little Ebony as a kitten :Luv2:
So sweet ;D
Aaawwww I want to skwibble that little tum. Irresistable :Luv:
Scrumptious :Luv2: :hug:
Well, she's certainly made herself at home, settled right in :) she's fine with the others and they with her - Harry even curled up with her the other day :Luv: She loves being out in the garden - she's a right tomboy lol! and I saw her stalking a bird this morning :evillaugh:
She is just gorgeous and a tomboy too :rofl: :rofl:
So glad she has settled in so well and we all need something gorgeous in black ;D
Well settled in. :Luv2: :Luv2:
I want a cuddle :hug: :Luv:
Gillian, she's so beautiful :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
Thank you :thanks: - she came in from the garden today with lots of stuff caught in her trousers! :evillaugh:
Staking her claim on the bed :Luv: -
:Luv2: :Luv2: I want to cuddle :hug: :hug:
Yet another one that has you under the paw ;)
She looks quite big for a kitten and wot a little madam ;D ;D
She looks quite big for a kitten and wot a little madam ;D ;D
She's not a kitten, she's 2 yrs old.
Sorry must have mixed her up with another cat
Gill, you are thinking of Gill's (Bunglycat) 2 kittens - Smudgie is black.
She is adorable :Luv:
Thank you :thanks:
She so reminds me of my Gypsy (RIP) - not in looks obviously, Gyps was a blue/cream colourpoint ;) , but just her character, even the way she walks :Luv2:
Gill, you are thinking of Gill's (Bunglycat) 2 kittens - Smudgie is black.
Um, black and white..... ;) :evillaugh:
Um, black and white..... ;) :evillaugh:
Oh what the chuff :evillaugh: Looks like I'm cracking up with all these persians, could have sworn he was just black :rofl: :-[ :rofl: