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Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Feline Costumier on November 14, 2010, 19:09:33 PM

Title: Dave bringing a little sunshine to my neighbours day
Post by: Feline Costumier on November 14, 2010, 19:09:33 PM
Some of you on my Facebook will be aware of Dave coming in smelling of perfume quite regularly. I wasn't sure who he was visiting but I was getting a little paranoid so the other day I got him a collar (a very fetching blue sparkly one :evillaugh:) just to make sure whoever he was visitng knew he was loved (as if the very round belly and baldy tail isn't a give away!).

I knew he couldn't be going far because he's too much of a scaredy cat to be wandering away from home, which is just fine with me, I wish Chilli had that attitude.

So I was in the Co-op getting some milk and bits and bumped into my young elderly neighbour (if you know what I mean). She started asking me what the stripy cats name is. She said he's an absolute sweetheart, visits her often and reminds her very much of her last cat who passed away. She loves having him round to visit so much that had she not been moving in the next 6 months to a year she would ask to buy him from me :evillaugh: So it seems my little man brings a little bit of happiness to my neighbour :Luv:
Title: Re: Dave bringing a little sunshine to my neighbours day
Post by: Ellen2010 on November 14, 2010, 19:19:23 PM
If he goes missing around the time she moves you know where he has gone, sorry the comment about her moving and had she not been she would of asked to buy him would have me slightly concerned but maybe that is because of the area I live in as well that makes me suspicious.
Title: Re: Dave bringing a little sunshine to my neighbours day
Post by: Feline Costumier on November 14, 2010, 19:24:51 PM
Oh no, she didn't say it in a sinister way at all, it's not the first time I've spoken to her and she's not that sort. Also, she's moving to Germany so she wouldn't be able to take him with her easily!

Honestly, it was a pretty innocent comment in a 5 minute conversation about him and why he has a baldy patch and his new collar etc. Plus, he only pops round for a few minutes at a time.
Title: Re: Dave bringing a little sunshine to my neighbours day
Post by: Ellen2010 on November 14, 2010, 19:39:40 PM
Just read it and thought oh yes really so if moving why not? But you have answered that with her moving abroad. 

Just my suspicious mind especially as one time I had some one come to my door and report a cat missing that they had been feeding when I did let mine out.  The cat was mine that she was describing and he never went out again after that and with him being semi long-haired and it had been slinging it down with rain had kept him in for a few days.