Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Den on October 04, 2010, 16:59:44 PM
Anyone going this year?
Purrs meet-up?
Thought I'd ask now as if yes to both questions it gives a good length of time to get all organised and to find cat sitters if needed. Or to arrange transport etc.
I'm hoping to make it this year
Saw this and made a couple of phone calls to family members that I trust with my animals and got the same reply, we will look after all but Sophie. Poor Sophie has my family petrified of her from when I adopted her and she tested everyone but no one feels brave enough to give her her tablet for FLUTD.
Comments ranged from do you think I need to loose parts of my appendices to you must think I am mental not on your life with that psycho cat. Oh she is so sweet with me but can understand where they are coming from with her after seeing the damage she has done to vets and veterinary nurses in the past when they have tried to get blood samples :rofl: The veterinary nurse had just grabbed her by the scruff and I never use this with my cats so gets an aggressive reaction from my cats.
So looks like I won't be able to make it :(
am definitely going
Have already got tickets ;D
I hope so but will have to make last minute decision again.
Hoping to actually get there this year as never managed it yet ;D
Is it like Crufts? Can anyone go??
yes and yes hayley
................. ;D ;D
As a Crufts addict I would say the Supreme is only vaguely comparible - certainly no where near the scale as Crufts or anywhere near the amounts of Crufts Shopping and not as hands on and a lot, lot less people. It's very enjoyable though. I really enjoyed myself.
Fingers crossed, I'm going to try and make it this year.
Oooooh I think I'll be going. I'll be dragging my OH too (to carry the heavy bags :evillaugh: )
Hoping to actually get there this year as never managed it yet ;D
Same here, on both counts ;)
Perhaps purrs should have a stand next year? I wonder how many helpers you can get in per stand :briggin:
hopefully going with OH my sis and a mate :wow:
A Purrs stand is a fantastic Idea - but surely you have to pay to have a stand??
A Purrs stand is a fantastic Idea - but surely you have to pay to have a stand??
I think its about £140 quid. Don't know how many people can go in free to help on the stand though!
Anyone going this year?
Purrs meet-up?
Thought I'd ask now as if yes to both questions it gives a good length of time to get all organised and to find cat sitters if needed. Or to arrange transport etc.
Bumping up this thread as it is now less than 2 weeks away
My goodness the day before the auction starts.
I am still hoping to go and if anyone needs a lift Gillian lol.............am willing and able ;D
I am still hoping to go and if anyone needs a lift Gillian lol.............am willing and able ;D
Thanks - dunno now - just thinking about getting back for the feeding/litter tray round which has got a bit bigger since fostering...... :tired: Usually start around 4pm and if I leave it much longer than that Chico up the top of the garden will start whingeing and distrubing the neighbours :scared: Suppose I could leave him in the grooming room all day...have to think....
OK you think lol
I'll be there - cramming two NEC shows in on the same day :shocked: should be fun seeing as the supreme normally wears me out! :rofl:
Can't wait for the shopping and cooing at gorgeous kitties
i'm going with my sister, she's a trainee vet so we should find it interesting ;D
I cant make it this year :( bit poor after moving. Defo next year
OK who is going?
Me all being well ;D
Me too if Franta is OK and there are other Purrs peeps to meet up with
I am with OH ;D
I cant go :(
I can't go as have tonnes and tonnes of knitting and crocheting to do before xmas. Beginning to think my mum thinks I am a robot as she is taking orders off her friends and then phoning them through, I have told her do not promise just say she will phone me to check and let them know from now on. Had it where I only needed to do 2 sets of the Poinsettia last night now have it at 6 due to my mum promising that I will do them. Have explained to my mother that there are 45 pieces to each set that needs to be crocheted and assembled and that I still have things to do for myself and other people so will get around to the ones she has accepted when I get to them and some may be disappointed.
I woke up today with the start of a cold. I don't want to spread the cold [if it develops] around for others to get it so best if I stay home :( :(
Fingers crossed I will be going with OH, my sis and a friend but may have to leave early, going out for a meal in Shrewsbury that evening so need to get back. Would be nice to meet up with some peeps if poss? ;D
I'm going, we are going up to birmingham on friday, planning on going to the Festive fayre on friday. Cat show on saturday and then memorabilia on sunday before coming home.
Busy weekend, and I am on holiday this week and I've got a flu like bug, started off like a cold and got worse. Hope to be ok for the weekend!
Have funn all those that are going.
probably not - have never been and its only 5 miles up the A45
Den see hoe you feel on Friday :hug:
Doe anyone fancy a Purrs meetup at Weatherspoons at 1pm?
I am not sure I can leave the cats now, so probably will not be there :'(
If anyone sees Witty please send her my regards.
Its very unlikely I will go :(
Have a great time all of you who are going.
Please say Hello to Witty from me as well if you see her :hug:
Look out for the girl wearing a Dennis the menace Jumper, that will be me :wow:
Have a great time Mojo and all ;D
Hope everyone has a lovely time and send my best wishes to Witty if she's there and a hug to Pearl too :hug:
Hope you all had a fab time! A lack of funds prevented us from going this year. Oh well maybe next year.
How did it go Cat Show visitors?
I went but I wasn't feeling well and didn't last the day. I left about 3pm - first time ever I've left before the final judging. Managed to do a bit of shopping for the boys before I left. They got a new scratching post for the hall, a danish cosy bed, some tasty food and a few small toys. I have no idea what made me buy the bed as I don't normally bother with cat beds since they sleep on the bed. sofa etc. When I got it home I realised it was too small for them really - I must have forgotten they were big cats! I thought at one point it might have to go into the auction but they have both investigated it and had a sleep in it and Jaffa seems to love it. He has to really squash himself up to get in, but seems comfy. Sorry auction. The show seems to get smaller each year. It is still a big show, but there is only about half the stalls/shops there were when I started going many years ago. I used to struggle to visit everything and see the cats. There also seemed fewer people there, in the morning at least. And the usual lack of places to sit. I still like it and will probably go next year, but it's not quite the day out it used to be. I believe a maine coon won the big title.
Thanks Susanne ;D
Do you know if Witty was there?
I don't think so, Gill. I didn't get to see the household pets but I did have a browse at the entrants in the catalogue and I don't think Pearl was listed.
Thanks Susanne