so pleased at least part of you is now upright, Teresa ;D
just think of it as a spot of enforced cage rest until you're better - I bet you've told many a cat it's for their own good, and won't last forever ;)
if i can work some magic and sort out an internet dongle for her laptop then hopefully she can use it in hospital as she is missing not coming on here...
Remember, that you have all of us with you in spirit if not in body. (crowded, innit? ;) :evillaugh:)
So come on Teresa there is much more to fight for after Hercules,
I think the icons should be split up as well, I am always terrified I will press the wrong one. xx
I so hope that no news is good news and that you are slowly making your way back to us Teresa :hug: :hug:
I am hoping for a miracle
i too hope that miracles do happen, she doesnt deserve this :hug: :hug: :hug:
Rob this must be heartbreaking for you, I'm glad you can take comfort for everything we feel for your Mum, I hope the strength of feeling we have can help Teresa fight on and recover :hug:
Thanks Rob, I do hope there is soon some better news about your wonderful Mum - miracles do happen, Teresa has proved that to us many times and I pray this will be another :hug:I second that. :hug:
Dearest Teresa,
Life's game is neither lost nor won until the final counter has been played and I am sending you endless "counters", one for every little life you have helped. Therefore, you cannot fail.
Love, always love,
Sparklecat and Tulip
Dearest Teresa,
Life's game is neither lost nor won until the final counter has been played and I am sending you endless "counters", one for every little life you have helped. Therefore, you cannot fail.
Love, always love,
Sparklecat and Tulip
Dearest Teresa,
Life's game is neither lost nor won until the final counter has been played and I am sending you endless "counters", one for every little life you have helped. Therefore, you cannot fail.
Love, always love,
Sparklecat and Tulip
I didn't mean to make you cry!
God Bless You!
Sparklecat and Tulip
Awww beautiful words, made Me cry alittle xx
Teresa - Paddy is "sendin yoo all me lurves anna snuzzel fer yoo - d'biggestest snuzzle wot can 'appen onna pooter!"
Teresa - Paddy is "sendin yoo all me lurves anna snuzzel fer yoo - d'biggestest snuzzle wot can 'appen onna pooter!"
It will be an even bigger snuzzle if Blip joins in. She's a rescue cat too and she is one of those who knows Teresa's worth more than any of us ever could. So a snuzzle as big as infinity - plus one :hug:
We are all hoping for a miracle and i suggest that at 10pm tonight we all stop and say a pray together for T s recovery :hug: :hug: :hug:
Just logged on in the hope of some good news
T we need you to fight this as we cant loose you , your too important to each and everyone of us who you have helped :hug: :hug:
We are all hoping for a miracle and i suggest that at 10pm tonight we all stop and say a pray together for T s recovery :hug: :hug: :hug:
Just logged on in the hope of some good news
T we need you to fight this as we cant loose you , your too important to each and everyone of us who you have helped :hug: :hug:
We are all hoping for a miracle and i suggest that at 10pm tonight we all stop and say a pray together for T s recovery :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'll join you BL - I have never thought of myself as religious but I have been praying every night for her. I found this and have been lighting a candle and reciting it :(
Omnipotent and eternal God, the everlasting Salvation of those who believe, hear us on behalf of Thy sick servant, Teresa, for whom we beg the aid of Thy pitying mercy, that, with her bodily health restored, she may give thanks to Thee in Thy church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Just logged on in the hope of some good news
T we need you to fight this as we cant loose you , your too important to each and everyone of us who you have helped :hug: :hug:
We are all hoping for a miracle and i suggest that at 10pm tonight we all stop and say a pray together for T s recovery :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'll join you BL - I have never thought of myself as religious but I have been praying every night for her. I found this and have been lighting a candle and reciting it :(
Omnipotent and eternal God, the everlasting Salvation of those who believe, hear us on behalf of Thy sick servant, Teresa, for whom we beg the aid of Thy pitying mercy, that, with her bodily health restored, she may give thanks to Thee in Thy church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Maybe we could start a new thread somewhere and at 10pm those who want to can leave a little prayer on there ?
Topping up the vibes and will be there at 10pm :hug:
Paddy I hope that can raise a little smile for T like it did for me.
Paddy I hope that can raise a little smile for T like it did for me.
I wanna be a fly on the wall when Rob sings it to T!
I wanna be a fly on the wall when Rob sings it to T!
Me too!!! :rofl:
Rob, I'd just like to join in the thanks here for keping us posted, 'cos it can't be easy for you having to deal with all of this and all of usmad peoplePurrs peeps at the same time. We really appreciate it because of how much we love your Mum. :hug: :hug:
Just popping in to top up the get well vibes :hug: :hug:
Thanks too to the wonderful medical staff who are looking after you so well.
This is your Purrs family. :Luv: We gather you up and hold you safe in our hearts. :blow kiss: We're willing our strength into you sweetheart, so just absorb and get well. You can do it petal. Allow sleep to come and to help you to heal. :care: We won't let you go anywhere alone (you know what we're like! :evillaugh:)
Rob, try to keep your spirits up, petal. Your Mum's proved many people wrong in the past, and we're all praying she will do again. :hug: :wish:
This is your Purrs family. :Luv: We gather you up and hold you safe in our hearts. :blow kiss: We're willing our strength into you sweetheart, so just absorb and get well. You can do it petal. Allow sleep to come and to help you to heal. :care: We won't let you go anywhere alone (you know what we're like! :evillaugh:)
we're with you, every breath, every thought.
it has taught me how lucky i am to have wonderful family and wonderful friends
it has taught me how lucky i am to have wonderful family and wonderful friends
Luck has nothing to do with it: you deserve the best and nothing else :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm in tears knowing that you're back with us :hug: :hug: :hug: Now stop messing around and GET BETTER!
it has taught me how lucky i am to have wonderful family and wonderful friends
Luck has nothing to do with it: you deserve the best and nothing else :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm in tears knowing that you're back with us :hug: :hug: :hug: Now stop messing around and GET BETTER!
doing my best Blip :hug: :hug: night night
Now stop messing around and GET BETTER!
Keep ya pucker up gal (where does that saying come from?!! :-: )
Keep strong and fighting (in a relaxed kinda way!)
I like to think it helps in a small way
So you all think a massage will help our T out?
Okay I will send the boys over now! Im sure you will be feeling revitalised in no time! :evillaugh: :Luv2: :hug:
3rd day in a row there is good improvement in my mums condition, the doctors have again turned down her oxygen levels today as she is now finding it easier to breath,
.....The doctors have told her today that if she keeps improving at the rate she is then its just possible that they may let her come home in maybe 4-5 days time :) .........
the 2 head doctors looking after me did high five couple of days ago they delighted to have pulled me through,
We want to hear that those doctors broke into a dance, Teresa ;)
:good morning 3: hope you had a good night :hug:
Sending lots of positive vibes for the Drs visit today and hope you get the news you hope for :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Guys
Well I managed to sneak in to see Teresa today on my way home from a client meeting and I am happy to say that she has improved further and fingers crossed will be going home tomorrow!!
They need to install some oxygen at home for her, but this should be done in the morning so hopefully this time tomorrow she will be tucked up in her own bed.
She is in very good spirits and looking forward to being home.
I know she will come on the forum herself when she has the strength.
P.S She is eating lots and has put on was a real joy to see her looking so good.
She is eating lots and has put on was a real joy to see her looking so good.
all nurses hugged and kissed me before they said their goodbyes and warned me not to return before Christmas.
Talking of Nurse Betty, the sheer joy of watching 3 year old grandson removing her clothes with a naughty twinkle in his eye makes her all the more special.
Talking of Nurse Betty, the sheer joy of watching 3 year old grandson removing her clothes with a naughty twinkle in his eye makes her all the more special.
OOOH! Matron!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Was just looking for this thread on health and behaviour :shify: :shify: :evillaugh:
How ya doing Teresa? Hope the answer is steadily improving each day :hug:
Teresa you are now rescued and rehomed , which is great ;D so now its all about the health and behaviour isnt it :rofl: :rofl: :hug: :hug:
Oh, Teresa :hug:
You'll get this beaten, even if I have to come up there and beat it myself :hug:
You'll get this beaten, even if I have to come up there and beat it myself :hug::shify: Yus! I helps yer Aunty Christine :boxer: :shify:
You'll get this beaten, even if I have to come up there and beat it myself :hug::shify: Yus! I helps yer Aunty Christine :boxer: :shify:
That's settled, then :boxer:
Very good demonstration there Miss Tulip - even teddy in the background is looking on quietly impressed! ;D
Very good demonstration there Miss Tulip - even teddy in the background is looking on quietly impressed! ;D
Thank you Sue P! :rofl: :rofl: :hug: :hug:
Curiously, my husband, Peter, bought me that Teddy after HE came out of hospital with pneumonia a couple of years ago!! Teresa, take note! He has magic powers - not to mention Tulip's!!!! :hug: :hug: :Luv2: :Luv2:
Sparklecat and Tulip
Very good demonstration there Miss Tulip - even teddy in the background is looking on quietly impressed! ;D
Thank you Sue P! :rofl: :rofl: :hug: :hug:
Curiously, my husband, Peter, bought me that Teddy after HE came out of hospital with pneumonia a couple of years ago!! Teresa, take note! He has magic powers - not to mention Tulip's!!!! :hug: :hug: :Luv2: :Luv2:
Sparklecat and Tulip
And so it is that Teddy Robinson also joins the fight against the infection in your poorly chest Aunty T :hug:
Doc says probable 10 days here unless I get really lucky and have miracle recovery, doing my best eating and taking the meds and fighting my best.
I am really doing my best to get it right this time,
Yes please, Teresa: as Queen Victoria said 'failure is not an option' and as you know only too well, I'm a lot fiercer than she ever was ;)
Just to make you all jealous lying in bed, had fish/chips for lunch with pear crumble /custard for afters, no washing up to do only set back too many needles :rofl:
I am really doing my best to get it right this time, been practising walking with physio this morning, also seen specialist and priest been to see me so been busy day so far. Hopefully a little snooze soon as had no sleep last night due to noise, will get back on when able
Just a quickie to say I just this minute arrived home,
Welcome back home. Hope its for good this time.
;D Welcome back Teresa. :cuddle: :cuddle: Please don't go doing too much, keep your vest on, eat well and don't go out without your oxygen, socks and wellies. :Luv:
great news Teresa - hope this is the last we shall be hearing of you in the Rescue and Rehoming section :hug:
now you have been rescued and rehomed twice, you must stay put, and concentrate on yourself for a bit
otherwise we shall have to start a thread for you in Health and Behaviour ;)
Teresa, you've done soooo much for soooo many puds, and people. Now it's your turn. And if that means you have to take a great big giant step back from it all, then that's what you have to do. I think we all know how hard that will be for you to accept, but think of it as "rehab." And the deal is, you get to keep your knickers. ;) :hug:
I was away from Purrs for just one day and look what Ive missed!!!! This is fantastic T, so glad you are home! :Luv2: :hug: :hug:
Hope you are taking it really easy and slowly slowly Teresa :hug: :hug:
Hope you are taking it really easy and slowly slowly Teresa :hug: :hug:
Ashamed to say I am doing nothing but rest today, so wish I could run about and do something useful.
Ashamed to say I am doing nothing but rest today, so wish I could run about and do something useful.
Morning Aunty T. Paddy wanted me to let you know that he's been "consuntraytin" hard all night with "Gets Betterer wiv d'strongerer lungs" vibes for you, so that you can have another trip out somewhere right soon. :wish: :ok: And me too, I bin hopin for the same. :hug:
I am sure Christine will give you a huge lecture on health and behavior when she next posts
I am sure Christine will give you a huge lecture on health and behavior when she next posts
I had to read Teresa the riot act, and it was not for the fainthearted, so I did it by PM ;) I expect she'll be planning on getting better now ;)
, gathering strength back again as need to search for file for break out
I am a fighter :rofl:
Aunty T - the best Christmas prezzie all of us would have would be for you to be home, happy with your family, and well on the road to a lasting recovery.
Aunty T - the best Christmas prezzie all of us would have would be for you to be home, happy with your family, and well on the road to a lasting recovery.
I so agree with that Here here or is it hear hear? :-: :evillaugh:
Its hear hear I believe ;D
Aunty T - the best Christmas prezzie all of us would have would be for you to be home, happy with your family, and well on the road to a lasting recovery.I so agree with that Here here or is it hear hear? :-: :evillaugh:
been really down since sat pm got movd to new ward and was really sick yesteday they saying iam too ill for home will see about that i ve had enough, porridge arrived :hug:
been really down since sat pm got movd to new ward and was really sick yesteday they saying iam too ill for home will see about that i ve had enough, porridge arrived :hug:
Well, there's no point your going in and out of hospital like one of those little people on the weather clocks, is there? If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well, and that applies to getting better too :hug:
not point rushing home T, its probably raining anyway, stay where you are until this bug is beaten
Please try and sit still, Teresa, there's a good little convalescent.
Tab's right - don't worry about Christmas cards or prezzies, Teresa. As I said earlier, the best Christmas prezzie for your family - and all of us - is to know that you're making good steady progress towards a near normal life again. :hug: :hug:
i do hope you right teresa and sending lots of stay well vibes :hug: :hug:
Must confess I did do some work yesterday, I placed the little baubles on our Christmas tree :rofl:
Keep up the good work Teresa :) I remember Marvin as Marvin the mucky :evillaugh:
Agree about JS form of exercise :rofl:
Now full 24 hours passed previous record time for being home so keeping everything crossed and being very careful.
The crass and stupid thoughtlessness of the 'does she take sugar?' mentality is very upsetting but don't let it get to you, Teresa :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm sure the store staff realised that everyone shops in Matalan now. Cheap chic is the new black, don't you know daaahling? :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh:
I am a strong old boot and will get over this blip.
Poor Blip she gets blamed for everything and its not her fault :hug:
Thinking of you Teresa and hoping that the abs are helping :hug:
Oh Teresa. You just can't keep away from those Doctors.
Topping up the get better vibes :hug: xxxx
Ps Christine you are mistaken about the doctors, its them that wont leave me alone :hug:
Well Teresa I'm off to Italy tomorrow and back on the 29th
I understand a lot of people may not be Christians and will find this very offensive, but I wanted Teresa to know what I was praying about.
I am sorry if I offended anyone, but that was on my heart tonight.
Teresa, hang in there and do the best you can. I am still praying for you even as I type.
Pook, a genuine desire to help someone, motivated by love and selflessness, can never be offensive :hug:
Whatever it takes, we all want Teresa well, cos we love her, and she's very special to all of us. :Luv:
I'm fairly certain Teresa is Christian
consultant giving me stockings for Christmas white elastic ones, bet your all jealous
Hhhmmmmmmmmm she claims not to fancy the doctors then boasts about her stockings.......................... :shify:
Here's to a far better 2012 for you
Will they give you loyalty points do you think?
Will they give you loyalty points do you think?
No but they just gave me the tiniest piece of liver I`ve ever seen for dinner :rofl: :rofl:
Christine just mentioned the loyalty card to Doc and requested Air Miles he was in pleats :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I think by now you have all guessed I am never going to make a recovery, just keep bouncing between home and hospital till times,
Tomorrow I will conquer the world and blow the consequences :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Tomorrow I will conquer the world
Thinking of you T, see the vibes still come at all times of day or night! ;) :hug: :hug:
didnt manage to conquer the world yesterday in fact spent most of day lay on settee
didnt manage to conquer the world yesterday in fact spent most of day lay on settee
Alexander was well-known for resting on his settee between campaigns ;)
Paddy has had some pheasant for lunch, and declared it to be very acceptable. He says it was a pheasant surprise.
Paddy has had some pheasant for lunch, and declared it to be very acceptable. He says it was a pheasant surprise.
You've been hanging around with those funny punning pluckers, haven't you?
Your silence worries me Teresa, are you OK :hug: :hug:
I`m still at home, just nothing interesting to report as not been out yet so not managed to conquer the world, infact still struggling with the stairs :rofl:
Would be interested to know what part you bite off first! :naughty: :rofl: :hug:
Morning Aunty T. A big stripey snuggley hug to you from me and The Padmeister to start the day off. :cuddle: :cuddle: :cuddle: Hee hee - - well lookee that - three hugs sneaked in instead of one! :evillaugh: :Luv:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Must admit I did a heck of a lot of reading before I got to the demise of the jet engines :rofl: If by any chance you find anything that will kill it let me know :rofl:
Teresa, this sounds like pyjama-induced excitement to me. You take care, treasure. :hug: :hug:
Teresa, this sounds like pyjama-induced excitement to me. You take care, treasure. :hug: :hug:
If only it was, infection been building up since Wednesday, am not going to confess to being down in the dumps because I have promised only to moan to myself :rofl:
Hope they are Dorothy's magical slippers! Thinking of you and wishing you well! :hug: :hug:
Hey!!! Choco T pots are useful to someone like me ( I hate tea and love chocolate! :innocent: :evillaugh: ) :hug: :hug:
The snow has nearly gone and there is water everywhere now but dont think of trying swimming teresa :hug: :hug:
The snow has nearly gone and there is water everywhere now but dont think of trying swimming teresa :hug: :hug:
Cant go swimming still wearing pyjamas and magic slippers, in other words I am a lazy so and so who has done nothing but keep the bed and settee warm :rofl:
made a decision not to bother with doctors,hospitals anymore ,after all what good are they.
made a decision not to bother with doctors,hospitals anymore ,after all what good are they.
They save people's lives, including yours Teresa, as you know when you are thinking straight. :hug:
made a decision not to bother with doctors,hospitals anymore ,after all what good are they.
They save people's lives, including yours Teresa, as you know when you are thinking straight. :hug:
I am thinking very straight and over the years I have fought for every life that has quality: I have not lost my marbles, I am not depressed, just lost any quality.
made a decision not to bother with doctors,hospitals anymore ,after all what good are they.
They save people's lives, including yours Teresa, as you know when you are thinking straight. :hug:
I am thinking very straight and over the years I have fought for every life that has quality: I have not lost my marbles, I am not depressed, just lost any quality.
:hug: :hug: :hug: Only you can decide that Teresa but for what its worth your presence on Purrs adds quality to the lives of a lot of other people
:hug: :hug: :hug: Only you can decide that Teresa but for what its worth your presence on Purrs adds quality to the lives of a lot of other people
That is extremely well-put, if I may say so :hug:
Oh Rob, am gutted to hear that, although not surprised, and we know your Mum was feeling very low in spirits too.
It must be wearing for you to hear this from us so often, but we hold your Mum in such high regard - we love her in our own crazy cat people way, and therefore please pass on our love and our hugs for her (as you always so kindly do for us).
Thinking of you all, and hoping Teresa will fight this one all the way. :hug: :hug:
Sue x
i hope that one of the robs will tell that surgery that when their mother rings for an appointment. its because she needs one very badly and no way should she be refused again!
Morning treasure. Snoozles to you from me and Paddy;)
JO Ripley says if you have Nurse Hisspits again, let him know and he will come and bash her up for you :hug:
You fiesty little thing you!! :evillaugh: Must have picked up something form all those ferals , but good for you and hope you are now getting the care you need and deserve! :hug:
On a positive note its bought back your fighting spirit so you go girl !! :hug: xx
During time I have been here not seen by chest physician
Very good point Teresa - I confess I've done exactly that - not thought it appropriate to bother you with messages and stuff and thinking you must be sick of the sound of us wittering on. Sorry. :hug: :Luv:
Very good point Teresa - I confess I've done exactly that - not thought it appropriate to bother you with messages and stuff and thinking you must be sick of the sound of us wittering on. Sorry. :hug: :Luv:
Me too :hug:
modified to say just realised I cannot access emails from hospital :rofl:
Thought I must have B.O. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
modified to say just realised I cannot access emails from hospital :rofl:
Teresa - just for you. Keep smiling. Cx,7749.0.html
I feel I am being invaded by some super being, guess I better not start thread asking opinions on this :rofl: :rofl:
Hope you will be home for the weekend T xxMe too. :hug: :hug:x
I think we need beware of rugby dives with an oxygen cylinder, so steel toed boots maybe needed :rofl: :rofl:
They want for you to show them a few moves, eh? :-:
Darn!! Maybe we needs a big tank to proper bust yous out!
Darn!! Maybe we needs a big tank to proper bust yous out!
Something like this would do it :evillaugh:
Im confused now. You've been put in a gynae ward because theres no beds in the ward you need but your consultant wont visit because its not his ward???? How crazy is that
I do hope you get seen by the correct person very soon and if not then an escape attempt again may get you the right treatment.
I hope you can get home soon
:hug: :hug: :hug:
After requesting to discharge myself and a lot of help from Mary the lovely ward manager on the gyny ward I was transferred at midnight to Ward 2 Respitory and not only that I have my own side room :cheer: more to the point I will now see my own consultant.
I'm not much of an atheist Teresa as 1st thing outta my mouth was thank god! So pleased :hug:
After requesting to discharge myself and a lot of help from Mary the lovely ward manager on the gyny ward I was transferred at midnight to Ward 2 Respitory and not only that I have my own side room :cheer: more to the point I will now see my own consultant.[/color]
People called Mary are really nice aren't they Teresa? :naughty: :rofl: :Luv2: :hug:
Mary and Bonnie xx
People called Mary are really nice aren't they Teresa? :naughty: :rofl: :Luv2: :hug:
Mary and Bonnie xx
Didnt I tell you my second name is Mary
Sorry not posted had rough couple of days but I have finally escaped the madhouse they call a hospital, arrivred home half hour ago so will post more later.[/color]
Mary my confirmation name is Magdalen.
I swear I will stay at home and die before I go in hospital again.
Please take care and keep well - no running before you can walk. That means you do not go to the supermarket, you just sit at home and make sure you are nice and warm with your jelly babies and other sweeties. :hug: :hug:
Mary and Bonnie xx
I have just had a phonecall from my GP regards my drug that they wouldnt prescribe, he has now obtained authorisation for this drug and written me out a prescription.
I am astounded by the cost of this drug
£1200 per day the world has gone mad.
I have just had a phonecall from my GP regards my drug that they wouldnt prescribe, he has now obtained authorisation for this drug and written me out a prescription.
I am astounded by the cost of this drug
£1200 per day the world has gone mad.
Well, as a taxpayer can I just record that I view this as a most worthwhile investment. :hug: Now let's see some results, ma'am :Luv:
when doctor told me I told him I wasnt worth it so not to bother,
Think of all the MPs duck houses we've all paid for over the decades. Looking at my taxes since I left school Donald and Daffy should be tucked up in Duckingham Palace... I vote my future taxes get invested in something worthwhile like Aunty Teresa's tablets. :naughty:
Well, my friend, I have no hesitation in saying you are worth every single penny of it. :hug:[/color]
If anyone deserves it T its you, and don't you forget it :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope you get the new drugs soon and they kick in quickly.
Defo no going out though, jelly babies and warm indoors is what you need xxx
I am afraid the cost of this has really annoyed me and I wish I could get the prescription back and tear it up, OH collected it and left it with chemist so I had no choice. While people are stupid enough to pay huge prices costs will rise, but £1200 per day no way, I will use this lot as have no choice but will not get repeat when due.
but I'm a fighter and believe it or not still a non smoker :rofl:.
but I'm a fighter and believe it or not still a non smoker :rofl:.
No truer words spoken, Teresa. There's an awful lot of kittens and cats that are testament to that. :hug: :hug: I'm sorry to hear that you were told that; but doctors can quite definitely be wrong.... :care:
Its taken a lot of courage to write what you have and it shows how special you are. May you have as much time as you can with us on Purrs :hug: :hug: :hug:
Its taken a lot of courage to write what you have
Its taken a lot of courage to write what you have
Yes, I agree.
Take the treatment you are offered: if it does not cure you it will alleviate your symptoms.
And take each day at a time. We none of us know our future span and any one of us could be gone tomorrow :hug: That's what makes life so precious. Look after yourself.
An oh hey - Orson d'Wells clappin - he clappin me? ;D :shify:
Where'd you get that clip, Christine. I fair fell into a trance looking at that. :Crazy: :Crazy: :evillaugh:
Glad your mood is starting to lift :hug: Any sign of Postman Pat yet :shify:
Glad your mood is starting to lift :hug: Any sign of Postman Pat yet :shify:
Not yet Helen but we have lots of black and white cats :rofl:
Glad your mood is starting to lift :hug: Any sign of Postman Pat yet :shify:
Not yet Helen but we have lots of black and white cats :rofl:
Glad your mood is starting to lift :hug: Any sign of Postman Pat yet :shify:
Not yet Helen but we have lots of black and white cats :rofl:
Maybe he gave it to a courier pigeon :-:
This is rubbish as I posted some things yesterday which got there today (apart from the one to my sis in Oz :evillaugh:). Am starting to think it's been seized by customs/Police as I did write on the back 'please could this be taken into Teresa when you next visit her' so maybe they thought 'visit' was in relation to Prison and it was a large package of drugs :evillaugh:
I think we'll have to rename you Houdini - first the hospital escape bid and now you're escaping from your own home :naughty: I'm glad at least one of your charges had a welcome for you and you sound to have enjoyed it :hug:
Party??? What did I miss??? :shify: I'm not a member of the CC forum so I guess that rules me out. :tired:
I've got a few sacks of Purina One going spare if it helps, Christine? We had a nasty, stuck up guest for Chrimbo and we HATED her. :sick: Two seconds in the door and she started with her wheatgrass smoothies and Civit coffee demands!
Well Paddys singing has inspired me to think positive and put me in a party mood, so Claire and I have just booked our hotel room for the Catchat party on 22 May and as my birthday is 23rd May we will have a quiick nosey at Buck palace on way home :rofl: Claire says I must now start searching for a size 4 dress, she said I cant wear my funeral one :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
will also have to arrange oxygen supply in London,this is madness but so exciting and yet a goal to aim for.
Have a look at this dress, it is a size 4 and lovely.
Christine food suggestions Big chunks of Bread and Dripping please :evillaugh:
I'll lay on some black pudding as well for those of you from north of Selfridges ;)
:wow: I love dippy bread! Pure cholesterol, but oh boy, yum!!
ah right, not heard of that but a regular I was brought up on and loved was dripping (the meat juices and fat left to set) then spread on bread with salt - the bottom brown bits were lovely :) usually was for a Sunday tea or weekday breakfast my dad still has it and I have occasionally.
Thats the best part of the joint
Thats the best part of the joint
We're discussing cannabis now? :Crazy:
:evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh:
Turn my back for 2 minutes and the lot of yous turned into cholesterol crazed junkies. :faint:
... I have been struggling to do an online shop at Tesco and cant even manage to order the cheese, I have now given up...
I now have visions of you drag racing on rollers towing oxygen bottle in a supermarket trolley fitted with racing slicks. :evillaugh:
Sounds like you need emergency facilities down stairs ;)
I don't trust Tescos delivery down here as they've made too many mistakes in the past. :tired: Last time I ordered all our usual things and only half arrived. Plus we got someone else's Pampers Junior, hamster bedding and four tins of Kosher pea soup. :shify: I didn't realise there's such a thing as a Kosher pea. :shocked:
Funny you should mention a yearning for scrambled egg on toast... for the last few weeks I've been hankering after Spaghetti letters with a sprinkling of Parmesan but keep forgetting to buy them. :(
I now have visions of you drag racing on rollers towing oxygen bottle in a supermarket trolley fitted with racing slicks. :evillaugh:
Thats quite a good idea :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Do you realise I laughed so much I had to mountaineer the stairs to go to the loo :rofl:
I used to have Tescos always but got fed up with poor dates
I used to have Tescos always but got fed up with poor dates
Is that dates (fruit), dates (calendar) or dates (illicit liaisons)? :shify:
Have so far managed to demolish 2 crispy creme doughnuts and am now eyeing up the dolly mixtures :rofl:
Gosh, you're a strict task master, Christine. ;) :hug:
I would rather hear that you were eating porridge or eggs :no no: :no no:
Golden syrup is better. Yummy!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Status report when you get a moment please, Teresa :hug: :hug: :hug:
[Still alive, but not as cheerful as I pretend to be and not as brave either.
[Still alive, but not as cheerful as I pretend to be and not as brave either.
I'll settle for the alive, and treat the bravery and cheerfulness as an occasional bonus :hug:
Still alive, but not as cheerful as I pretend to be and not as brave either.
:shify: Wuz Aunty T's Brave-furry iss lejundury on Purrs yer noes. Dunt lets 'er tells us ennee diffrunt. :shify:
Paddy xx
I guess I am this badly disabled because I need to learn humility.
I finks dat she watches too much "Dr Roof." :innocent: :shify:
as for hanging and sex acts, best leave that sort of thing to Tory politicians ;)
as for hanging and sex acts, best leave that sort of thing to Tory politicians ;)
:hug: :hug: :hug: Definately swap the evil fruit and nut to dairy milk! Why on earth would you taint chocolate which such things! ;)
Sabrina - did you really.........? :evillaugh: :hug:
These are false bottom teeth if I have swallowed them how on earth are they going to come out naturally, I mean think about it human entrances are much bigger than exits.
hmmm - some men wouldn't find something which shouldn't be there if it got up and bit them ;)
you went to tesco on a friday lunchtime in half term - you deserve a prize!!
T are they honestly small enough to swallow without choking?
Claire I know I havent been sleep walking because oxygen tubing in bedroom is only 3 feet long.
I keep thinking that if I had swallowed them I would be in agony size wise this is best pic I can do
:( :(
:( :(
:( :(
:( :(
:(==== :(
yet another reminder of age related issues (those last 3 words are a polite description so Christine doesnt get cross with me) :rofl:.
yet another reminder of age related issues (those last 3 words are a polite description so Christine doesnt get cross with me) :rofl:.
This is an exhortation not to call you a batty old dafty, right? ;) :sneaky: :Luv:
I am so relieved to be amongst your friends :hug:yet another reminder of age related issues (those last 3 words are a polite description so Christine doesnt get cross with me) :rofl:.This is an exhortation not to call you a batty old dafty, right? ;) :sneaky: :Luv:
Hope your weather is better than ours and a ray of sunshine pops itself out for you :hug: :hug:
I'll donate a couple of lbs your way T hun, I'm afraid to say I have a few to spare ;)
I'll donate a couple of lbs your way T hun, I'm afraid to say I have a few to spare ;)
All pounds gratefully received, its taken from Oct till now to gain exactly 1stone, weight so hard to gain when needed but so difficult for some to lose.
:shify: Aunty Teresa, if'n I'se Nappowleeun, den yoo is Winstun ;D :shify:
Paddy xx
(Sorry Teresa - cheeky puds, eh? Think he means One-stone..... :innocent: )
You are doing very well weight wise especially as you have been out and about more ;D
I like the sound of medicinal doughnuts :wow:
Medicinal Doughnuts never again, o my have I been sick mind you I had 3 and then was forced to eat a custard slice :rofl:
Christine I did eat Beef Bourginon for dinner. I love macaroni cheese so maybe
Teresa's House of Tiny Tearaways!! :-: Urban Guerillas and Furry Terrorists!! I still suspect them over the teef, meself like... :shify:
Omg norty Olly :hairrasin:
this going to the loo lark sounds dangerous! :Crazy:
T I hope you get up to no good today. :naughty: lots of love from one reprobate to another :hug:
T I hope you get up to no good today. :naughty: lots of love from one reprobate to another :hug:
Ruth I have just been out on my own first time too , well sort of, got youngest son to drop me there and he came and picked me up an hour later
This reprobate has been to church, hope you find something equally as wonderful to fill your day :hug:
Little Garcia (now Akamaru) I witnessed first hand how Teresa reared him from an ickle sick baby. He still holds my heart in his norty paw :)
Olly sound great burt norty ;D
Maybe you need to get some pipe insulation to put round the oxygen leads :shify:
Olly sound great burt norty ;D
Maybe you need to get some pipe insulation to put round the oxygen leads :shify:
Not possible tubing goes all round house and moves with me :rofl:
Olly was good last night he decided to leave oxygen alone and enjoy bedtime cuddles instead, funny how Paws Inn manages to turn out the best behaved cats I mean just look at Akarmaroo and Ripley now soo angelic :rofl:
Akamaru looks angelic, when he isn't nibbling your hands! :rofl: Otherwise he is a perfect gentleman cat, just like Tachi and Vader are. :Luv2:
funny how Paws Inn manages to turn out the best behaved cats I mean just look at Akarmaroo and Ripley now soo angelic :rofl:
Aunty T... Pippa has to agree with you. She's not naughty at all.... :naughty:
Olly not attempted murder in last couple of days :rofl:
Oliver Crippen is an unusual name for a cat, I'll grant you that...... :shify: :evillaugh:
when there's human wee everywhere it's still the bl**dy cat's fault!
Omg Teresa I'm so glad it's not just me with a murderous cat... chewing on my feeding tube is a favourite and I've had to devise a sneaky route to protect the catheter after someone managed to put a big enough hole in the bag to cause a minor flood - even when there's human wee everywhere it's still the bl**dy cat's fault!
... and buried underneath it fast asleep was OLLY :rofl: guess what else is kept under my pillows when not in use,my oxygen canular :rofl: