Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat General => Cat related Petitions => Topic started by: moira on August 03, 2009, 16:17:22 PM
Cross posted from Catchat
Signed! ;)
Thanks Bazsmum
Me too. ;)
Many thanks Jack Spratt and hOrZa
Many thanks Papillon and Bonnilass
Signed. xx
i never knew they sold kittens in pet shops this is dreadful >:(
To be honest, neither did I until Sue and the Catchaters raised the issue and started drafting a petition.
I know a couple of places in London, puppies as well
Signed! - bot very many so far :( - they will only listen if there are millions.
Signed :(
thanks all who have signed so far. The number is creeping up, 218 at the moment. I shall be e-mailing all the vets this week and hopefully that will generate some more support.
Off to sign now
Signed, Cross Posted to my forum and Sent out to everyone on my The-Kats-Whiskers Fanpage on Facebook. ;D
Great stuff Shelly and thanks again all. I see the number of names has now risen to 242.
Many thanks, Rlcolville. The number is up to 250 now.
Only too happy to sign and hope more support you.
Haven't checked this morning yet, but last night we'd reached the 500 mark!!!!!! Keep em coming!
569 !!
Absolutely and totally signed. Last year I found a little basket full of kittens, clearly less that 8 weeks old, in a cage, in a local independent pet shop. I also found guinea pigs and rabbits in the same cage - they often don't get on and end up injuring each other. I felt sick for ages after that. I know, I could or should have said something - but i just knew I'd get nowhere with the type of guy the owner was, from overhearing him talking to another customer. The thought of it still makes me very angry.
Thank you so much Henrietta, and Weesilvie what an upsetting story. I would've felt sick too!
I went to my local market last week and on one of the stalls selling nothing to do with animals, was a notice saying kitten free to good home-would the owner have even cared where the poor thing would've ended up, the same with pet shop owners.
I really hope this petition works-please ask anyone you know to sign.
Thanks again!
Many thanks to everyone who has signed. Now at 591.
I was horrified when OH had been in town and told me he saw 2 beautiful kittens for sale on view in a pet shop! Looks like they are widening their field! >:( :(
These people are horrible bullies who should be nowhere near animals let alone selling them.
I would also be interested to know more about the training of greyhounds in which they
use cats as bait. Where do they get them from?
Its sickning how easily these monsters can get hold of kittens/cats (and other animals for that matter) through pet shops or free ads.
:'( >:( >:(
Signed, I'd really like to see this happen.
Just bumping this! We've now got 736 signatures but would love to get it to 1000 by the deadline of 3rd November!
Signed and passed on.
:thankyou: Babz x
More than welcome!
Would be great to get up to the 1000 mark! ;D :hug: :hug:
I think a lot of people would sign it if they came across it, it's getting to people isn't it?
It's a similar thing with our ban declawing petition, most people are horrified when they read about it and only too glad to sign but it's getting people to read about it thats the problem.
I've put yours on my 2 groups and will try and think of more places to put it. I hope you get the 1000.
I'd signed your declawing petition! I know what you mean tho about getting people to see it! Sue (the one who set up our petition) and i started putting it on a lot of postings on Catchat but there were complaints from some , so we were told to stop doing that. Such a shame cos there's been so many newbies lately and not everyone looks at the petitons forum, do they?
Good luck with yours!
Our little band of anti declaw troops goes on Yahoo Answers quite a lot as there is always declaw questions popping up on there. Every chance we get we put the petition link at the bottom of our replies and so far have got away with it. Maybe you could somehow give that a try if you could reply to some "I want a kitty" questions. Mind you they don't seem to routinely neuter cats the way we do in the UK, there always seems to be a plethora of kittens available there.
Thanks Babz, i'll have a look at Yahoo
757 signatures now and only 5 days left.........................................
Just signed.When i was travelling through a nearby town yesterday i passed two petshops with signs saying kittens for sale poor babies :(
Thanks for that. Yes, poor babies indeed.
:attention:!! 820!!! and only 2 days left!!!
But do know our local petshop that sells kittens only does so when they are dumped on their doorstep - so its not always black and white!
Thanks Angie. How people can dump kittens (or any animal for that matter) is just heartbreaking.
The deadline has been extended until 3rd July 2010! We found out we were missing out on some signatures because the confimation email wasn't coming from No. 10!!!!
This was the email they sent yesterday:
We are not experiencing any technical issues with this petition or with the website.
I have checked our database and I can see that there are a few people who have registered for this petition, but have yet to confirm there signature. Names will not be added unless the confirmation link in the email is clicked to confirm that they wish their name to be displayed. Signers should check their spam folders, as this is often where the email gets delivered.
You may also wish to note that if there is anyone sharing an email address, they will not be able to register more than once for the same petition. Please refer to the "FAQs" page http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/faq for an explanation on why this is not permitted.
If there is anyone experiencing problems, they should contact us directly from the email address that was used to register, so that we can verify their email address and if need be, manually confirm their signature.
Under data protection and our privacy policy, you can not make this request on their behalf and we are unable to provide details of those who have signed, but may have chosen not to confirmation their signature.
We have updated your petition deadline to 3 July 2010 as requested.
Downing Street Web team
My local petshop sells kittens, I hate seeing them in their chickenwire pen :(
thanks, angel