Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Maddiesmum on July 17, 2009, 18:35:37 PM
I am quite friendly with my local police officer (who loves cats, she has 5) and the support officer. Yesterday tea time they knocked on my door and asked for help. They had something in the police car which they said would upsest me! I went to look and there was this poor emaciated little half grown cat. The support officer said he thought it was dying. They had seen it in the road and it had just missed being hit by a car. It's little bones were poking out, its eyes runny and it looked so weak and sad. I went in to get some cat food and it flew across the seat and devoured it with relish. Anyway obviously I couldn't take it in because of Charlie and his hyperesthesia. They had phoned the RSPCA who didn't want to know as they said "the police have it". So we knocked on good old neighbour Nigel's door to see if he could keep it overnight with a view to getting it into the local rescue the next day. Guess what? I think you will. Nigel is keeping it (making his lot now 7), It ate two and a half more tins of food (only small tins I hasten to add) and some roast chicken and whilst not wishing to over stretch it's little tummy, we wanted to see it satisfied. It was absolutely soaking wet and you can feel every bone in it's body. It's only young, prob about 6 months or something and must have been starving for ages. Anyway after it had its enormous supper it settled purring on Nigel's sofa whilst his other 6 looked on in disgust. He has bathed its eyes and is going to take it over to the vet but wanted to give it a chance to settle a little first. Happy ending methinks:)
Aww, Nigel sounds like a lovely person, definitely a happy ending. ;D
What a lovely ending to something that could have been a tragedy ;D
Cats seem to gravitate to those who care .....
Many hugs for helping :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :)
Great to hear a nice story - there have been so many sad ones lately :Luv2:
Well done to Nigel :hug: (and you :hug: )
Ahhh how lovely ... well done the police people and Nigel for helping this little soul. Needles to sy once agin it's a >:( >:( >:( to the RSPCA.
What a lovely story, well done Nigel and Maddiesmum xxx
Aww i am so glad its a happy ending for this little one, thanks to the officer for caring enough to come to you . Big :hug: :hug: to you and your neighbour. x
Lots of good wishes for it to grow big and strong and great work you an Nigel and the Police :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Same as that, and I hope Karma finds whoever let this kitty into such a state.
Same as that, and I hope Karma finds whoever let this kitty into such a state.
Poor little kitty, hope hes okay and give your neighbour and yourself a great big hug for caring enough to help :hug: Once again the RSPCA has shown itself up for what it is :censored:
Hope little baby cat is very happy in new home :Luv:
Poor baby cat :'( hope he thrives and gets better every day and has a long and happy life.
What a star you and your neighbour are - my thoughts on people that let cats suffer like this are unrepeatable and as i always say - they should have their hands chopped off and they couldn;t do it again. :censored: :censored: :censored:
Poor baby but well done on your friend for taking him in ;D Hope he thrives in his wonderful new home ;D
Poor little cat, but what a lovely ending
LOl Not sure I did it right but the pix should be on the first post I made on this thread:)
Yes they are there C! ;)
I bet this baby is gonna have a magnificant coat when they are sorted! :Luv2:
aww bless him. at least he is safe now thanks to you. x
Oh my goodness, you werent wrong about him being emaciated, but safe and sound now :Luv2:
Sadly this poor baby had to be pts this morning. It seemed to be improving, gaining strength, washing itself, purring and exploring the house and we were all thrilled. This morning when Nigel got up he found it collapsed on the floor, twitching, limp and frothing at the mouth. He rushed it to the vet who sadly decided to pts. Life can be such a b**** this poor mite had suffered who knows what and, having found the chance of happiness and a new life, ended up being pts. We are absolutely gutted. RIP sweetheart safe at Rainbow Bridge with all of our other pet babies. You deserved so much better than the cruel life you suffered and may you truly be happy forever now.
:'( That's so sad, very sorry MM :hug:
RIP little one xx
how sad, poor little babe
NOOO, that is so cruel, it does make you wonder sometimes about what this is all about, why take the cat now when it finally had a chance to be happy.
RIP Baby Cat, play hard on the bridge, no more pain now :hug:
I do sometimes wonder (because it seems to happen so often) are these cats that have lived on their wits for so long that it is only when they become ill and slow that people see them? just a thought
How very, very sad :(
It does seem to happen, doesnt it that a cat is rescued like this, settles in and then ..... :'(
We have to remember that this little one went with people who cared around. Imagine being all on your own, hungry and afraid and ill.... We all hoped for a happy ending and in a way, it is - better than finding the poor little scrap dead somewhere and thinking "If only I could have helped...." You DID help :)
Thank you for caring, thank you for helping :hug: :hug: :hug:
RIP Little cat - lots of friends waiting at the Bridge to welcome you
Poor little mite, thats so sad
RIP little one, play hard at the bridge
Poor baby :'(
Thanks for trying :hug:
Oh no the poor baby :(
RIP lovely one
Unfortunately there aren't more people like yourself MM and the others who helped this poor little one :'(
Poor thing. Well done to you and Nigel for trying.
RIP, little one.
I'm so sorry, RIP little one, play hard on the Bridge xx
Bless you both for trying, unfortunately it wasn't meant to be, but you both gave every opportunity for this little one to pull through and enjoy a loving home environment, for I'm sure s/he is completely grateful :hug: :hug:
Aw that is so sad....Thanks for trying though MM! :Luv: :hug: :hug:
RIP baby cat x
So sorry you lost this little one.
At very least he knew happiness for a few days.
RIP Sweetheart.
OH noooo The poor liitle thing, bless & rest in peace little one xx :(
This is so sad :(
Another one at the Bridge - my goodness there is a bad patch going on at the moment!
Oh no Chrissie, so sad :hug: :hug:
RIP baby. :'( :'(
Nigel has been back to the vet today and the vet said the cat was between 16 and 18 (not a baby!) and had probably had kidney failure. He didn't charge anything for the pts. RIP little girl :'(
Big hugs to both you and Nigel for giving this little one a chance :hug: its just so sad that the outcome is so sad :( R.I.P. Little one safe from harm forever :Luv:
for the little girl to have lived to 16 years, she must once upon a time lived in a good home, maybe she went missing and her family could not find her. hopefully she will take to the bridge good memories of her earlier years. so sad her life ended this way.
Sorry to hear this ad news, but at least she knew kindness from you and your friends. :'(
So very sad and another one gone to join Kockas party on the Bridge tonight, RIP little girl, play had on the Bridge
:'( :'( :'(
Poor kiiten
Run free little one
:'( sending love and hugs over hun. :hug:
Sleep well little one :RIP: :Luv: :hug:
Such sad news for this little one :( :'(
:RIP: little baby cat.
:hug: :hug: to you both for helping this little soul.
She now has a name , so RIP Ms Molly Elsie