Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: toothfairy on May 19, 2009, 13:23:01 PM
does anyone else have their cats in the bedroom? if no one else does please don't judge me.
i was just wondering what others let theirs do
We have always let our cats in the bedroom, our first two Penny and Squeaky just slept at our feet, after they'd chased round for 10mins then Squeaky divebombing from the top of the wardrobe onto the bed and Penny chasing her tail . The next 2 oldies we adopted Smokey and Timmy just never came in and slept in their beds - but could have nor did Schui. he slept on the sofa, in fact he rarely budged from the sofa :evillaugh: :Luv2: Byron has only been in a few times because you don't get any sleep with her she's walking round your head all night :naughty: she's doesn't seemed bothered though she just sleeps on the sofa as always.
Our bedroom door (well actually all of the internal doors) is left open but only Skye comes into the bedroom ever night. She sleeps either by my side or on my pillow. Summer generally sleeps on the sofa from my recently vacated spot - after we've put her blanket there for her. Smartie has claimed the huge dog cushion that we had donated recently as hers so that is where you will find her most nights.
When we first picked up the girls, OH said they weren't going to be allowed in the bedroom at night. I was secretly pleased when we shut the bedroom door on the first night and they wailed and dug up the carpet until we opened it. When I lived at home our cats always had full access anywhere and I didn't want anything to change with the girls.
Chilli almost always sleeps on the end on the bed, where my feet would be if I didn't sleep curled up. Amber is a moveable feast, either sleeping at the end of the bed, somewhere near the middle, under the bed or on top of the wardrobe. Of course at the slightest movement from either of us, they assume its breakfast time, even if it is 4am and still dark. And that point we get walked all over and licked/nibbled!
Milo always sleeps on the bed, usually on my feet, when its cold though he gets under the duvet and lays between Hubby and I ;D I always worry about squashing him.
Jess sleeps on the bed too, but also sleeps in his shoe box in the lounge, on the sofa, on the ottoman and also in the washing basket.
In Winter Max is usually up on the bed, but as it gets warmer, he often sleeps in the lounge. When its really cold he snuggles up under the duvet with me sometimes :Luv:
He has full access to the house so comes and goes as he likes really, which normally involves jumping on my head about 5.30 am :tired: We have a bit of a cuddle though, then he goes back downstairs again until he hears me get up :)
Tilly sleeps under the bed (she has a big cushion under there) Amber sleeps between mine and oh pillows, Oscar sleeps in the spare room on the bed and Star sleeps in the conservatory
I couldnt imagine going to bed without the cats LOL! Luckily I don't get all 11 on there at once, cos even though its double bed - there really wouldnt be room for them all (and me as well!) I'd just got out of bed in this pic, and look how quickly one of them had slipped into the warm spot :evillaugh:
Mine (3 Persians and 2 moglets) sleep on our bed and occasionally in it!! :Luv:
Nala sleeps with my youngest son when she has a chance, more often than not under the duvet with her head on his pillow.
Posted this before - and its not the best of piccies - but this is where Mr T sleeps :Luv2: :briggin:
Ginny sleeps under the covers :shy: :evillaugh: Penguin sleeps on my feet or on the little cushions i keep next to my pillow 'specially for them. :Luv2: I like having the company, and the purring really helps send me to sleep. :Luv:
On my bed
On the spare bed
On the settee
On the rug in the living room
On the rug in my bedroom
In my knicker drawer
These are the places I know about :naughty: :Luv2:
For a minute Maryas I thought the tiger was your pet :rofl: :rofl:
Pretty much where ever they want! We have 14 cat beds between four of them, but that doesn't necessarily guarantee we won't be ambushed during the night if they decide they want the biggest bed for a while! ;)
mine have the run of the house and sleep wherever they please :evillaugh:. out of 13 there are usually 5 on the bed with the 2 dogs. there are usually a couple on the landing and a couple in the kitchen as well as a couple on/in the wardrobe, one on the computer chair (either Lupus or Merlin,whoever gets there first. jimmy always sleeps on top of the bedroom TV. the only room they are shut out of is the kids room, mainly because it's such a complete :censored: hole in there that i'd never find them if they did get in :evillaugh:
strangely none of them ever sleep in the living room
Wherever they blooming please :evillaugh:
Harry and big Oliver come to bed every night for a love- Harry even gets under the covers with me, which I love :Luv2:
The rest sleep in the living room and about the house. Ted has recently claimed my kids top bunk :evillaugh:
When my daughter was a baby Harry and Lyla would sleep in the cot with her, so I cant judge anyone :hug:
4 Sleep in the living room, 1 in the hall, 1 in boys bedroom....and 7 in our bedroom...Things definitely go bump in the night in our house! :innocent:
[quote author=Leanne link=topic=24962.msg437064#msg437064 date=1242745709]
For a minute Maryas I thought the tiger was your pet :rofl: :rofl:
Don't be silly :naughty: :rofl: - this is my pet........ PANDA
Never mind the toys as I reckon you must have the animal in you Mary...Just look at them mirrors! :evillaugh: :naughty: :rofl:
Behave :rofl:
I saw the idea on Colin and Justin to make the room look bigger and I don't like headboards and thought I'd give it a go - Bonnie loves looking at herself :Luv2: :rofl:
Have you thought about this for the ceiling, Mary ? :evillaugh:
Have you thought about this for the ceiling, Mary ? :evillaugh:
:rofl: :rofl:
Jaffa sleeps on the bed beside me. Usually he settles down on his bottle straight away, other times he wanders all over the bed purring and demanding attention before he will settle down. But he always settles in the end on his hot water bottle beside me. That's him for the night, although if it's cold he will move a few feet down the bed to the heat pad once his bottle has gone cold.
Mosi sleep night are not 3 words usually put in the same sentence. But when he does finally tire himself out, he has various places. Often he will sleep on my legs (opp side of me to Jaffa) but he has recently been sleeping on top of a bag and cardigan I have left out on the dressing table (haven't the heart to pick them up now that there is an indented cat shape on them). Other times he will sleep out in the living room on the sofa or his cat tree.
They both have the freedom to sleep where they like but if they wake me up at 5am, they are both immediately shut in the living room so that I can try to drift back to sleep before I am fully awake.
Nina sleeps on the corner of the bed by my feet, Gibson on 'his' couch in the bedroom and Kiki enjoys the peace and quiet downstairs on the hotly contested ikea poang chair :evillaugh:
Nina sleeps on the corner of the bed by my feet, Gibson on 'his' couch in the bedroom and Kiki enjoys the peace and quiet downstairs on the hotly contested ikea poang chair :evillaugh:
Where will the new baby kitten be sleeping Ems? :naughty:
Nina sleeps on the corner of the bed by my feet, Gibson on 'his' couch in the bedroom and Kiki enjoys the peace and quiet downstairs on the hotly contested ikea poang chair :evillaugh:
Where will the new baby kitten be sleeping Ems? :naughty:
:innocent: :Dont know: ;)
If you look in our Avatar photo there are 13 cats on our bed - this is the night time bed we add 2 adults to!
Ours sleep in our bedroom, some in the lounge with the 3 dogs, some in the conservatory, some in the family room, some in the study and some in the cat room - as there are currently 41 they spread out a bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
Where they like ! :evillaugh: . Most of them somewhere in my bedroom .
They usually start off with Winston on his scratching post/bed , FiFi in the smallest heated bed (biggest cat out of them all now too !!!)Sophie on my bed , Bungly on my pillow with me , Smartie in his heated bed .
If i have the alarm set and it goes off -if he isn''t already with me , Smartie runs in, jumps on the bed and pushes his nose onto my nose and purrs , so we have cuddles then ( often he is on my pillow with his bum resting on my shoulder anyway ).
In the night i often get Winston on the pillow purring for about 15 mins- they all seem to swap round through the night - i get a visit from all of them on the bed at some point.
FiFi is often on the bottom of the bed when i wake up and the minute i get up ,she gets in where i have been laying .
Snuggs sleeps with me in bed, Scamps joins us for a while then goes under the bed,Kali sleeps downstairs on the table,Eddie on his little couch, Barney Rubble wherever takes his fancy,,Cheeks sleeps downstairs with the dogs in their bed Henry on top of the tv,George on the 2nd stair down and last but by no means least little Alfie sleeps on Wizzy,s little bed but sometimes comes on the bed with me and Snuggs
My two live in my bedroom (door is never shut) - they generally sleep on my bed, although I did wake up to Zia sleeping on the computer chair this morning. The spare pillow has a blanket on it for Molly, but this week she has taken to sleeping above my head - she loves to sleep under the covers too. The two long term fosters sleep downstairs, not quite sure where, I think Sam sleeps on either the windowsill (which has a blanket on for him) or the sofa, and I think Kiz sleeps on the stairs - those two can sleep where they like, but Sam rarely comes upstairs.
Where ever they want really.
Jimjam often spends part of the night on the bed, usually on top of OH. :evillaugh: Both he and Boo can be found in our teens room, on the Ikea chairs ( we have 2 cats and 2 Poangs = 2 happy cats) or on the warm patch on the sofa ( usually where I have just got up) or the warm spots on the landing where the waterpipes from boiler to tank run.
Or occasionally in the dirty washing basket :innocent:, under the wardrobe, hidding under the dresser, or anywhere else guarenteed to panic us when they have been MIA for a whole day. :doh:
Charley and Garfield have always slept on our bed, Gardfield prefers to get under the duvet when it's colder. Basil likes the bed but not when hoomans are in it as he can't get streched out properly so makes for the dirty washing basket. Baxter needs something to cuddle so will make a beeline for one of the bigger cats to snuggle into, although (shock horror) he has recently started snuggling into my legs when he thinks I'm not watching.
[quote author=Leanne link=topic=24962.msg437064#msg437064 date=1242745709]
For a minute Maryas I thought the tiger was your pet :rofl: :rofl:
Don't be silly :naughty: :rofl: - this is my pet........ PANDA
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
9 times out of 10 they're all in with me. Meeko always sleeps on my pillow, has done since he was a kitten, strange cos my Jasmine, his mammy, always slept there too. Daisy likes to be closed and cuddles into my chest. Belle and Tigger always lay at the bottom of the bed. Sometimes they sleep in my kids' beds but mostly mine.
well the boys can never decide where to settle-never stay in one place which can be quite annoying when they are walking on your head at 3am! :shocked:
they both start off on the sofa-the 3 of us cuddle up whilst watching tv then i go off to bed and they stay there for about 10 mins normally then they wonder upstairs, Tepe curls up at the end of the air bed (we haven't bought a bed yet) sometimes actually on my feet which means i have to get comfy pretty quick because once he is on my feet i am pinned and i would hate to make him get off. Floss normally makes a be-line for the bedroom window sil they both stay put for a few hours then the have a mad 5 mins and i am usually used as a spring board whilst they chase each other- if it last more than about 10 mins they get shut out of the bedroom :'(
once they have that out of their system floss gets on the end of the bed or in the sink of the en suite (i have pics to post) and tepe either under the covers by my feet or up by my tummy. a few hours later they have another swap and floss is on a box of books i have still yet to unpack and tepe is on my back(i sleep on my front) when my snooze goes off floss darts down stairs but not before walking on my head and nudging me with his wet nose, tepe however wriggles up my back and has his head on my shoulder staring at me in the face whilst stroking my face with his paw (it's very cute) :Luv:
they both purr so loudly it sometimes wakes me, but they make me feel very secure when OH is not around monday to friday but when he is home they don't like him in the bed with me if he tries to stroke or cuddle them they get under the covers as far away as possible from him :rofl: the funny thing is is that they are the complete opposite the rest of the time.
Lirael sleeps in my arms.
Smoke sleeps on top of my legs.
Penguin sleeps on my pillow
Gizmo sleeps at my feet.
And somehow my poor husband sleeps on the edge of his side of the bed to accomidate all of us!
this is the main reason i'm not allowed any more cats, he wouldn't fit in the bed any more.
Lirael sleeps in my arms.
Smoke sleeps on top of my legs.
Penguin sleeps on my pillow
Gizmo sleeps at my feet.
And somehow my poor husband sleeps on the edge of his side of the bed to accomidate all of us!
this is the main reason i'm not allowed any more cats, he wouldn't fit in the bed any more.
We got a SUper Kingsize bed to accomodate more cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the main reason i'm not allowed any more cats, he wouldn't fit in the bed any more
this is the main reason i dont have a boyfriend, there just isnt room :evillaugh:
just a couple of pics of he kind of places they find comfy!
OMG they are just fantastic. :Luv2: :Luv2:
I banned mine from the bedroom when my Burmese Python got to 17 & 1/2 ft long and started looking at the cats on the bed. Cassie likes her igloo bed and Trouble likes the donut one. They are in the hall above the hot water pipes. :)
I banned mine from the bedroom when my Burmese Python got to 17 & 1/2 ft long and started looking at the cats on the bed. Cassie likes her igloo bed and Trouble likes the donut one. They are in the hall above the hot water pipes. :)
17 & 1/2 foot python !, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night :faint:
I banned mine from the bedroom when my Burmese Python got to 17 & 1/2 ft long and started looking at the cats on the bed. Cassie likes her igloo bed and Trouble likes the donut one. They are in the hall above the hot water pipes. :)
17 & 1/2 foot python !, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night :faint:
Me either!!!
this is the main reason i'm not allowed any more cats, he wouldn't fit in the bed any more
this is the main reason i dont have a boyfriend, there just isnt room :evillaugh:
I keep threatening to convert the garage so my husband can go live there.
Sadly a king size bed won't fit in our bedroom so that's not an option!
Yep my two sleep in the bedroom as well...more often than not Geoffrey gets into (yes, into) bed with us and snuggles down between us purring loudly (most people would be horrified I'm sure :rofl:) Milly usually sleeps on the cat duvet on the sideboard or on the windowsill, but she sometimes sleeps on the bed if it's particularly cold or if she's in the right mood :Luv2:
It's terribly disruptive to sleep but I wouldn't have it any other way :Luv:
i woke up (i was sleeping on my back) to Tepe asleep on my chest and chin right in the nook of my neck, it was his whiskers tickling me that woke me, he then noticed i was awake and got under the covers right down to my feet then wriggled back up again and slept right in my arm pit with one paw on my shoulder, it's strange because that is how OH and i sleep when he is in bed....me thinks Tepe thinks he is Hooman :shocked: :rofl:
I originally tried to keep Memphis out of my room as I haaaaaate sleeping with the door open. Anyway, he won and I lost [and I still hate having the door open :shocked:].
He basically starts off on me, then moves to the bottom of the bed - which is a dangerous place to be :-: when he gets fed up with me kicking him he moves to the floor and sleeps on my dressing gown which I leave out for him. At some point in the night he moves back onto the bed.
The trouble with him is he likes to sleep as close to me as possible, especially in the nook created behind my knees when I curl up .. but I'm a very deep yet fidgety sleeper so he probably doesn't get much sleep :evillaugh:
During the day my two alternate between the Argos chaise long (sp) bed, the squashy heart shaped bed which is on top of an old printer box, my bed or the sofa/chair etc. You quite often find both of them squashed in one bed! At night they usually come upstairs to see me into bed then go downstairs for a while. However I invariably wake up around 1 in the morning with Dylan draped along my side (can't be comfy but hey) and Hobbes snuggled in to my legs. I have a single bed with a double quilt and I still end off with no quilt :rofl: In the winter Dylan sleeps on the warm spot on the floor at the bottom of the bed where the pipes for the central heating are then he comes on to the bed when the heating goes off. Hobbes sometimes comes under the covers but he always has to be touching me wherever he lies. When I got my first cat I was adamant that she wasn't coming upstairs as my dog had always slept downstairs - that lasted precisely one night, I don't even try now I just let them go where they want :rofl:
OK here goes, finally having to admit to crazy cat lady status :innocent:. Since arrival of new 3 on 31 Jan, me and OH have spent perhaps 2 full nights together. Generally he sleeps in main bedroom and fab king size bed with Freddie, Billy and Noni and I'm in back bedroom in knackered old double bed with the youngsters...Dinah and the kittens, Millie and Ruby. On occasion we swap :tired:
The older ones have 24/7 outdoor access so the younger ones have to be holed up. I tried to keep catflap shut the other night and Freddie pee'd into electric double socket right by me and blew one of main electrical circuits; costing us £50 in electrician call out.
Suggestions very welcome for other arrangements :(