Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Wibblechick on May 14, 2009, 12:18:25 PM
10. You'll save £££ on their Halloween costumes.
9. You can always find them in the snow.
8. Holding a black cat is very slimming.
7. Black cats will match any decor.
6. A lint brush isn't required for a black-tie affair.
5. When you love a black cat, luck is on your side.
4. Black cats are like onyx, a beautiful gem.
3. Hey, they don't care what colour you are!
2. Love knows no colour.
And the number one reason to adopt a black cat...
1. They are the least likely to be adopted. :(
I could not agree more! We had a very special eight months with our black kitty, Luna, before she was hit by a car in April. I remember the day we picked her up from the RSPCA centre and the staff telling us that they actually have a waiting list for ginger cats, while at the same time, they have dozens of black cats waiting to be rehomed :(
Im so sorry about Luna :(
Im so sorry about Luna :(
Thank you :Luv:
black cats are fab - I am officially banned from ever having another longhaired white cat though! :shy:
Black cats rule
Well me and Max say so anyway :evillaugh: :Luv2:
Ollie agrees ;D
Dawn which cat is this?
our lovely black cat is no longer with us cc, he was pt in 2005 suffering from cancer - he was a feral my oh found at 3 weeks and handreared! he lived to be 14 his name was bluto
the longhaired white in question is star - her :censored: hair gets everywhere - I've even had people at work asking "is this a star hair" as they pick it off their top!
I dont think I have ever seen any of your cats :shocked:
your mum has posted pics for me!! :-[
And this is the lovely Mr T :Luv2: :Luv: :Luv2:
We only "do" black and black and white in our house I'd never have anything else ;)
I've got to say I don't understand why so many don't want to adopt black animals [the same problem exists in the doggie world too] :( I love the black and B&W's.
Strangely enough I'm not particularly fond of tabby/brown/brindle animals and can't see myself ever owning one. I'd always go for black or B&W instead :scared:
I always go for black and whites too :)
This was my black and white - Mr Gizmo Musli (My daughter named him and couldnt spell Muesli!)
:Luv2: I love random face markings :evillaugh: :Luv2:
So do I - but my daughter, Anne, always wanted to "colour him in" and make him match ....... :innocent: :rofl:
I didn't really even think about it when I chose Kylie at the CP homing centre. I was never really fond of long haired cats anyway but there is something about a sleek, shiny black cat (I have to say Kylie wasn't shiny when I got her and ashamed to say a few weeks on Iams after her being fed go-cat by CP sorted that out - btw I heard about Iams shortly after that and she was changed to Hill's and Technicat
So do I - but my daughter, Anne, always wanted to "colour him in" and make him match ....... :innocent: :rofl:
When Clapton is sniffing around, OH always says he is looking for the other half of his tache :evillaugh:
When Clapton is sniffing around, OH always says he is looking for the other half of his tache :evillaugh:
Brilliant! :evillaugh: :rofl:
And this was Lucky - who Anne - at 3 - would have named "Splodge-face" until I suggested "Lucky" :innocent:
Its my daughter with him in the photo - but she was a bit older then :evillaugh:
WC your Mr Gizmo is the double of Muppet ,the cat that i have been chasing for the last 10 days, :evillaugh:
I wonder if Gizmo has been reincarnated? He was always a little pickle :Luv2: Itd be lovely to think he was back - although Id rather he was being better behaved if he is ..... :rofl:
We seem to attract black cats in this house, and have 3 of them. We also had a black and white puss as well, but I always say we got adopted rather than other way around.
How on earth could could not want this this gorgeous hunk of fluff baffles me.
He's gorgeous!! very like our Squeaky was, most of the cats we've had have been black and I have to say black/b & w have always been my favs.
Oh, that litle face :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
There's two rescues in my house - one black cat, one black dog - must be weird or something ... :scared:
I was talking to Hubby about this thread last night, and we started talking about the cats in our road, there are 3 and they are all black or black and white.
I have 4 black/ black and whites in my house ;D
Here is my Black and White one, named Rosie Growler (DH is a mad Liverpool fan and it was all I could do to stop him calling her Robbie Fowler !)
Only one black in our house at the mo, but we have one black and 2 black and white playing on the rainbow bridge.
LOVE black cats. :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv: :Luv:
What gorgeous cats you all have.
Well I too am not being able to resist the pull of the black cat.....(not the Aussie one!) :evillaugh:
Here's Blackie the ex feral! :Luv:
[attachment deleted by admin]
Here's my beautiful (but vicious) Kylie taken yesterday :Luv2:
And Willow again :Luv2:
(not a very good one but the only one I haven't already posted :evillaugh:
All those beautiful cats :Luv: :Luv2: :Luv:
Actually I do feel I have luck on my side with having a black cat :Luv2:
How did I miss this????
My Smudge is gone BUT I WILL NEVER FORGET HIM. :Luv2: :Luv2: :catluv: :catluv:
Here is my beautiful Phoebe b/w and b Boy :Luv:
Black/Black and white cats are lovely.
My lovely bridge babies Jemilla and Tiffy were wonderful cats.
All gorgeous :Luv:
here is our Smokey (who loved everything and everybody) laying on our Schui :Luv2:
and our Squeaky :Luv:
and lastly Timmy (not a very good pic) he was Smokey's best pal and although he doesn't look it was very timid but we only had him 4 months :(
http://www.purrsinourhearts.co.uk/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=24827.0;attach=30599;image (http://www.purrsinourhearts.co.uk/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=24827.0;attach=30599;image)
I absolutely adore this face!!!
Having 3 black (with more or less white), if I hold them all 3, I must look very slim! ;D
Shanti and Sabby say 'Black cats rule!'. Sabby's mum, Meesha, also loves black cats. So do I!
TBH, I sorta 'chose' my three because they were the least likely to be adopted.
Shanti looking black!
Sabby looking black!
Lexy.. wouldn't have her any other way :Luv2:
In her slimmer days.
Years ago ;) this was the scene in my house (not a persian in sight!) - but plenty of black cats
And here's me wearing a rather fetching pair of black feet warmers called Trudie and Sophie LOL! (bear in mind this was 20 + years ago, I can't sit with my knees up like that anymore lOL! :evillaugh:
:rofl: I just love those "kitty slippers" :Luv2:
WOW Gillian, that's shocked me - all those black cats :Luv2: :Luv2: Love the 2 wrapped around your feet and legs.
lovely pics Gillian!!