Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: CC & The Pussycat Guys & Dolls on March 21, 2009, 14:03:03 PM
Just wondering, and bored :evillaugh:
Which colour cat do you have the more of?
I have 3 black and whites, So I would have to say my fave type of cat are the posh ones that wear a Tuxedo ;D
Ps if I have left a colour out please say and Ill put it in ;)
If it's black do you tick black/chestnut? and just put cats we have now or have had?
The reason for the black/ chestnut is.... My Ollie is black but in the sun he is chestnut, but hold on I will do a pure black, as I know some people have these.
You can do a round up of all cats if you like :)
Ive got 7 Tabby/patched so mine must be that! ;)
Have pm'd you CC! ;D
We have Black, Tabby's some pure tabbies and 2 with white paws, we have ginger longhaired and ginger and white shorthairs, we have 3 colours of pure grey and grey and white, we have brindle torties and a calico tortie, we have white with a hint of black
I love my black cats, Robin loves his tabbies and the rest are loved for who they are
Whatever the colour a Clan Cat is loved for being themselves the colour just adds to the fun! ;D
Most of mine are calico/tabby but I love b&w's :Luv:
Both mine are grey but I don't love them beacuse of what colour they are, I love them because of 'who' they are :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
Oh Liz I forgot about your lot, I knew I should of added more options. You dont happen to have a rainbow one there do ya ;)
Yes its all a bit of fun, no matter the colour they are cats and thats why we love em :Luv2:
One black (but your right, he goes sort of auburn in the sun!!) :Luv: and one Tabby/Tortie :Luv2:
Blacks are always my first choice but it doesn't always work ou that way :) as you can see from the photos below!
I went and checked the first 'black' one (with chestnut brown), but they're actually completely black except for a few white tummy hairs.
My fave colour is grey and white. I don't know why! And I don't have one that colour!
I've always had a soft spot for big ginger boys, the ones with huge faces and attitude
and now I have a golden girl who pretty much fits the description too, plus my Russian Blue boy
The reason for the black/ chestnut is.... My Ollie is black but in the sun he is chestnut, but hold on I will do a pure black, as I know some people have these.
You can do a round up of all cats if you like :)
Yep our Squeaky was black but had distinct auburn tinge on his tum in the sun, whereas Timmy was jet black. Smokey was black with sort of specks of white in and Schui was black but with white bib, back feet and 1 front toe :evillaugh: Byron is tortie and white and our Penny was tabby and white. I have a soft spot for black cats.
I like this thread it's interesting ;D
1 Black and White
1 Tabby White
1 Chocci Tortie and White - I still think Mabel looks like a white cat spattered with cocoa and coffee :rofl:
and my favourite is cat coloured :innocent:
None of mine are the same colour! (As you can see from the banner.)
I have to admit to having a soft spot for ginger cats. ;)
Easy for me - 2 cats and they're both ginger ;D ok, so Mosi considers himself red ;)
Misty Blue of course
and I'll admit there's something I find appealing with Black and White's :evillaugh:
Forgot to say what is my favourite. Neither Jaffa nor Mosi were deliberately chosen because they were red, but I have to admit that I do have a soft spot for red cats now, so if I had to choose a colour I'd probably go for red. But once I start thinking about what colours I like I generally find something to like about almost any colour. I love black and whites cos Magpie was black and white :Luv:, black cats tend to have lovely shiny fur, I love torties that have little splodges on their nose, I love blue and silver somalis.....
Jake is pure black. Of my previous four two where black and white sisters, the other two black except Jade did that wonderful chestnut tan in the summer when she sunbathed. I also have a love of gingers, having a little ginger boy who comes to visit on a regular basis - he is a neighbour's cat but very friendly.
Both me and OH have soft spots for black cats so that's why 3 out 6 are black although have to say I think tabbies are the most beautiful (curtseys to Princess Noni :) )
(curtseys to Princess Noni :) )
Know your place, eh Rosella!? ;) I know what you mean, Sage has a "way" about her too.
i have:
2 tabby's, 1 LH and 1 SH
1 tabby/tortie
1 tortie
1 tri-colour
3 black
5 black and whites
my only ginger (well ginger and white) went to the bridge a year ago aged 22
i love them all but i do have a soft spot for B&W's :Luv2:
Not many all white ones and no bengals so far (although we have a few bengal kitties on here :)) the nos keep changing all the time though :wow:
How about this one ? :sneaky: :rofl:
i love pure blacks and pure whites, but not always keen on black and whites, although I like white and blacks. I also love tabbies and gingers. Not overly keen on torties, despite technically owning one (not my choice, that was down to the rescue for not rehoming her). I would love to own a grey and white at some point, but i rarely get to choose my cats!!
i rarely get to choose my cats!!
same as that :rofl:
Good answer and the same here - it is irrelevant really :Luv2:
Crikey these stats keep changing all the time.
I've rarely chosen my cats but do have a thing for blacks, I've never had an all ginger, all tabby or grey cat
Umm, I've got a couple of sepia agouti coloured Singapuras, but I have always liked small black cats, white cats, grey cats and am a sucker for blue eyed cats, would love a rag doll or birman type some day.
I have only chosen 4 of my cats and always seem to go for the black and whites. I was really unsure about getting Harry, he's my all grey boy, cos I thought it would look strange for some reason :Crazy:
And with Princess De-Lyla there was a ginger and black and white in her litter, but Lyla was just too pretty to walk on by. So I choose her :Luv2: She is my very cute but nutty naughty tortie.
Two ginger and whites and a posh 'red' point for me...................... ;D
Not nearly enough colour selections for me to choose LOL! but anyway,
I've got :
1 red point
1 cream point
1 blue point
1 blue/cream point
1 lilac point
1 seal tabby point
1 seal point
1 silver tipped
1 tabby
1 ginger and white
Favourite? don't think I've got a favourite colour, but I do like dilute torties and dilute tortie points. :)
Calico I prefer, a pet must have white for me, I have 14 piggies and only 2 have no white. I have 9 cats and only 2 have no white. My rabbits all have white.
My dogs are both yellow, no white :rofl:
I have 2 tortoise, one with just a bit of white, the other one more and then one calico
I happen to have 3 black/white males, the youngest just a touch of white.
Then one ginger female with only the smallest spot of white and one tortiepoint siamese.
And of course my baby, grey tabby + white.
Ive fostered and owned all sorts but Ive never had a ginger ....
I must have told lots of people that Id love a ginger kitten (not going to happen while we have Mr T and Chloe) as Ive been given several ginger soft toys.
They used to sit on the bed but Mr T has ousted them and I now have a small cat collection in the corner of the bedroom. OH calls it my feral colony :rofl:
Still don't understand how on earth we ended up with Freddie (LH white with tabby splodges) Just not what I'd "planned" at all but OMG....
...... to think of life without him now is impossible :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
Purrsonalities are so much more important than looks :)
I prefer black or black and white. I also like ginger cats too :evillaugh:
well I've got
a brindle torti
a white with tabby bits long hair
a dark tabby
a bengal
what would I really like - a blue cream torti or a seal point anything, but as well all know the cats choose you!
Well only two fit on your list LOL cos I have two posh cats :rofl: :rofl:
Franta a seal point and Ducha a blue point.
Misa of course my giant B& W and then Missa Sasa a calico.
I reckon I just love all colours and Kocka was of course a blue cat. so have great affection for them but also I love pale gingers and definately B&Ws but also love dilute torties and calicos and blacks.....well just all of them really .........sigh
I don't think many people end up with the cat they think they want, if you were to ask me before getting my two i'd have said i love BIG fluffy boy cats, and i've ended up with two dainty little DSH girlies and i wouldn't change them for he world. :Luv2: I was never a big fan of tabbies but since getting Ginny i look at every cat i see and there are so many gorgeous colours and patterns of tabbies, i love them. :Luv2:
My dream cat would be a long haired white with odd eyes. :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
My dream cat would be a long haired white with odd eyes. :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
It would probably be deaf :(
I so agree about not ending up with a cat that meets your intitial description and that will be good for a thread all of its own :rofl: :rofl:
I so agree about not ending up with a cat that meets your intitial description and that will be good for a thread all of its own :rofl: :rofl:
Fair point - when I got Old Mog, I'd initially chosen a small torti who was semi feral. Fate played a part in the situation because the little kitten fell ill and didn't make it. It was terribly sad, but I think things happen for a reason.
I like to think the little torti is playing with other cats that have passed on somewhere now.
I so agree about not ending up with a cat that meets your intitial description
And thats how I ended up with Harry - went looking for a pure white cat - came home with a ginger n white!
It's not just cats either... i wanted a rottweiller as my first dog... i ended up with this :-: :rofl:
awwwww :Luv2: :Luv:
It's not just cats either... i wanted a rottweiller as my first dog... i ended up with this :-: :rofl:
He's ferocious isn't he :evillaugh: :Luv2:
It's not just cats either... i wanted a rottweiller as my first dog... i ended up with this :-: :rofl:
I can see you gave loads of love too :Luv:
And just hope you have learned not to squeeze so tight when hugging him now :evillaugh: