Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Chiriffmissy on February 28, 2007, 00:20:20 AM

Title: help with cat food
Post by: Chiriffmissy on February 28, 2007, 00:20:20 AM
some time this year im supposed to be putting missy on senior diet and i was given the advice not so long a go to keep her on same flavor just different brands (different brands just in case one stops producing that food) and the food she will eat is chicken so really i need a company that sells senior cat food in just chicken flavour in bulk does anyone know of a company that does just that flavour in bulk? ive tried zooplus and pet planet and the only one i can find is hills but dont know if thats chicken flavour it just says original she virtually only eats wet food she will eat some dry but not much ive tried putting her onto just dry food but she wont have it and forgot to say incase anyone questions me the advice that i mentioned was from someone who should know it was from one of my tutors at college who teaches biology and nutrition
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Maximina (Mike's Mom) on February 28, 2007, 05:48:04 AM
I feed my senior cat food (both dry food and wet chicken cans) from Hill's ScienceDiet. He LOVES it. Can't get enough. In fact the dry food has helped my mother bulk up her skeletal senior cat who I had posted about previously. I don't know if you can get it in bulk but I do highly recommend ScienceDiet. They have other flavors besides chicken too, but the chick is my cat's favorite.

Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on February 28, 2007, 07:31:44 AM
It sounds a good idea to make sure that they will eat more than one kind of food - if she prefers wet, I would't worry too much, it is better for senior cats anyway with the moisture content. The only one I have seen that does come purely in one flavour is Asda Tiger Senior - that is in Gravy though. I use HiLife Senior at the mo, and that comes in 3 flavours, 2 are chicken based and the third contains it.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Ela on February 28, 2007, 07:48:00 AM
one of my tutors at college who teaches biology and nutrition

To be honest I think that one came from the same school as all ginger cats are male, all white cats are deaf, and midwives  who say you need to re-home your cat if you are pregnant.

Unless there is a food intolerance I think different brands are OK however, the same flavour I think is not an issue in most cases. Also it is surprising what is in certain foods e.g. one brand of Tuna has livestock intestine as an ingredient.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on February 28, 2007, 11:14:18 AM

To be honest I think that one came from the same school as all ginger cats are male, all white cats are deaf, and midwives  who say you need to re-home your cat if you are pregnant.

YOU KNOW !!!  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: ccmacey on February 28, 2007, 11:18:23 AM
When my OH's mum comes round, (oh the thought) she says where are the cats and I say asleep wherever, she says they will sit on the baby and smother him. Not everyone grew up in the 50tys you know.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: CurlyCatz on February 28, 2007, 12:11:19 PM
Ive never heard that cats should be fed on the same flavour of food in my life !!??  :Crazy: ( or did i totally misenterpet that ??)

ps cody would easily suffocate a sleeping baby ... if he does manage to sneak into the bedroom it will be the kids faces he lies on and if they more thier head he moves his body so he's still in the same place LOL
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 01, 2007, 07:32:38 AM
I actually do vaguely remember reading that it isn't necessary to keep giving cats different flavours of food, reason was something like taste buds are different to ours - will check my cat book later to see if it was in that.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Gillian Harvey on March 01, 2007, 12:51:35 PM

to this comment i tell you my tutor at college teaches biology and nutrition for animals not humans and i know ive known a lot of people on here a lot longer than her but i would trust her judgment over anyones on here anyday  

Your tutor's opnion is just ONE opinion - many people on here have had cats for many years, personally I've had cats for over 30 yrs, but if you prefer to listen to one person over the wide experience of people here well thats up to you I guess. I've also have never heard of cats having to have the same flavour cat food for life - sorry its utter nonense! It may not be necessary to give cats a huge variety of dfferent foods, but some variation is desirable, to ensure that the diet contains all the essential nutrients - cats in the wild don't just eat mice all day every day - they eat mice, voles, birds, insects etc, etc.

Also I wouldnt bother trying to get your cat to eat dry food - as Deslely mentioned, much better for senior cats to have wet food anyway.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Cheesecat on March 01, 2007, 13:00:38 PM
Our cats eat all kinds of brands and flavours of food - I know its probably more my idea than theirs but I feel that they would get bored always eating the same flavours!

They generally eat anything anyway, well Cheese is a bit picky but the others are feline dustbins  :rofl:  :Luv:
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Mark on March 01, 2007, 13:10:26 PM
As for different flavours, considering most catfood is 4% meat, thesere probably is't a great deal of difference. Oddly if Clapton is having a bad food day (often) he won't eat the rabbit or lamb senior, preferring fish, then poultry. My vet said animals bodies have a way of knowing what they need.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: CurlyCatz on March 01, 2007, 13:35:46 PM
theres a difference to a cat NOT needing to be fed lots of different flavours and a cat SHOULD NOT be fed lots of different flavours.  cats do have different taste buds to our and will not taste the same as we would but really there is no harm to feeding the same flavour or lots of flavours providing the cats is eating happily.

i read the original statement to mean that cats SHOULDNT be fed lots of flavours which is not true.

cats will go more on the smell of a food far more than taste.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Ela on March 01, 2007, 14:02:17 PM
I actually do vaguely remember reading that it isn't necessary to keep giving cats different flavours of food,

I have heard that said before however, I think Lynns last post says it all.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on March 01, 2007, 16:40:43 PM
theres a difference to a cat NOT needing to be fed lots of different flavours and a cat SHOULD NOT be fed lots of different flavours.  cats do have different taste buds to our and will not taste the same as we would but really there is no harm to feeding the same flavour or lots of flavours providing the cats is eating happily.

i read the original statement to mean that cats SHOULDNT be fed lots of flavours which is not true.

cats will go more on the smell of a food far more than taste.
I agree.  I've always fed my cats different flavours and they have all been totally unfussy about food.  Originally I kept pretty much to the same brand (felix) but rotated flavours (adding in different brands now and then as a treat - they had something special every friday) but now I rotate brands and flavours.  I don't think it matters much to cats whether they have the same flavour or different flavours and I've heard arguments for both in terms of making a cat fussy (I've heard people say that giving them too much variety can make them fussy and I've heard people say that giving them the same thing every day can make them fussy).  I don't think there's any harm in giving them different flavours unless they have an allergy to a particular ingredient.

As to who's right on this kind of thing - I think we need to take on board information from lots of different sources and make up our own minds.  I wouldn't personally believe something because one person said it, regardless of who that person was (vet, nutritionist, fellow cat slave etc) but neither would I disregard it.  I like to see things said by a variety of different sources before I accept it as possible truth. 
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Ela on March 01, 2007, 17:01:11 PM
fellow cat slave etc

I like it and so true.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 02, 2007, 02:19:35 AM
Thats a very sad post you have just made.

The culmative experience of people on this site far out weigh one person.

Most of us have multiple cats and many have worked in rescues with thousands of cats of experience.

If you are not interested to listen to this knowledge and experience why ask the question in the first place?
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Ela on March 02, 2007, 06:56:52 AM
culmative experience of people

As much as I hate to admit it at least one of us on here has alone over 40 years experience  of caring for cats.
No prizes for guessing who one of them is.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on March 02, 2007, 08:04:26 AM
well i think i can safely say that this is the last time i will be asking for anyones help on here unless it is something to do with peggy hendersons because everytime i express what i have been taught etc i just get shot down and for your information Gillian my tutor has had cats for about 40yrs(maybe more) i dont care what your going to put because im just not going to read it ive got better things to waste my time on

and thank you Maximina for letting me know that that the hills senior food is chicken i think that is what we are going to go for


I'm really sorry you feel like that, but you do have to accept that people will not agree with you all of the time.  Nobody has been unpleasant on this thread, just said that they don't necessarily agree with what your tutor has told you.  When it comes to animal health and nutrition there are lots of different opinions on things.  Just try asking a handful of vets about whether dry or wet food is better for cats - you'll get lots of different answers and they can't all be right, can they?  We all need to learn to question what we're taught as those teaching us aren't always right about everything.  I'd be interested in hearing the reasoning behind your tutor's opinion.  I can see why she might consider switching to a different protein source a bad thing (for the digestion) but that doesn't mean it's something that should never be done or that will affect all cats.  I'd genuinely like to know if there's another reason for her opinion.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Ela on March 02, 2007, 08:38:24 AM
I know I personally mishear all the time (or hear what I want to at other times). I am wondering if the Tutor actually said It is OK to keep to the same flavour, if that were the case I think perhaps we would be more inclined to understand, although we like to give our cats various flavours. I find that I have more problems in giving different brands rather than different flavours.

If indeed she did actually say you should keep to the same flavour then I agree with Susanne and would be interested in hearing the reasoning behind your Tutor's opinion. I am sure if we have all got it wrong all this time we need to know. Perhaps you could ask your Tutor to clarify the position. None of us are purrfect and we learn something every day and if it is out cats interest we are willing to take it on board.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on March 02, 2007, 15:20:36 PM
I've not quite figured out why you're offended by the replies that have been given..........it looks to me as if peeps are trying to offer some helpful advice.  Personally, I would take the word of someone who has had hands on experience rather than someone who's studied nutrition.........like humans, all cats are different.  I feed mine on the same food which is Royal Canin Dried and they have fish flavoured Felix.  The only reason for this is I have a Maine Coone with a sensitive tum and meat flavours tend to give him the runs.  I don't think keeping them on the same food would do them any harm nor do I think different varieties would.  Everyone has different opinions but in this case I don't think anyone is right or wrong  :-:
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Ela on March 02, 2007, 16:00:45 PM
go to wythenshawe community farm during the week and ask for the tutor that teaches

E-mail sent to try to clarify the tutors thoughts.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Ela on March 02, 2007, 16:23:53 PM
just expressing what i had been told and as for your questions on whether i actually did get this info off my tutor or not just go to wythenshawe community farm during the week and ask for the tutor that teaches biology then you can try and argue with her about it

I don't wish to upset you but I thought with you posting the above you were inviting us to ask the question from the horses mouth so to speak.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Beccles on March 02, 2007, 16:43:59 PM
Chiriffmissy is clearly very, very young, and she is also clearly upset because people have expressed negative opinions about her tutor, who she clearly has a lot of respect for.

Whether or not those opinions are right is kind of not relevant, what's upset her is the criticism of someone important to her. I can see a lot of misunderstanding and people on both sides being very quick to get angry - can we all just step back and take a deep breath, and have a new start and an extra big effort to be tactful, please?

Chiriffmissy - you've had some good suggestions for Senior brands of wet food, your cat will be fine on just chicken flavour if that's what you want but I think a lot of people agree that she does not *need* to just have chicken flavour, and that having other flavours won't hurt her. My cats have Applaws cat food and have a different flavour every day - 12 different flavours!
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Rosella moggy on March 02, 2007, 16:45:31 PM
This all seems to be getting a bit fraught but I don't understand why.

I always used to (maybe 15 years or so ago) feed my 2 cats the same cat food until they went off it.  I found that they got bored with the same food after a few months or so and suddenly wouldn't touch it.  This inevitably meant a worrysome time of trying to find something they would eat so I changed.  I see the sense in using different brands but I also use different types of food including wet and dry with non cat food (i.e. chicken from my dinner lol) to top up.

Whilst I understand that dry food is not the best for elderly cats, Thomas (17) will only eat his wet food if I sprinkle bits of dry on top.  Little  :censored:

They are all healthy enough although I would of course be guided by a vet if any of them required a different diet for whatever reason. So far so good tho.

I don't think anyone is having a go Chiriffmissy. Threads usually start off with one thing (can somebody recommend where to buy senior catfood in chicken flavour?) and develop as the thread continues (why have you been advised chicken only?). We all learn a little more as a result.  
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: CurlyCatz on March 02, 2007, 16:46:13 PM
i think the way this thread has gone is ridiculous.  I'd like to point to the first post

"some time this year im supposed to be putting missy on senior diet and i was given the advice not so long a go to keep her on same flavor just different brands (different brands just in case one stops producing that food) and the food she will eat is chicken so really i need a company that sells senior cat food in just chicken flavour in bulk does anyone know of a company that does just that flavour in bulk? ive tried zooplus and pet planet and the only one i can find is hills but dont know if thats chicken flavour it just says original she virtually only eats wet food she will eat some dry but not much ive tried putting her onto just dry food but she wont have it and forgot to say incase anyone questions me the advice that i mentioned was from someone who should know it was from one of my tutors at college who teaches biology and nutrition"
Yes all you were doing was asking where to find a type of food but also it was yourself that went into details of why and actually were defensive enough from the outset to state who gave you that information incase anyone "questioned" you on it.

Of course the fact that your tutor teaches biology and nutrition doesnt mean she's totally right on everything (and im not saying she's wrong, thats why peeps asked for you to find out more or re ask her on this), i'm laughing because i myself could get a job teaching animal care courses some of which cover these topics..as my friend who is also a veterinary nurse, one of which i mentored is now doing.  Having said that she hasnt any animal nutrition qualifications which i incidentally have (ela i'll post you copies of the certs if you want LOL)

If you didnt actually want anyone approaching your biology tutor perhaps you shouldnt have set the challenge for someone to do so.  I too would like to know to further my own knowledge why it is best to feed cats an isolated protein source (i'm wandering if its the exposure to so many that may have influenced the rise in feline skin conditions and allergys ??)  but then again i think pollution and fag smoke probably far more likely. I dont think anyone was ever having a go but these debates and disscussions will spin off from a thread on forums. No one has said anything offensive and i certainly didnt pick up on any annamosity (ok i know about animals i just cant spell LOL) towards youself.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 02, 2007, 16:53:08 PM
I am sorry that you have been upset by this thread, but I can't see anything nasty, we all like to question something different so we can learn from it if it will help our own cats, it is what forums are all about. I would like to stick up for you in your comment about people who own cats for years not being experts - that is certainly true in my neighbours case, she still has the mindset from when she first owned cats, and in some things, I know more than she does - I have owned cats for 4.5years compared to her nearly 30.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Ela on March 02, 2007, 17:04:24 PM
ela i'll post you copies of the certs if you want LOL)

Don’t you start pickling on me or I will jump on you bad back or leg or whatever it is. :'(

I believe you honest.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Cheesecat on March 02, 2007, 18:01:12 PM
Hey, nobody said they wanted you to leave - or even acted in an intended negative way towards you. I think this is the friendliest forum I have ever had the pleasure of posting on. I seriously dont think people are attacking you, everyone has different opinions and some people were just sharing theirs.

I gave my two pence too, but I wasnt attacking you, just giving my opinion based on my cats and their tastes (two feline dustbins and a picky little  :censored:)  ;D

(edited to make that into more than one extremely long sentence LOL)
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Susanne (urbantigers) on March 02, 2007, 18:41:11 PM
well i may not of been asked to leave but it feels like a lot cant wait to see the back of me

Why on earth would feel that people want to see the back of you just because they questioned the advice your tutor had given you?  Again, I'm sorry you feel that people have been having a go at you.  I don't think anyone on this thread has intended to upset you at all.  The only thing anyone has questioned is your tutors advice which you mentioned.  You stated something and people are just questioning that and asking for an explanation of why you and/or your tutor believe that to be the case.  I'm not questioning the ability or experience of your tutor but as you get older you'll realise that people aren't always right just because they're in a position of authority.  And that isn't meant to patronise you because you're young.  It's great that you like and respect your tutor, but don't let that stop you from questioning what she says.

I can see where your tutor's remark may have come from as some cats will get an upset stomach if they switch from say chicken to beef.  I also don't think that cats have the need for variety in their food that people do.  Therefore it might be reasonable to keep a cat on one flavour if s/he has a sensitive digestive system.  But if the cat can cope with different flavours then I'd like to know if there are any other reasons for doing so.  Maybe your tutor has access to some information/research that does imply cats are best fed on one protein source.  If that's the case then I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to hear more about it. 

Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on March 02, 2007, 18:50:20 PM
Maybe we should close this thread ... all take a deep breath and pretend this didn't really happen and start again.  ... Just trying to mediate a bit here!  :hug:

Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: JackSpratt on March 02, 2007, 19:48:15 PM
Is it really better for senior cats to eat wet food? Mine really like their dry!

I have no idea where to get a specific flavour of cat food from in bulk, I don't generally buy in large amounts. I usually get enough to last a fortnight then buy more in.

I don't know why the thread is so fraught either. Relax, guys! :Flowers:
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 02, 2007, 20:00:52 PM
Thats interesting point Jack cos I find it frustrating to a degree that you cant by boxes of pouches all in one flavour. For some reason mine dont like the stuff in cans and will only eat the pouches.

I would love to be able to buy single flavour boxes of pouches.

The faddy lil felines  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on March 02, 2007, 20:43:29 PM
JAck - yep, it is better for them to eat more wet food due to the higher moisture content, can help their kidneys not have to do more work. As I Said at the beginning of this thread, Asda's own brand senior does come all in one flavour (somethign that annoys me personally, I like them to have variety), Nature's Menu also do single flavour boxes, but they are the only ones I have found, unless they like a brand/flavour that you can buy individually - Pebbles preferred two HiLife flavours, so I went to their on-line supplier and bought trays of 20 of one flavour, one of which supermarkets didn't sell separately, the other depended on which supermarket.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: JackSpratt on March 02, 2007, 20:53:04 PM
Ahhh, I see. Have to say, all my oldies seem to have a decent water intake! They do get a mixture of wet and dry food, though.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Tan on March 02, 2007, 21:02:44 PM
Hi Chiriffmissy

Sorry you feel you no longer want to be a member of Purrs. Forums are all about different opinions and views and it's totally your choice whether to take any advice by other members.

Have deleted your post as requested by your PM and If in the future you would like to rejoin, you would be welcomed by us. :)

Best wishes to you.

Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Tan on March 02, 2007, 21:07:16 PM
Hmm interesting this cause i have always tried to stick with the same brand ie felix wet food and Hill's dry.  I have occasinally had to buy whiskers and my lads either refuse to eat it or have running bum after so i presummed it was cause if the change of brand.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on March 02, 2007, 21:10:16 PM
Mine wont eat Whiskers and wont even eat Felix outta cans only out of pouches grrrrrrrrrrrrr

Oh they wont eat Hi-life, Sheba, Natures Menue and hells bells not buying anything else cept the ones they want  :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Ela on March 03, 2007, 09:04:42 AM
cos I find it frustrating to a degree that you cant by boxes of pouches all in one flavour.

The upside of this is that it does rescues a huge favour we regularly my donations of food from people who say my cat will only eat certain flavours in the box.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Beccles on March 03, 2007, 11:22:52 AM
That's one of the reasons I'm so glad my lot all like Applaws - they are used to having tons of different flavours, I know it's all good stuff, and it's so close to 'actual meat' that I know I'll always, always be able to get something similar for them if needs be.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: CurlyCatz on March 03, 2007, 15:51:05 PM
 :rofl: Ela..that was tongue in cheek but thought you'd pick up on it  :rofl: (was hoping you would hee hee)
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Ela on March 03, 2007, 15:56:18 PM
Ela..that was tongue in cheek but thought you'd pick up on it   (was hoping you would hee hee)

Do you know what, i don't even know what you are talking about I am so fuzzy brained, so may phone calls today it is driving me potty.
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: CurlyCatz on March 03, 2007, 15:58:48 PM
Jack if your cat/cats dont care much for wet and mainly eat dried then so long as they drink a good amount of water on a daily basis it wont be so bad altho im not saying a combined diet wouldnt be better but some cats just dont drink hardly anything and for those esp i'd not be advising a sole dried diet.

personally i'd try and give them some wet food in the older years if they will eat wet but as the saying goes you can lead a horse to water...... cody would be a nightmare if i ever had to have him on a high proportion of wet food, he's never liked it that much but im lucky as he loves water.

Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: CurlyCatz on March 03, 2007, 16:00:25 PM
  :rofl: ela.

not some of the stupid calls you sometimes post about i hope.

I was refering to me offering to send my certs to you and your response you gave me LOL...
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Ela on March 03, 2007, 16:04:56 PM
not some of the stupid calls you sometimes post about i hope.

No not today all genuine unfunny.

I was refering to me offering to send my certs to you and your response you gave me LOL...
Oh! my goodness that was yesterday, I can't remember what I was doing ten mins ago, so yesterday has no chance.

Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: CurlyCatz on March 03, 2007, 16:34:38 PM
shall i send you some of my grans alziemers drugs ela ?

mind you i think i should swipe a few for myself first  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: help with cat food
Post by: Ela on March 03, 2007, 16:53:57 PM
shall i send you some of my grans alziemers drugs ela ?

I am not that bad, YET