Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: jo on October 22, 2008, 07:44:03 AM
Hi everyone i havnt been in touch for a while loads going on. Anyway, me and my partner got 2 ginger kittens yesterday called Toby and Tom ( i'll post some pics) and they dont seem to no what a litter tray is, they just try to eat it! I think they are about 6-7 weeks even thou the women said they were 8 weeks they look younger and Toby isnt eating, so i got some cat milk which he really enjoys. Can anyone give adive on the litter tray? :thanks:
they are very young and you only got them yestereday so everything is new and scary, I don't have much kitten experience but I think you are supposed to put them in the tray after they have eaten, you may need to speak to a vet re the not eating
Firstly I would be having a few strong words with the person you got them from about irresponsible breeders and getting her cat spayed immediately >:(
If they are under 8 weeks then they may not have been introduced to solids properly so you will probably need to mush the food down for them, and dilute it to make it easier to chew. After they have eaten, then place them on the litter tray (use a finegrain litter, not a coarse one) and stroke along their backs and tummies. Female cats do this to stimulate kittens to pee and pass motions when they are little. Keep them confined in a small, controllable space. It will a) help them feel secure and b) limit their opportunities to use places other than the litter tray for doing their business.
Be patient. They are babies and need to be given the same care, and loving support that you would give to any baby.
If they have not eaten in 24 hours, see a vet, as small kittens can fade very quickly.
Make sure they have access to water at all times.
I can't offer any advice I'm afraid as I have no experience at all with kittens, but I hope they learn how to use their tray quickly and have a good nosh soon.
A dog crate is a very quick way of getting them litter trained, are they loose in your house or in one room? When they get the urge to go they cant hold themselves in to find a tray so dot them around the house upstairs and down.
You can mix some kitten food with the milk and make a meaty milkshake, the best type to use is a kitten replacer milk not whiskas/supermarket cat milk.
Would advise a vet check and if big enough first vaccination, you can get some worm/flea treatments at the same time as more than likely the woman never treated them. I treat monthly until 6 months unless they have a big burden :sick:
:thanks: We've had a great result!!! Both Tom and Toby have used the litter for wee's and poo's :cat laugh: I think Toby is copying his brother as when i went in they were both eating their kitten food!! I keep them in my spare room, as i live in a flat so they cant go to the bathroom around the place. We have had 2 accidents, which isnt back i think. post some pics. :hug:
And more. :Luv2:
It is only letting me put them on 1 at a time!
:Luv2: :Luv2:
Lovely photos :Luv2: and glad you're sorted!
Thanks jane i think there gorgeous!!! Ive made a appointment at the vets.
how cute are they ;D
Oh my, such gorgeous ickle tigers :Luv: :Luv:
I feel a catnapping mission coming on :car:
Gorgeous :Luv: hope they get the all clear from the vet
Stop it, stop it, they're too cute :drool; :luck: at the vets ;D
Aaaww, they are far too cute! :Luv2: :Luv2:
Very very cute and love the one who looks likes he is smiling ;D
awwwwwww bless those little ginger babies. Making more all broody for more now! :evillaugh: