Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: Pinkbear (Julie) on June 14, 2008, 20:26:41 PM
Okay, so I got bored... :tired:
This one is for rescuers/phone line operators.
Please vote for the 5 most common excuses - true OR lies - people give when they say they have to rehome they cat. Not exactly sure I've set this up right, but it should at least be fun to see what the answers are and possibly non-rescue folks will find it interesting.
After reading the other thread today I was wondering when you were going to post this. Still amazes me the reasons, some might even be true but unfortunately you in rescue hear them so often you have to questions how often they are really true.
You've forgotton its old and needs a litter tray >:(
And we got a puppy and the cat doesnt like it
isn't it amazing though how you turn up to collect the pregnant stray and it has a wonderful diamonte collar on??? which the so called 'finder' wants back!
they really must think we are thick!!! or blind!!!
I tried to select the ones I had last week, but I couldn't remember them all, although one was a unique one - he was a cat lover, had 6 rescues, and a stray turned up, which he had neutered and was happy to keep except it was beating his new kittens up. he had tried one rescue, but apparently the cat came back (wonder what kind of rescue it went to), so he was trying rescues out of area so it couldnt come back.
I can see a pattern emerging already. :sneaky: All those people emigrating! Can they all really be telling the truth? :tired:
Makes you wonder - we find that September brings a lot of people emigrating!! The ones that annoy me most are when the cats are quite young, as surely emigrating takes a while to organise, so why get the pet?
The girls here are due to owners illness and owner emigrating and who knows with Rolo!!
Heres a few reason from the FoalFarm website -
Millie & Molly are 7yr sisters and were scared by the neighbour's tom cat. This meant they would not go outside and an indoor litter tray was not an option!
Sadly, her owners parted with her because they thought their neighbours would harm her!
He lost his home because the grandson became asthmatic and it was thought the cat made things worse!
He has returned to us because he objected to being picked up!
He is getting a bit fed up as he lost his home because he didn't like the baby!
He was returned to us after only a few days because the existing cat would not accept him!
Her owner was emigrating and wanted her to be euthanased!
He lost his home when his owner had a new baby
She is homeless as her owner is pregnant and moving to new accommodation - where cats are not allowed!
She was brought to us for 'making too much noise and jumping on the table' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!