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Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 13, 2008, 17:59:56 PM

Title: Very underweight stray, C'bury Kent - update
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 13, 2008, 17:59:56 PM
I am slowly getting depressed here.We are turning away cats with homes but strays with no one to look after them..is different.

The RSPCA told a lady to ring us, after seeing cat in her garden that had deteroiated over some time. She took him to vets to check for chip and none found, he is neutered, but flea ridden, very underweight and worms... She brought him back home again... to her garden.. We have no where to put such a cat, we can get him to the vets to be treated etc.. but homing is dead and we have several fosterers away.. We are already paying cattery fees for one mum and kitten... no more room their either.. Generally we are stretching outselves too thin..

But can anyone assist this poor fella.... ?

As usual transport is an issue because we are down South and not many of you are?
I think he is in the ladies garden at the moment, i told her i would see what can be done, but relistly we cannot do much.

Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: Christine (Blip) on June 13, 2008, 18:18:42 PM
I have PMd you, Canterbury Cats
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: Christine (Blip) on June 13, 2008, 18:23:55 PM
Oops, nearly forgot.  I can help with transport if required.  I am not so far away.
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on June 13, 2008, 19:07:39 PM
Whats the update on this one sharon ?
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: madkittyrescue on June 13, 2008, 19:23:47 PM
wish I was closer to be able to help CC...  how are things going with this case?
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 13, 2008, 19:26:15 PM
Nothing really... I have talked to vets but they are closed now.. So i have asked the lday to feed him overnight and keep him safe, but as always she works on Sat so no one round to take him to vets until PM.. However, i still dont have a clue where he can go... Its physically impossible for us to take any more cats and Caroline is away so thats lots of space we are now missing..  Why the first vet didnt keep him in i have no idea....

Its all getting abit depressing here, with poor Julie losing Hastings...!

This puss cat doesnt sound as though he is on his last legs, but does sound in a poorly way..
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: madkittyrescue on June 13, 2008, 19:29:20 PM
well fingers crossed something comes up hun!  will keep all fingers crossed here for you and him! :hug:
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: blackcat on June 13, 2008, 19:42:43 PM
well, I have houseguests arriving in a couple of weeks but can probably keep him in the spare room (the one the guests are not using) if you think that would help. I am on leave for the next two weeks, then back at work for a week then back on leave for another 10 days, so will be around to settle him in and to feed hims several times a day in the first couple of weeks, after which he will have to fend for himself for a few days (I think I have at least one day working from home that week I am back at work).

Let me know if I can help
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: Christine (Blip) on June 13, 2008, 19:45:23 PM
I will volunteer to help get him to BlackCat, if it will help?  I have long wanted to meet you both, anyway...  ;)
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on June 13, 2008, 19:50:16 PM
You stunning peeps BC and Christine,,,,,,,,,hopes this all works out  :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: Michelle (furbabystar) on June 13, 2008, 19:53:34 PM
BC that sounds brilliant, Hope between you and Sharon You can work something out.
If not let me know and i will make a couple of phonecalls this end....
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 13, 2008, 19:55:47 PM
I will speak to Gillian our other welfare lady.. She hasnt rang me back yet.. But he could be with you a while, we are overflowing with cats that until we move some on it wouldnt be an option to say 100 per cent sure when we could find him space... ideally another rescue would be able to take him on from your Blackcat but that may be impossible..Your in Chatham are you not BB?  I have no idea of health problems (if any) so he would have to be at the vets to start with and then as long as we can find him a place perhaps things will pan out and we can find room. But we are overloading our fosterers big time, which is putting a strain on us all at the moment. i think next week we will have to close the doors unless we are talking about life and death...situations..
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: blackcat on June 13, 2008, 20:03:10 PM
Hi CC, yes I am in Chatham. The nearest vet is Manor Road (which is not my normal vet but seems very good). Certainly the fleas will need to be dealt with before he arrives, but other health issues can be dealt with as he will be quarantined from mine anyway. He can stay while you sort things out for him.

Christine, you are more than welcome to come visit without having to use this as an excuse - just give me a couple of days notice so I can remove the thick layer of dog hair from everything, lol

Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: Christine (Blip) on June 13, 2008, 20:08:10 PM
Christine, you are more than welcome to come visit without having to use this as an excuse - just give me a couple of days notice so I can remove the thick layer of dog hair from everything, lol


 :thanks: I will: but when I do you neednt worry about the dog hair - I shall be the furry, cat-haired one at your front door  ;)
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: blackcat on June 13, 2008, 20:14:35 PM
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: @ Christine!
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on June 13, 2008, 22:05:31 PM
I do hope things work out for this one and hope things improve for you Sharon, so you dont have to close the doors. I have to say, we are getting more 'can you take' than 'can I have' calls, and space issues due to hols,  I hate saying no to people though.
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Ken
Post by: melysion on June 13, 2008, 23:31:03 PM
I'm not a rescue or even a vetted fosterer but I'm in North London and would be happy to give this boy shelter for a few days until something more suitable came up if that helps.
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 14, 2008, 15:52:11 PM
Update on this one.. We are trying to see if we can deal with this cat on Tuesday...So fingers crossed
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: blackcat on June 14, 2008, 15:57:08 PM
define 'deal with' please, if I am to take him in then I will appreciate some information before then.
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 14, 2008, 16:34:44 PM
Sorry BC.. we are getting him into our vets on Tues.. We ahve given her food and some advice and once in our care will sort him out vet wise and then try to move him on (providing he is okay that is)! It may be that he stays as the vets until we are sure of a space.. But at least we are on the case.

Sadly i am at a loss of the calls i have had today re strays.. But all are being fed and in good nick (at the moment) this one isnt though.. We do feel though that given some food etc and shelter the immediate problem of what to do with him and no room will be okay for 2 days more..

Its not ideal but at least some sort of plan.. If we find he needs further care then i will be in touch and perhaps you will be able to foster him for us until he is rehomed etc (or moved back here when we have room)... So watch this space.!
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, we have no room to help him. Can anybody? C'bury Kent
Post by: blackcat on June 14, 2008, 16:36:26 PM
OK thanks for that update. It is just I am trying to work out a plan of attack on all the things I need to do in the next two weeks, and would need to start upstairs first, if he was arriving Tuesday (hence the quiet panic attack!! - sorry I snarled).
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, C'bury Kent - update
Post by: Canterbury_cats (Sharon) on June 18, 2008, 14:59:41 PM
This puss is now with us (or at the vets) they reckon he isnt more then a year old and although slightly anenemic his infectation of fleas and worms is probably making that so.. He is a lovely fellow so we are told.. i have got him flead, wormed and as we now find out he is a full tom (the other vets said he was neutered) he will be tested and neutered tomorrow...
Title: Re: Very underweight stray, C'bury Kent - update
Post by: madkittyrescue on June 18, 2008, 17:39:03 PM
pleased to hear the wee man is safe and sound! :)