Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: Angiew on June 12, 2008, 15:07:20 PM
OK we are full, can't take any more but then again :-[
A lady called. (always a bad start :rofl:). Her cat had had kittens and mum was killed when kittens were 2 weeks old. She has been bottle feeding since and now there are 9 weeks old they need to go (2 of).
How could I refuse. So off I trot to this lady's house in a certain area of nuneaton as arranged. Spend about 5 mins for the door to open and am shown into her kitchen where the story is repeated. three kittens, two big and one small. Lady keeping big black one (to go with the half brother and two females that I am informed are spayed).
I query whether the two we are taking are from the same litter and she says oh yes!
I know what I think and they they were both vet checked know the vet thinks the same (answer at the bottom of the photos!)
We think - Tabby girl is around the 9 week mark but there is no way that brindle girl is more than 5 or 6 weeks and thin. (She's not much bigger than my 3 week olds though they wobble and she doesn't).
Have to say I can believe she has been bottle fed as she purrs as soon as you go near, is very floppy and loves to lie on her back and talk to you.
She spent all yesterday evening asleep on my shoulder hence her name Polly. :Luv2:
She had a bath yesterday but has a very runny bum after her whiska's kitten loaf and cimicat meal yesterday so is on fish and chicken today. The shoulder thing is not so cute when her bottom is next to your nose :sick:
Why do people lie? Whats the point? Neither have been treated for fleas or worms and hey both have lovely fat bellies (as the lady was proud to point out to me).
We were thinking of going back and seeing if there were any more kittens about. They were a couple of fairly new cat beds among the litter in the garden.
omg Angie my oh would kill for that brindle torti!!!
omg Angie my oh would kill for that brindle torti!!!
OH will have to fight me for the tortie Dawn LOL! :shify:
omg Angie my oh would kill for that brindle torti!!!
If I ever let her go.... :rofl:
Everyone who has seen how human she is has fallen for her so far...... I've never met such a cutie-pie.
its oh dream to have a houseful of brindle torti's - he'd always been a tabby or black cat man until he met Amber and she is such a character he now loves them
Have a search for some pics of my Brindle Tortie-Chutney!
yep, just did, another one for oh's napping list!! (lovely eyes!)
That lil tirtie is gorgeous ;D
I love tirties too gill :rofl:
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :rofl: :rofl:
:P :P
The tabby is gorgeous too :Luv:
they are both :Luv2: Angie... I never understand why people lie... perhaps they think we won't think bad of them if they give us a heart rending story.... whereas if they just told us the truth they'd probably get more respect! more than likely if they are from different litters the mothers will be who you saw... and not the mysterious cat that died.
don't get it myself to be honest. :shocked:
i can't understand why they would have lied to this extent, poor babies - at least they are safe with you now.