Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: Kirst on June 05, 2008, 14:13:51 PM
I desperately want to adopt the two ginger Brothers that Canterbury Cats have but I am having trouble getting West Oxon cat protection to get out to homecheck me - they are frantically busy and obviously as I am looking to rehome out of my area I am not top priority. :(
Is there by any chance anyone qualified on here who would be able to home check me so these two boys can have a new home?????
I live just outside Brize Norton (11 miles from Oxford) - anyone who can help please do PM me...................I make a mean cup of tea BTW! ;)
good luck finding someone Kirst, I'm in Bucks myself and I know people from our neck of the woods are a bit thin on the ground here
Its silly as we have a massive Blue Cross centre on our doorstep but they only homecheck for themselves!!
I did think of them, I volunteer at the Lewknor branch (your probably talking about Burford) but yes, they do only check for themselves
Yep , I am in the next village to Burford - I dont trust myself to go there , last timer I wanted to come away with four cats , a three legged terrier and a donkey! ;D
the guys at the one I volunteer for are very nice but never seem to home where there are existing pets, they've turned me down a couple of times!!
You will possibly hate me for saying this but I would not home where someone had found their own home checker. Everyone’s standards and requirements are so different. CP cats should only be homed if a CP home checker has done a home visit. Has Canterbury Cats approached your nearest CP branch themselves? Really the homing officer of the branch you want to adopt from needs to contact the homing officer of your local branch. Only she can explain what she is looking for.
I sympathise with you-you are offering a home to 2 kittens who if i read these posts correctly are 2 of very many cats in need.
Yet the CP can never get their act together and arrange for a local branch to do the necessary checks.
Sorry if that offends any of you but I have heard this tale so many times and have been in a similar position yet noone could organise themselves.
Maybe more cats could be helped if the organisation looked into the way it is run and reviewed it's policies which seem to vary from branch to branch .
There are many other good rescues out there who have kittens desperate for homes and many who will home out of their areas some of whom will use vet references in place of home checks - the 2 kittens may be lucky some one living on their doorstep might adopt them let's hope so.
you need not worry Ela, I don't believe dropping standards was ever an option
Maybe more cats could be helped if the organisation looked into the way it is run and reviewed it's policies which seem to vary from branch to branch
May be unpaid volunteers could do more if more unpaid volunteers volunteered to help. You obviously have no idea the pressure we are all under. Some of my volunteers work full time and then do many,many hours a day/night helping the cats. One who does not work, works far more hours a day than anyone in paid employment and that is 24/7. She usually starts vet runs etc from 8 ish and is I know I am often still helping cats until late evening. I myself am often doing CP stuff at 3 am and then going on to perhaps 10 or 11 at night. Even then phone calls are received 24/7. Only the day before yesterday I had a call at 1 20 a.m.
you need not worry Ela, I don't believe dropping standards was ever an option
Please don't think my comments were about any of your posts.
Maybe more cats could be helped if the organisation looked into the way it is run and reviewed it's policies which seem to vary from branch to branch
May be unpaid volunteers could do more if more unpaid volunteers volunteered to help. You obviously have no idea the pressure we are all under. Some of my volunteers work full time and then do many,many hours a day/night helping the cats. One who does not work, works far more hours a day than anyone in paid employment and that is 24/7. She usually starts vet runs etc from 8 ish and is I know I am often still helping cats until late evening. I myself am often doing CP stuff at 3 am and then going on to perhaps 10 or 11 at night. Even then phone calls are received 24/7. Only the day before yesterday I had a call at 1 20 a.m.
Same sentiments as something I typed yesterday but didn't post. That is the difference between us and the other mob. They have paid staff and it doesn't matter if they care about animals, we give up our time and resources because we love animals and a lot of people think we are at their beck & call. We do as much as we can with often very limited resources. If some of the people that sat back criticising gave up a room to foster cats or offered to do vets runs or homechecks, we wouldn't be under so much pressure. Yesterday when we were arranging to take the Siamese to the rescue over 50 miles away, Sharon said If I couldn't do it, Caroline would but she would have to taken the young kittens to the vet to ensure they got their feeds during the day while she was out. That is just one example.
I do think there should be a proper FIV policy - and that policy being not to PTS - that is one thing that makes me really angry - I think any branch that PTS healthy FIV cats should be named and shamed.
Please don't presume that I have no idea of rescue work and that I do not help rescue cats.
My home is full of rescue animals and I have loved and lost severly disabled cats from private and funded resues.
I am also a qualified Animal Nursing Assistant who spent 3 years working with my vet and also dealing with the local CP and other rescues. I have also been involved with voluntary work.
One reason I do not take in fosters unless i'm sre of their health is to protect my own resce cats 2 of whom have auto immne problems.Since I have a back problem i am not really able to provide alternative outdoor accomodation for rescues.
I am aware that some rescues are funded but there are also many who are not. In fact most funded ones are guilty of the same attitudes.
Yes I know the hours and work involved by volunteers but what use is it and to what good purpose when cats are turned away as catteries are full when in this case there is a home waiting for at least 2 kittens-ok 2 is only 2 but it means 2 more can be accomodated.
I am not sure just who the other 'mob' are but I can assure there that you are not the only rescue in existence in this situation-why oh why can't rescues work together to do what they exist for which is to help animals in need. Attitudes like referring to the other mob don't help it just alienates rescues from helping each other.
I am not sure just who the other 'mob' are but I can assure there that you are not the only rescue in existence in this situation-why oh why can't rescues work together to do what they exist for which is to help animals in need. Attitudes like referring to the other mob don't help it just alienates rescues from helping each other.
I think that the one thing that can be said about all the rescues that are here on Purrs are that we work together amazingly well. No one on here can be accused of not working together, you only have to look at the threads where transport runs have been done to get cats to new homes, rescue missions have been undertaken by members miles away from their homes to help cats and take them in and money raised by all members to help cats, even those in other countries.
Mark's comments about the other "mob" are well justified, (I presume you mean the RSPCA!!) they DO have the money to do something but just pass the buck to the rescues who do not, but who still pick up the pieces. No one on here can be accused of not working for the benefit of cats. :shocked:
STILL no ccall form CP and every time I phone them I get the answer phone - she must be getting sick of me by now! :tired:
Hopefully they will get sick enough of you, they do the home check to get you off their back :naughty:
Maybe some can call head office and put the screws on :shify:
Ignore this then :)
(I presume you mean the RSPCA!!)
Got it in one. I can't respect anyone that tells people to leave defenseless kittens and a new mum alone and not to feed them so they "disperse" >:(
Although I appreciate on a local level, they have dedicated rescue people as well.
I take it all back - i got through and they are going to try to get to me this afternoon! ;D
CC is also going to speak to my vet! If I can cross it , its crossed! :evillaugh:
good news!
Tagalong, my bathroom is stuffed with kittens who otherwise would be shivering under a bush in the rain. They will never meet my own cats or share their facilities and I've got a bottle of anticeptic as well. :wow: :sneaky: Everyone has room for at least a kitten pen somewhere in their home. Join the programme and offer to help? Perhaps you could become a homechecker and give the rest of us a hand? If not, how can you comment on the commitments and sacrificies that other people make to help cats in need, let alone criticise about how long HCs take to organise? :shy: We are only as good as the people who step up to the plate and join us, and some of us are in our 60s and 70s, you know. :evillaugh:
Kirst, we can tell people who will make good meowmies even from this distance. All the rest are incidentals and paperwork and I wouldn't worry too much. No one is going to kick your wee fluff balls out into the snow ;)
Tagalong has stated she has a back problem. I cant see anywhere that she has refered to any rescue on here. I have learned that when you have a personal experience it tends to sway your thinking about certain things which rarely change.
And yes I do agree that the bigger rescues could work together more for the sake of the animals, if there is not a space at the blue cross maybe there would be one at the rspca for example.
Or one could have a foster that is experienced with a certain health problem so the cat could be passed over from rescue to another. But no this would not happen because the rescue that could help probabily wouldnt pay, even for the cat.
What I would say is that one does not have to be in good health to help charities. Very few of our volunteers enjoy good health. Many have been medically retired, myself included.
I cant see anywhere that she has refered to any rescue on here.
The reference was more by implication.
I have learned that when you have a personal experience it tends to sway your thinking about certain things which rarely change.
Many people have bad experiences in life about many different things, however to let things fester is foolish. Things that are allowed to fester grow and grow in ones mind and it is that person who is affected, so you are only punishing yourself. If another person is involved in your bad experience then possibly they could not care less so it is not affecting them and if it was an object or place that was involved in your experience of course that of course has no feelings either. We have to move on from many situations if we want to have the life we all deserve and that is peaceful harmonious existence.
And yes I do agree that the bigger rescues could work together more for the sake of the animals, if there is not a space at the blue cross maybe there would be one at the rspca for example.
Whilst I agree that rescues should work together, indeed some do, most rescues are full to bursting all the time and always have a huge list of cats waiting to come in. Also I know many people will not allow a certain charity to have their pets anyway, so even if they were on say the Cats Protection list of cats waiting to come in and that particular charity rang to say we have a space there is no way the owner would allow it to go there.
Only last night I was told that yesterday someone phoned a charity and asked for cat to be put on the list of cats waiting to come in, they were told that it would be PTS as they have so many cats in and waiting to come in.
Or one could have a foster that is experienced with a certain health problem so the cat could be passed over from rescue to another
I know if there was a health problem we could not deal with then the little one could not be helped.
But no this would not happen because the rescue that could help probabily wouldnt pay, even for the cat.
I know we take in many cats (some have cost us over £500) that a certain charity has taken to a vets but it would cost more than a minimal amount to treat and they have refused to pay. Also I cannot think of one rescue in our area I would pass one of our cats on to.
Kirst, we can tell people who will make good meowmies even from this distance.
I think you are right, I know within the first 6 words, sometimes it may be a few more. but gut feelings play a big part in assessing a potential owner.
Guess who is going to Canterbury on Monday!!!!! :cheer: :yayyy:
Kirst -I'm poleased that you are finally going to adopt them.
I'm also flattered that I'm seen to be 'younger' than 60 or 70-in fact I'm 50 so not that young.
I am not picking on individuals or thr CP alone-I won't even print my feelings towards the RSPCA who I volunteeered for once and saw and heard things no member of the 'public'would believe ,such as dogs kicked into kennels and the frozen to death guinea-pig who was the cause of much hilarity in the tearoom. >:( i have an RSPCA dog whose life was ruined by them and most of their staff are untrianed. Actually my kitten pen is used daily as a bed by my rescue Siamese who was a cruelty case rescue and has habits which so very nearly ended up with her being PTS-a year on she lives with my other cats but still likes the pen.
My feelings are that if i did help as suggested and offered a home to a physically disabled maybe brain damaged etc cat and this cat happens to be in Scotland then no way would the CP be able to unite me with the cat-so how many other miss out on homes when all it takes is communication between branches to arrange checks etc.
I have flown a rescue Siamese from Newcastle with the help of BA -where ther's a will there's a way.
At present I am looking for another oriental rescue kitten /young cat as a friend for her since my old lady passed away at 20 years old recently but i am experienced in handrearing and brain damaged cats and nearly adopted a young one recently but in the end the fosterer kept him.
Oh Kirst Im so happy for you hun.....Them ginger babes were waiting for you! :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
Yay Kirst ..... remember lots and lots and lots and lots of pictures are required :evillaugh:
Aww, am glad this all worked out in the end