Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: LesleyW on June 01, 2008, 22:02:39 PM
Just taken in three kittens from a lady whose cat had kittens and she couldn't find homes for them. Have given her a neutering voucher for mum but I have never seen such giant kittens in my life, they are 13 weeks old and I know fluffy kittens are bigger than shorthair but these are bigger than ones I have that are nine months old, :Luv:
I'm not sure of sexes yet, will let them settle but have checked my naming list and have found some "non sex" names sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Pippin, named by sylsuki - a longhaired black beauty
Tibby and Tinker, two white and black longhaired giants, named by Mark
Will let them settle tonight but hopefully will have sexes and photos tomorrow.
Aw lovely names...cant wait to see their pics! ;) :Luv: :Luv:
what were you saying about not having much kitten action?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
cant wait to see these monsters ;D
Intriguing..... :wow: Can't wait to see the photies
Well here they are. It is difficult for you to see the size of them because I can't put them with another kitten of same age at the moment due to their quarantine. But I am sure you can judge their size against the rather large corner litter tray behind them.
(http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg72/eightlivesleftkittenrescue/HPIM0066.jpg)Tibby again
I think Pippin and Tibby are girls and Tinker is a boy but with all that fur it is hard to tell - I'm better sexing littler kittens, lol
Lovely :)
really must stop looking in this section :innocent:
Ack! How cute is that.
Aw, they are gorgeous! Love B+W cats! I'm going to be doing some large scale kitten napping next time I come to visit I think! I'll have to write a list!
You'll need to bring a bigger bag for these three :rofl:
Lol, yes - I don't think they will all fit in my camera bag!!
OMG Im in heaven....they are all so scrummy! :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
they are a nice big size aren't they Lesley??? but very very :Luv2:
Gorgeous little darlings won't be waiting on a new home for long I'm sure!
They are fab :Luv2: I want Tibby :rofl:
:Luv2: They are gorgeous.
Our Tibby and Tinker were big gentle girls :Luv2: - both of them were happy to be dressed up and pushed around in prams :Luv2:
both of them were happy to be dressed up and pushed around in prams :Luv2:
:scared: What's this??? Your not getting broody are you Mark! :innocent:
Aww what cuties :Luv2:
both of them were happy to be dressed up and pushed around in prams :Luv2:
:scared: What's this??? Your not getting broody are you Mark! :innocent:
No chance :sick:
For more cats maybe :)
I was 5 when we pushed Tibby around and 10 when my sister pushed Tinker around in a dolls pram :evillaugh:
ok, thud!!! can i pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese have them??????????????