Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: Liz on May 27, 2008, 20:48:53 PM

Title: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Liz on May 27, 2008, 20:48:53 PM
Our little rescue girl Gem has had 3 kittens to date and sadly number 2 baby Star went to the bridge within seconds of being born.

However on the plus side we have 2 healthy babies so far and gem is a little purrpot and wants us involved at every birth and yowls to say if a baby is on the way.

Currently Mum and the fab2 are on a heat pad and resting comfortably.  Will advise more tomorrow

Gos speed to the Bridge baby Star and I'm sure the Clan Cats already there will help you in anyway, you are looking for Toerag, Haggis, Moose, Hissy Holly, Bertie and a Border Collie called Breeze they will guide and watch over you till we meet at the bridge again :( :Luv2:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 27, 2008, 20:53:07 PM
Well done Gem and RIP Star  :hug:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Bazsmum on May 27, 2008, 20:55:50 PM
Aw bless....Well done to Gem  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

RIP little one xxx
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Ann Clarke (Tabby cat) on May 27, 2008, 23:41:13 PM
Well done Gem and hope it goes well with any more babes.

RIP little Star, play hard at the bridge darling xx
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on May 28, 2008, 08:15:20 AM
Well done Gem, RIP Star.
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Liz on May 28, 2008, 08:36:13 AM
Well we got another kitten at 10pm last night and both Robin and I helped with the birth and she is now the proud Mum of two little torties and a rather larger ginger boy.

Family doing well this morning and Gem is eating well and kittens squeaking so all appears well, she wants us to handle the kittens and is getting head and tummy rubs and purring away so we hope that all will continue well

She had 2 Tortie minders outside the pen and sailor one of our nasty ferals is sitting near when we have the kitten pen open and looking all goo eyed.

So from Gem and the babies good morning all at Purrs :Luv:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: LesleyW on May 28, 2008, 08:52:54 AM
Congratulations Gem and Liz, hope all continues to be well with everyone.  RIP little Star, there are lots of Purrs babies, old and young, for you to play with, you will never be alone little one. :Luv2:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: clarenmax on May 28, 2008, 09:15:33 AM
Awww, well done Gem  :Luv:

RIP little Star, you were obviously too good for this world, play hard and grow strong on the Bridge little one xx

Can't wait to see some piccies  :Luv:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Dawn F on May 28, 2008, 09:35:07 AM
well done Gem and Liz for giving her somewhere safe to have the babies rip baby Star
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Gail Bengal Slave on May 28, 2008, 10:03:02 AM
Congratulations Gem on you wonderful babies. Can't wait to see your little darlings  :Luv:

RIP little Star - You will be twinkling in the sky for all to see - Run fast and play hard on the bridge little one xxxxxxxxx
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Angiew on May 28, 2008, 10:20:55 AM
well done all!
welcome new 3 ang RIP star
look forward to piccies!
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: madkittyrescue on May 28, 2008, 10:47:49 AM
well done Liz and Gem....   welcome to the world little ones.  :hug:

Play hard at the bridge little Star xxx

Look forward to piccies!!!  ;)
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: wharfevalley catsprotection on May 28, 2008, 13:31:53 PM
Aww poor little Star  :(

Thanks so much for the updates on these two (well now 5!), i'm so glad that they are safe, warm and being loved and cared for (oh and I want pictures!!!)

Thanks again for taking them in, I don't know what would have happened to them otherwise  :tired:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 28, 2008, 18:41:18 PM
 :welcome: to Purrs Gem and 3 kittens  ;D
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Liz on May 29, 2008, 15:12:17 PM
Sorry for no update yesterday evening but we were hit by lightening yesterday and have only got the nice man from BT to fix us this afternoon

Gem and "the stones" are all well and Gems  twice today and is eating well.  The stones are all suckling well and she is a happy Mum and lets us pick up the kittens for inspection in return for a chin rub to her!

Her brother Brodie is a bit sad he can't snuggle with her but slept under my chin last night!

So all is well in their world :Luv:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Dawn F on May 29, 2008, 15:28:03 PM
glad they doing ok Liz, do the stones have names???
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Liz on May 29, 2008, 20:12:26 PM
"The Stones" don't have names yet we are just seing what suits before making that big decision!

We are also getting used to our little feral colony that are currently living the life of riley in our downstairs study - Ragamuffin, Miss Cissy and Smudger so names are on a what suits them and to day=te nothing we tried has met with Gem's approval! :shocked:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: madkittyrescue on May 29, 2008, 21:15:44 PM
great to hear the little ones are doing grand Liz.  give them all a wee hug from me :hug:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Liz on May 30, 2008, 20:38:31 PM
Well Gem is doing really well and the kittens were weighed today all at 175gms at 3 days old - they are all doing well and we have named the tortie girls! :shocked:

Tortie one is a pure Brindle tortie and will be called Beijing
Tortie 2 is brindle with 4 white paws and will be called Shanghai

Reason for this is our own Brindle feral is called Xian - all places we visited on our honeymoon - our last holiday 13 years ago!

The ginger boy is proving harder to name but we hope to have him named by the end of the weekend so will advise accordingly!

On the weight front anyone know if this is about right - Gem is a petite calico tortie about 3kgs
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Millys Mum on May 30, 2008, 20:44:40 PM
Nice names!   :briggin:
Weights seem ok similar to what iv had before  ;D
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Liz on May 31, 2008, 14:32:17 PM
Well we had to rush gem to the vets at 11.15pm last night as she was passing blood and howling a lot so off we all travelled kittens and all to our vet and she had a antibiotic injection and a painkiller and was told to return gem in the morning

Robin duly took his little Gem this morning and I baby sat the kittens, sh had her tummy shaved and an ultrasound just to check her out :scared:

She came home just under 40 mins later having not been knocked out and been a little star during the scan! :Luv2:

She was duly put back with her babies and ate 2 bowls of wet food and then fed her babies.  She is on antibiotics for 14 days and has a follow up visit on Monday, not bad I have been to the vet 3 times in 24 hours, one bill later and one happy Gem and calmer parents!

Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Angiew on May 31, 2008, 16:21:55 PM
Goodness Liz , it's a good thing you don't work or anything! ( :briggin: :rofl:)
three visits.

Did the vet say what the problem was?
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Gill (sneakiefeline) on May 31, 2008, 23:36:59 PM
Hope Gem will be Ok now with thew anti-biotics, love the names  ;D
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Liz on June 01, 2008, 12:07:44 PM
Angie, she has a womb infecion but apart from the shaved tummy is doing so well and takes tablets like a dream, sometimes its nice to have a domestic rather than a fighting feral!

Miss gem is doing well and the fab 3 are also doing well and as yet nothing seems to suit our ginger boy but we will keep trying out names till one suits!

Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Angiew on June 01, 2008, 13:05:52 PM
well, if we knew what he looked like we might be able to suggest a few names... :briggin:
Title: Ginger has a name!
Post by: Liz on June 02, 2008, 12:08:57 PM
The littel ginger boy from gems mob is now called Cairo! :shocked:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: madkittyrescue on June 02, 2008, 17:31:18 PM
glad to hear all are doing well adn hope your wee Gem is feeling much better soon too.  :hug:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Liz on June 02, 2008, 20:08:43 PM
Gem and I went to the vets this afternoon and she got a shot of Rymadyl and the vet was happy with her, I got bowel and bladder on the way home!

She has nearly forgiven me for taking  her away from her kids!
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: madkittyrescue on June 02, 2008, 20:18:46 PM
awww bless... but at least she is doing OK.. and that's the main thing! ;)
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Liz on June 02, 2008, 20:59:06 PM
She is currently padding on her new sheepskin rug and doing head rolls and lots of purring and for someone so young is doing a grand job of being a Mum

Her brother Brodie has taken to sitting on my shoulder and giving me purrs and mews and sleeps with us at night so much for them not getting under the skin!

I will get some photo's hopefully this week once Sky tells me where he hid my camera - he kleptoed it this morning but at least its in the house as the back door was shut!
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: madkittyrescue on June 02, 2008, 22:47:01 PM
he kleptoed it this morning but at least its in the house as the back door was shut!

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Liz on June 05, 2008, 11:21:43 AM
Mobile phone is now back in my possesion and Sky is chomping a pigs ear fro being a good boy and returning said phone!

Gems youngest Shanghai is now being fed by us as well as she is now half the size of Beijing and Cairo but is still feeding off Mum to looks like little Shanhai is the runt of the litter but we are doing all we can gor her she is a right little yowler and wriggler to!

Gem is still on her antibiotics and doing well

She also had sometime out last nigh and we spent 40 mins looking for her through the house in all the usual places and were starting to panic when she appeared upstairs - where she had been god knows a new hiding place thats for sure in fact we had a lot of feral exercise whilst doing this search just before bedtime and all ferals now sleeping soundly as I type this! :shocked:

Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: hannah (weeny) on June 05, 2008, 11:31:55 AM
oh i missed this when it happened! 

congratulations gem  :Luv:

much as i still would have loved these guys, i'm glad they're with you, they're obviously so happy  :)

well done grandparents too!  :hug:
Title: Re: Gem's sad news
Post by: Liz on June 05, 2008, 13:42:13 PM
I have just checked on Gem and her brood and found Cairo and Shanghai dead

This leaves little Beijing on her own so could we have prayers for the 2 littlies now at the bridge and extra paw crossing for little Beijing all alone now

This is another reason that we know her full brother is the father the vet did warn us that there would be problems how right they are to date

So my darling twosome find your sister little Star and play at the bridge

So sorry we couldn't do more for you but we are now rooting for little Beijing :hug:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: madkittyrescue on June 05, 2008, 13:47:45 PM
oh Liz I am so so sorry to hear about the babies.  It is horrible and so heartbreakign when this happens.  Also angering as you wish that people would just realise the problems that sibling matings can cause!

You have all my wishes, prayers and hopes for little Beijing.  Fight hard little one ... you can do it.

Play hard at the bridge Cairo and Shanghai.  :hug:  :hug:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: hannah (weeny) on June 05, 2008, 13:58:30 PM
oh, so so sorry to read this....

much love and good vibes to bejjing  :hug:

play well little ones x
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: LesleyW on June 05, 2008, 14:00:52 PM
So sorry for you Liz and Gem, RIP little ones, reunited with Star.  Sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts to Beijing, be strong little girl. :Luv2: :Luv2:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: clarenmax on June 05, 2008, 15:24:46 PM
I'm sorry  :hug:

Play hard little ones, and I'm sending all my positive thoughts over to little Beijing  :Luv:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Felix (Caroline) on June 05, 2008, 15:53:36 PM
Just read this post, so sorry Liz, this is so sad R i p little onesxxx sending you all my love and really praying that little Beijing will make it to a full and happy life. xxx
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Liz on June 06, 2008, 18:50:36 PM
Well Gem and Beijing have had a lovely Mum and daughter day and both are full of beans in fact Gems looks happy to have just Beijing.

Both are curled up in the pen in the family room and its a happy sight to see :Luv:

Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: sheryl on June 06, 2008, 19:29:15 PM
Thats lovely Liz

Sending love and positive thoughts for Beijing and big  :hug: for Gem
Title: Re: Gem's happy news
Post by: Liz on June 08, 2008, 18:37:37 PM
Well today Miss Gem shared a first for little Beijing her eyes have opened and gem is very proud of her little babe

She is proving to be a good Mum to Beijing and she is thriving and we are so happy that things are going well for Mum and daughter

Just to say that Brodie, gem and Beijing will be staying with teh Clan cats as all have settled well and we feel that they have a forever home with us and will never be homeless again! ;D
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Tiggy's Mum on June 08, 2008, 20:18:28 PM
Sorry to hear the sad news about the little ones, too good for this world no doubt  :hug:  Sending lots of positive thoughs for little Beijing  :Luv:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Dawn F on June 09, 2008, 14:35:55 PM
Liz, I'm so pleased they are staying with you
Title: An update from Gem and Beijing
Post by: Liz on June 14, 2008, 20:37:38 PM
Sorry no photo's yet as Sky hasn't told us where the camera is yet and he lost his collar today so klepto collie is in the bad books! :-[

Gem is being a wonderful Mum and has her time away from beijing but does come running when her daughter yowls and for one so small Beijing has a good set of lungs!

Both are progressing well and Beijing opened her eyes last Tuesday at 2 weeks old and is now finding her legs all be it shaky ones but can move around when Mum's out for her parent time!

Once camera is found - housework tomorrow we may add piccies also of the hooligan brodie who has no mannners and is leading my mob on a typical kitten chaos routine! ;D
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: madkittyrescue on June 14, 2008, 20:45:09 PM
fantastic news Liz!    glad to hear that Beijing is continuing to progress and mum is doing well :)

Sounds like Brodie is proving to be quite a handful!  lol bless him!    looking forward to piccies when you get the chance.  :hug:

hope you're feeling much better after your op! :)
Title: Hello from Beijing
Post by: Liz on June 17, 2008, 20:31:45 PM
Just a little update from Beijing here

Its nearly 3 years since we had a kitten this young when can we try some more solid food with her Beijingness as Gem is being wonderful but would like to move things along

Also opinions needed as to wether Beijing needs a companion her own age to keep her company as our mob her parents included are 9 months old and we are in 2 minds wether to get her a "brother" roughly the same age - probably a tamed down feral in our case but someone for her to beat up - yup the ladies rule the roost in this house in the cat and dog department anyway!
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Desley (booktigger) on June 17, 2008, 21:52:00 PM
She should just start trying mum's food Liz when she is ready, but by the dates she is only 3 weeks, which is a tad young, although I reckon in a week or so she will start trying it. What are you giving Gem?
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Millys Mum on June 18, 2008, 17:31:51 PM
If you start offering milky meat shake when shes 4 weeks or so and let her take it from there. Some are keen to get lapping and some are lazy and prefer the milk bar  :innocent:
Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: Liz on June 18, 2008, 21:13:24 PM
Des in answer to your question Gem is on adult food as she refused point blank to eat kitten food in any way shape or form - Sweetie, Gracie and the New ferals - Miss Cissy, Ragamuffin and Smudger loved her left overs!

We have a Gloopy recipe which we have used in the past  - all are now adults so will go with this also have a nice bags of baby kitten - the new one free from Royal Canin so no probs on the baby biscuit front! ;D

Title: Re: Gem's happy and sad news
Post by: madkittyrescue on June 19, 2008, 08:43:51 AM
Hi liz glad things are going well! :)

3 weeks is a tad young for starting to eat .. not that its unheard of... but usually 4-5 weeks is the norm in most cases I've dealt with. If they get solids too early they can have a few probs digesting it.  I'm sure the little one is fine with mum Liz, she needs to do a lot of learnign with mum in the next few weeks.

Your doing a great job... and the wee one will let you know when she's ready to move to the next stage! ;)