Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: Teresa Pawcats on May 10, 2008, 17:30:03 PM
Claire and I collected 2 poor sisters of 18 months old today; we took them straight to the vet Phoebe weighed in at 2+kg and her sister Bailey 3kg; Bailey had her kittens given away 2 weeks ago when they were 7 weeks old.; neither girl is spayed and both need building up first,thats if they arent already pregnant, no signs as such so fingers crossed.Former owner wanted rid asap because they were stealing the babies milk,maybe he should have fed them. Phoebe had a real gunky eye which has now been cleaned and treated, both girls have filthy ears but are very stressed so ear cleaning can wait.
Poor girls look no bigger that 6 month old kittens.
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Aww, they are gorgeous cats T, good luck in building them up, and I am sure that they wont be waiting long when they are ready.
They look so sad dont they....bless them !
I am sure once they have put weight on they will quickly find new homes xx
So glad these two are with you T.
You'll fatten them up in no time ;)
:Luv: :Luv: beautiful
I hope they are not pregnant again if they are that skinny :(
What pretty but sad little girlies :Luv:
Lots of food and fuss (which i've no doubt you'll be giving them Teresa ;)) and we'll see them transform.........
Then potential owners will have to be beaten off with a stick ;) :evillaugh:
They're beautiful! :Luv:
Stunners. :Luv: Glad they're safe with you now, Teresa.
I love that colour of ginger and I am sure they will be big and healthy in no time with you T ;D
What beautiful girls :Luv: I'm sure they'll be snapped up once you have restored them to their former glory :)
They look so skinny and traumatised, poor little mites.
Still, not long to wait for the "After" pictures now they are at Paws Inn ;D
Aw they are beautiful T, I am so glad they are in your hands now! :Luv: :Luv:
Gorgeous girls - now in the best possible place to soon be fully fit and find their forever home.
They are gorgeous and they seem so grateful for proper food, they are settling well and are going to be real purr pots. Just hoping they arent pregnant.
Awww, they're gorgeous :Luv:
Fingers and toes crossed that they are not pregnant xxx
Teresa they are beautiful - fingers crossed its just the two of them!
What the heck is wrong with people? Who lets their animals starve and who has no common sense to get the drift that they are hungry? And why would anyone let baby milk stand around uncovered??????? Makes me mad, mad I tell you... :censored: :censored: >:( >:( >:(
Oh they are so cute. Would take them and get them sorted in a whiff. Stupid people doing these things to creatures who depend on them. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Ahhh what gorgeous girls. Sounds to me like they are better off away from the :censored: that had them before. I'm sure with a bit of TLC they will come on in leaps and bounds. Big hugs from me and my lot :hug: xxxx
They seem much happier now bless them, they are eating 6 pouches of whiskas and 2 dishes of Royal Canin dry between them daily, rather a lot I know but their tummies seem to be coping ok with it.
I dont know what I will do if one is pregnant and the other isnt because I wouldnt want to split them for the world, such lovely bonded girls.
A little good news Bailey isn`t pregnant, she`s rolling around her Pen calling for any passing Tom, Dick or Harry, good job she is locked in with her sister. :evillaugh:
What a tart :evillaugh: thats great she isnt pregnant, lets hope she stops calling soon
Aww, am glad she isn't pregnant, and fingers crossed she stops calling soon so she can be spayed.
Both girls have now been spayed as thankfully neither one was pregnant. With luck I will have news of their new home soon.
Wonderful, fingers crossed they are homed soon
Aww, i am glad they weren't pregnant, and good luck with the homes.
They went to their new home together last night, I feel sure we will be seeing more of them.
Glad these two lovely cats are in their new home!
Fingers crossed for more pictures
Wonderfull - Oh I do love a happy ending! ;)
Aww, glad to hear this.
They went to their new home together last night, I feel sure we will be seeing more of them.
C'mon own up, whos the lucky new slave? :shify:
Princess Anastasia Purriam has 2 new little sisters! Phoebe and Bailey have come to live at the Purriam palace. Phoebe has just purred non stop,and allowed me to groom her lovely coat. :Luv: Bailey has kindly had a taste of the smoked salmon offered! Both girls are being kept seperate from the rest of the family just for a few days to aclimatise. Anastasia is now top cat, and Garfield has happily let her take over. As long as the food keeps comin, he's happy!
Will post pics in a few days.
What a lucky lady you are - first Anastasia and now these two stunners :drool; Garfield is a lucky boy too :)
Aww, what a nice ending
A brilliant result all round :wow:
Two beautiful girls - So pleased they are safe.
Beautiful little princess' xxxxxx
Aww what a lovely ending ;D
Have we seen Garfield?
Have been trying for ages to upload pics- Ive got some gorgeous ones but my files are too large. I am on a mac using iphoto - anyone any idea how to do this? Even with cropping they are 2mbs :'(
Not sure how to resize mac pics, the resizer I use is for PC's only so no good to you. If you want to email the pics to me I can resize them and post them for you - my email address is in my profile, just click on my name to view it.
That would be lovely Helen, thanks so much. I have clicked your profile but I am not allowed to view anyones profile, maybe because I am new and only a kitten. If you click mine, you can email me, then I can email you back! My owner Garfield is the absolute image of your Tiggy, they are very special kitties indeed.
That would be lovely Helen, thanks so much. I have clicked your profile but I am not allowed to view anyones profile, maybe because I am new and only a kitten. If you click mine, you can email me, then I can email you back! My owner Garfield is the absolute image of your Tiggy, they are very special kitties indeed.
A cunning plot but your email add is hidden :evillaugh: I have PM'd (private messaged) you my email add, if you look at the top of the page left hand side it should say you have 1 new message now ;D
Have we seen Garfield?
Here he is :)
Phoebe looking a million dollars now, with her new toy...
:Luv: :Luv:
Aww, lovely pics.
Just like to say a big thanks to Helen for helping me post the pics
awww just so :Luv2: what is it about Gingers! :Luv2:
Having met these two ladies, I cannot believe the change in them since I last saw them. Well done!
Having met these two ladies, I cannot believe the change in them since I last saw them. Well done!
Thats because 1 cat is a boy call Garfield, Bailey isnt pictured :rofl:
:-: :-[ :rofl:
Having met these two ladies, I cannot believe the change in them since I last saw them. Well done!
Yes, it's quite miraculous - Bailey has morphed into a boy cat called Garfield :evillaugh:
Heaven has come to Sandbach! I woke up this morning surrounded by cats!!!!!! I am going to ask very nicely to Tiggys Mum to help post some more pics, but Phoebe and Bailey have settled in beautifully. It must have been meant to be- Garfield has accepted everyone and Phoebe has even been into the dogs bed! Little Bailey has really come out of her shell in the last 24 hours, and seems to love Garfield, whereas Anastasia and Phoebe stay together mostly. Phoebe even tried to snatch the dogs biscuit and good dog Morris let her have a sniff.
A bliss full happy ending!
Anastasia, Phoebe and Bailey
Garfield and his new sister Bailey :)
Phoebe and her new brother Morris :)
:Luv: :Luv:
How cute is that one with Morris in (ultra cool name too!) - I love seeing pics of cats and dogs in each others company. Pretty impressive seeing as they are relatively new to each other too - I wonder if the girls lived with a dog prior to be rescued?
Gaynor its made my day to see them all looking so happy and relaxed, I really miss Anastasia give her an extra cuddle from me.
Annie sends a loud purr! Big love to Auntie T x
Having met these two ladies, I cannot believe the change in them since I last saw them. Well done!
See now I can say this!!!
I`ll allow you to now Ruth :hug: