Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: wharfevalley catsprotection on March 27, 2008, 18:27:56 PM
This is Bilbo, he's 15, deaf, has early kidney failure and was found in the pouring rain and so has had to be shaved right back!!!
He is the sweetest cat you could ever meet and purrs all of the time. He's looking for an indoor home, but we know that it's a long shot that anyone would take him on (although his fur will grow back and we'd pay for his kidney treatment). Even if we can't re-home him, he'll stay with his fosterer where she turns up the heating in his room when he's cold!
I just thought i'd share as i've never seen such a sorry looking cat, and yet one with an absolute golden temperament!
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Poor little man :hug:
Oh dear, one of those bite your tongue so you don't laugh in his presence sort of looks. Poor wee man. Hope he finds somewhere nice and warm and indoors - wasn't there someone here wanting an indoor cat? might be worth looking in the 'home offered' section ...........
Poor baby - he's gorgeous. I heard today from Pinkbear that our local RSPCA have started a senior scheme where they will rehome them with elderly people and pay for vet bills etc. - I wonder if other areas are doing it as well?
Reminds me of Alice. She is apparently 10 ish but I think she is older. Her Belly was shaved in January for an ultrasound but still hasn't grown back - it looks like a tortie peach :evillaugh: - her belly is swollen with no explanation and all kinds of tests. She has improved a lot since she had a tumour removed and is getting really cheeky. Like Bilbo, she purrs non-stop and purrs really loud when she eats :evillaugh: - She keeps insisting on croaking at me and showing me her stubble belly :evillaugh: :Luv2:
Ahhh poor little Bilbo he looks gorgeous. Give him a bug cuddle from :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
Awww bless his wee paws, Bilbo is gorgeous :Luv2:
Sending him lots of love and gentle cuddles xx :Luv2:
Bilbo looks a lovely old boy :Luv2:,
Do you know if he gets on with other cats / could he travel?
Aww, he's lovely. :) :Luv:
Aw, poor Bilbo! My first cat Lucy had kidney failure towards the end but she was absolutely wonderful and so good natured right until she was PTS.
I hope he finds someone to show him some love and happyness.
Poor mite, at least he will be well loved and cared for now.
Aww, the poor baby. Such a shame I have a houseful, as they are the kind of cats that appeal to me!!
AWW the poor little man :'( :'( :'(.
He is a handsome chap -fur or no fur. He's the sort of kitty I would like to take in. One who deserves my love and warmth and who would appreciate it.
He is adorable. I wish him loads of luck and sending him tons of love xxxxxxxx
I say the same as everyone else, Bless him. :Luv2: :Luv2:
Aww what a sweetie ;D
Here's another picture of his little face :Luv2:
Have already had an offer of a home...... waiting to see if he can travel and likes other cats :innocent:
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Oh Bless him, he is gorgeous, love his little paws. :Luv: :Luv2:
He's gorgeous :Luv:, my kind of kitty, very best of luck for him x
Aww, glad to hear that.
What a dear little face Bilbo has :Luv2:
Bilbo looks a lovely old boy :Luv2:,
Do you know if he gets on with other cats / could he travel?
Have already had an offer of a home...... waiting to see if he can travel and likes other cats :innocent:
Are these two posts related? :innocent:
Have you ever seen such a sorry state??!!!
I would say the state of Bilbo looks far better than many cats we take in.
Sorry Ela, I didn't realise it was a competition :evillaugh:
....and yes, the posts may have been linked, but we have to do a bit more research first... :sneaky:
Sorry Ela, I didn't realise it was a competition
I wasn't being funny, ;D I was just answering honestly the answer to your question as far as we are concerned in our branch.
He really looks a sweaty" I take my hat off to you for taking him in and giving the poor little Lad a chance of getting a for ever loving home, I have had a few that have had to be shaved all over, The furr takes a time to grow back but its not what the poor little might looks like, I found loving homes for all mine i think people love them more because what they have been through, we send you both all our love from lostcatsbrighton and hope and pray that he gets a really good loving home soon, please keep us up dated on his progress Ron and all the little cats in our care :luck:
....and yes, the posts may have been linked, but we have to do a bit more research first... :sneaky:
:sneaky: excellent. ;D
I offered Bilbo a home within minutes of reading the thread last week, but had a phone call last night to say a home (subject to check) has now been found locally, so good news for the darling boy :wow:
Aww, glad he has a home to go to.
Hi, just to update! Thanks sooooooo much to Jasmine for the offer of the home - we talked extensively about moving Bilbo, but then had a call from someone in Leeds in the same week. We did the home check and it was nice, but we felt that she didn't particularly want Bilbo, she was just picking him as he is the only indoor cat we have in at the moment. When we spoke to his fosterer about him she actually has said that she'd like to offer him a home, which means that we don't have to move him at all!!! :)
He will now have the run (well steady walk!) of the house and we can still foster in Sarah's spare room!!! She has just fallen for him completely and although we considered moving him very seriously, I think that it will help if he stays where he is
Thanks so much to everyone, hopefully when his fur has grown back i'll post another pic! :Luv:
Aww thats great news. There is always one foster that gets into your heart so much you just have to keep ;)