Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: Dawn (DiddyDawn) on March 19, 2008, 21:50:35 PM
Had a lady on the phone today, her daughter is pregnant and living in Cananda so her mum has to go over there for a few months, her daughter is having a hard time of it and has also got an 8 month old baby :tired: She's an oap and hasn't really got a lot of money but ideally she would like someone who can foster her babes, they are 8 years old. The fostering could last as long as 6 months and I have explained that she would obviously have to provide food for them. Is there anyone that can help? She is in the Flintshire area of North Wales. I can't really commit at the moment as I still have a houseful and with kitten season coming up, I doubt it will be possible :tired: She leaves for Canada on the 12 April. If anyone can help, can they please contact me via pm or post on forum :hug:
How I wish I had a bigger house . . . . . :-[
Have PM'd you . . . .
Hope something can be worked out for these furbabes :hug:
hope you manage to get something sorted for these 3 Dawn!
Have you got a home yet for these 3 - hope you have something sorted .
Not had any response as yet but I will be speaking to the lady later and asking her about rehoming rather than fostering. I know it's not nice but the stress of them going to a fosterer, settling in and then going back to the owner in 6 months may be a little too much for them. They are 8 years old so not whipper snappers, it's just sorting out the best thing for them really and finding a fosterer for 3 is going to be pretty hard going :tired:
Unless they have health problems I don't see why a six-month stay with someone else should disrupt them that badly - it is long enough for them to settle and be comfortable in their new location, but no so long that they would forget their previous home. I can understand that finding someone to take them on in those circumstances may be a problem, but I don't think it would be appropriate to make things harder for their present owner by discussing that possibility as the only option ...
It's not a case of making it harder for her but time isn't on her side either, we have just under 3 weeks to find somewhere :tired:
Do you know their sexes, colours etc Dawn?
I think a brother and sister, and I think the other is a girl :shy: One is all white, the other 2 are like a creamy with pink in their fur, can't remember what colour these were classed as but they sound gorgeous :Luv: :Luv:
I think a brother and sister, and I think the other is a girl :shy: One is all white, the other 2 are like a creamy with pink in their fur, can't remember what colour these were classed as but they sound gorgeous :Luv: :Luv:
Pink! :shocked: - interesting! - Couldnt have another boy here though :(
I'll double check on the sexes and colours shortly, her phone is engaged so I've left a message for her to phone me back.
I've got to agree about the adoption to be honest. I think 6 months is a long time and who is to say it wouldn't be longer ..... it has happened before.
The main thing is to get somewhere sorted for these 3 asap whether that be permanent or temporary.
I took in 3 a couple of years ago for a lady, she'd been involved in a car accident and her family wanted the cats to be pts. I had them literally for 6 months, I covered food and vet bills and I got a £50 donation :shocked: My other friend also runs a cattery, she has taken in cats for clients of hers when they've gone away for supposedly up to 6 months, and sadly they haven't returned, and she hasn't had a penny for their care.........all this has to be taken into account. I have mentioned to this lady about the possibility of her not returning, and she's adamant it won't happen but Sue had the same assurance and it's happened numerous times to her.
It would be a terrible shame to split them up though ! :'(
Do you think thats likely to happen to them?
When I spoke to the lady about this, she did say the brother and sister could stay together and the other would be okay on his/her own. My concern with this is, you've not only got the stress of them being fostered but then after 6 months, you will have to reintroduce the 3rd one back to the other two when they go back to their mum. I will see what she says, as even if as a last resort she decides to part with them, I don't want them to be split if it's unavoidable unless they all don't get on.
Just spoke to the lady, Perdy is an Ultra and pure white, female.........she can be fostered on her own.
Poppy and William are classed as Pink Shell, she said they are all really laid back but I think she said Poppy is a Prima Dona :evillaugh: I will be going over to visit her so I can get to meet the cats so I will take piccies whilst I'm there, but hopefully a fostering situation can be sorted out for them.
Just spoke to the lady, Perdy is an Ultra and pure white, female.........she can be fostered on her own.
Poppy and William are classed as Pink Shell, she said they are all really laid back but I think she said Poppy is a Prima Dona :evillaugh: I will be going over to visit her so I can get to meet the cats so I will take piccies whilst I'm there, but hopefully a fostering situation can be sorted out for them.
Guess she means Red Shell-Cameo - or possibly Red Shaded Cameo (bit darker - which could give a pinkish effect I suppose!) - both have undercoat of white, with parts of the body fur tipped with red - very pretty! Can't wait to see piccies! I love white persians too - well I love them all really LOL! - I used to have a pure white persian (called Crystal - how original!) she was a rescue and she was yellow when I first got her :shocked: - from staining, soon got her pure white again!
They sound absolutely fabulous.
Hope you can get something sorted for them .
Don''t know if i could foster long term -would get too attached .
a cat coming into the country without a passport has to go into quarantine for 6 months so dont see why it should be tpp long for the cats but its a long tome for a fosterer and am sure i would get far too attached.
i hope somewhere can be found for them without splitting them up.
a cat coming into the country without a passport has to go into quarantine for 6 months so dont see why it should be tpp long for the cats
You have to remember though Gill, not all cats cope with the separation from their owners. There has been instances of older cats going downhill drastically when they have been rehomed but hopefully this won't happen in this instance.
yes i agree but these cats have no choice just like the many that the owners give up every day :(
I have explained all this to her and have said it's going to have to be put down on paper if they are ill or anything, that the fosterer can take them to the vet. She said the cats are normally healthy but when she's gone away in the past, her sister has looked after them. Sadly her sister died unexpectadly and this is part of the reason she wants to be with her daughter as she is having a hard time dealing with this on top of her pregnancy. I did ask what would happen if she can't find anywhere and it turns out her hubby would have to stay at home with them rather than going to Canada, so it's not as if they are just going to be dumped which is a good thing at least.
Good luck, it is hard to find long term fosterers, I have done it and it ended up being a lot longer than expected, think they were here for about 5 months in the end. I can't wait to see pics, I have never seen a pure white Persian.
I have fostered two 10 year old raggies before and they stayed with me for over 6 months. We did an agrument that was signed by the owner that if she couldn't take them back after x amount of months that they would be found a new home. All there needs were paid by the ukrcc and they had to have some quite costly treatment but sure enough the owner sorted herself out and took them back and I am happy to say they are now living in a different house with there beloved owner and very happy. The only thing with fostering for over 6 months you get very very attached to them and it is so hard to let them go.I do hope you can find a great foster home for them or that you can find a home for them. Has she contacted any persian rescues to see if they have any fosterers that would take them on?
I can't wait to see pics, I have never seen a pure white Persian.
This was my Crystal (white?!!) persian as I saw her at the rescue centre
And after she'd been living here with me! She didnt have a very full coat as she was quite elderly by this time, but at least it was white again!
Thanks for that Gillian, I do love pure whites and have never heard of a pure white persian before.
I've had another phone call today about these babes and the lady has said if it's easier, she's prepared to go for 3 months with her hubby, come back and then go back on her own if she's needed. I think this will be better for the persians to be honest, hopefully someone will come forward :)
I do so hope so. :hug:
What happened to these-did they get a fosterer ?
Had no joy up to now :(