Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: Susanne (urbantigers) on March 17, 2008, 22:13:32 PM
The boys' large cat tree has a little house that is rarely used (see below - one of the rare occasions that Mosi has used it). Mosi uses it from time to time, but not that often. For the past week though, he's decided it's a great place to sleep and has been in there every day. Tonight I found Jaffa curled up asleep in it for the first time ever. Of course, that made Mosi want to be in there. So tonight they're fighting over possession of the little house that they've both pretty much ignored for 2 years :shify:
Jaffa even played dirty by feigning illness. He was very quiet and unresponsive when Mosi was taunting him so I thought he was a bit under the weather and have spent the last hour telliing Mosi off for going up to him constantly and poking him. Then Jaffa emerged with a stretch and a yawn, and there's clearly nothing wrong with him. Mosi immediately went inside it. Cats eh! :shify:
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Bless 'em :Luv2: - cats, they are a constant source of amusement, amazement and many other adjectives! ;)
Lol, cats are so good at teaching their slaves all sorts of lessons aren't they...
Oliver is up to his tricks these days. I would be swinging the toy about like a fool for what seems to be for eternity, and Oliver would just regard me as if he's got some mad eejit in the house. So I give up and settle myself in front of the puter, immediately he starts meewww meeewwing, then start scaling up the furniture to get to the toy I just put away. Then the cycle continues on... :Crazy: :Crazy: :Crazy: