Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Health & Behaviour => Health & Behaviour General => Topic started by: Pinkbear (Julie) on February 21, 2008, 20:35:32 PM
I am now fairly sure the new kitten I've just caught is a Cryptorchid male, but I've never had a crypto before. I did have a mono a few years back. He's about 4-5 months and being feral, is a scruffy little herbert and not very cooperative so I can't get a picture. :shy:
I can see the penis, I think, but can't feel any little lumps. Hence my confusion about gender. What is the maximum age that testicles would come down and you would be able to feel them? :shify:
Hope this helps
Try not to worry too much,these little problems are often sent to try us but easily solved. I have spent the last 4 months worrying myself sick about two Hermaphrodite kittens I have with me, they were neutered today and are fine.
I also wouldnt be worrying for another 3 or so months really. With males its normally the case the testes can become lodged in the iguinal canal area (groin area just before the inside of hind leg) and these can often be felt and its a relatively easy op to remove them, however even if it needs an ex lap to find them this is usually very sucessful too.
T i've never ever known a haemaphrodite cat (dont think i have anyway) how did you discover this and what gender to they appear to be ?
i think the recommendation is to leave neutering till 9 months in case they descend. I had a male last year with an undescended testicle, fortunately his was easy to find, but the cost for neutering is a lot more, think it cost us £55, but one quote was £50-£80 depending on where it was.
Well, with my daughter's kitten a few years back who was mono and had just the one undescended, cost us £180. Mind you, this was for antibiotics, etc., because it was major surgery. :doh:
I'm not concerned about him being like this, but I'd like to know for sure that he's a male. The furr is fairly bushy down there, and still a bit matted with muck from the garden he's been in. He'll only let me have a few seconds to look and cleaning it would be impossible at the moment. :Nooooo: I also haven't named the little tyke yet and I'm awful at choosing genderless names. :Dont know: I suppose there's nothing for it but to wait and see.
When he gets rehomed, it's doubly important he gets neutered because he's at risk of cancer. So we'll have to be doubly sure about his new home and feral kitten are tough enough to home anyway. :sigh:
would it be easiest to pop him to the vets for sex confirmation ?
T i've never ever known a haemaphrodite cat (dont think i have anyway) how did you discover this and what gender to they appear to be ?
Discovered the first one instantly when I rescued him at about 3 weeks old and thought I was going mad until Claire came and I got her to look. Andy the vets said it was extremely rare and had never seen one,apparently its common in sheep but unheard of in cats. Anyway Andy asked me to take kitten Roshan and his 5 litter mates in for him to see. Andy confirmed Roshan to have both sets of genitals and carefully checked the 5 litter mates and sexed them with me to be sure. Think Noor was about 3 months old when she suddenly stopped running around playing and looked at her back end,she did this repeatedly and slowed down in obvious discomfort, I rushed her to the vets after trying to check her rear end and she screamed in pain; Vet Rebecca found male bits had shot out of Noors female opening,poor Noor had every vet and vet nurse in the practice eyeing up her bits , we were told that if testicles appear they are classed as male; So both Noor and Roshan are male
would it be easiest to pop him to the vets for sex confirmation ?
I'm hoping to get him to the vets in the next couple of days, but he's still tense and difficult to handle. I don't think Uncle Rob will have more luck than me. :shy:
Off topic I know but I once had a male rabbit from young. One day when he was out in the garden I saw something dangling from his nether regions. I went screaming in to my husband to tell him Hazel had a growth! My husband came out to look and scathingly told me that Hazel's testicles had descended. Oh my was I red in the face
:rofl: :rofl:
Very interesting story T.
PB, if it had been a member of the public having a cat neutered with only one descended testicle, it would be £110, and the poor cat had to have a collar and shaved belly!!
Very interesting Teresa and so unusual. Has Noor continued to have pain/ discomfort or did that pass after the testicles decended ?
So if they have testicles as the case with your two will they also need ex laps to see if there are abdominal female reproductive organs aswell ?
Noor was fine after he passed the testicle
They were both neutered on Thursday or at least castrated and vet had a good look and said he was not going to open them up,we now wait and see if they start to call but normally because they both had 2 testicles albeit underdeveloped the ruling is they are classed as male. If they start to call we must have them opened up while they are actually calling as bits would be too tiny to find otherwise. The female bit Roshan has doesnt appear to go anywhere.
I see & makes sense. Very interesting T, thanks :)
Amazing kittens, have we seen pics of these two?
Amazing kittens, have we seen pics of these two?
Yes but I kept their condition quiet