Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK

Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: The Duchess on February 04, 2008, 20:27:14 PM

Title: furries nil; stoopid bipeds 2!
Post by: The Duchess on February 04, 2008, 20:27:14 PM

every month it's the same old palaver with giving them the spot-on treatment  >:(. 

Dragged Jessie out of her hidey hole yesterday and got her.  Normally you can't keep Cosmo out of the kitchen but could we corner him there this w/end - no way!  He'd seen the tube and dived under the bed - he may not be the brightest cat in the world but he knows summats up when he sees the two of us heading towards him trying to look nonchalant...

Came in from work tonight, he trotted in and we got him  ;D

Title: Re: furries nil; stoopid bipeds 2!
Post by: blackcat on February 04, 2008, 20:32:38 PM
I always found it necessary to provide scrumptious food in a place that I could progressively close down so that there were no items of furniture, fragile vases etc in the way, before I could administer drops. Bob got so canny I could not even open the box (let alone the vial) before he was gone, not to be seen for hours ... the current lot are equally uncooperative .... :(
Title: Re: furries nil; stoopid bipeds 2!
Post by: The Duchess on February 04, 2008, 20:50:36 PM
...next w/end, we've got to get their worming tablets down them...this tends to be easier as they'll do anything for tuna  :sneaky: