Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat General => General Cat Chat => Topic started by: dolcetta46 on January 06, 2008, 19:32:06 PM
There have been a discussion about Whiskas Temptations and it was made clear that Oliver isn't the only one who is practically addicted to them. It makes me rather dubious what makes them so irresistible, and that irresistible substance may not be any good for the well being of our dear furbabies, just like those addictive snack foods for human of all ages... :Crazy:
Then someone mentioned about a recipe book for homemade cat treats a while ago and I have been thinking about this subject. I have been looking around websites and there are quite a few available, but I have never tried anything like this and have no idea if they would actually work. Has anyone tried cooking some treats for your babies which are well accepted? If so, I would really appreciate it if you can share the recipe(s)!!
Sorry Licia, I have never cooked for my cats - apart from roast chicken!!! I make a great Lasagne but only Garfield would eat that. :rofl:
Good luck.
Mary :cook: :ahh:
Wow Mary, Bonnie doesn't even like lasagne?? Oliver eats it just like Garfield does :evillaugh: Well, come to think of it Oliver is one of the least fussy cats around, if someone were to try my homemade treats he would make a great ginnea pig lol... but really, no one has ever tried it successfully???
I have a small pdf of cat treat recipes that I bought somewhere and it included resell rights so I'm thinking give away rights would be included too :rofl: I did post on here back at my beginning but nobody wanted it :(
Hi Licia, I have googled it and come up with this - don't have any idea about the quality/suitability though ...
I have a small pdf of cat treat recipes that I bought somewhere and it included resell rights so I'm thinking give away rights would be included too :rofl: I did post on here back at my beginning but nobody wanted it :(
have you ever tried any of the recipes? Were they well received by your kitties?
At the time I was still waiting to get my cats :) and now I love them too much to inflict my cooking on them :rofl:
Well then I may give it a go, can you give me the link to the original post?
It was put on rapidshare, so will have gone, I will email it to you via your profile email address
Brilliant!! :wow: Grazie mille, cheers ;)
Hi Licia, I have googled it and come up with this - don't have any idea about the quality/suitability though ...
Thanks BC!! You just sneaked in after hOrza I didn't notice your post until just now!! Actually I have seen the page and that was another prompting to start this thread, so many recipes but no one has contributed any feedback on them!! Well I guess I must be the first one to start it???
Those recipes seem to rely heavily on cereals, might cause tummy upsets and I wouldnt use the recipe with garlic powder or the ones with soy flour. The ones that use meat/fish as the main ingredient would be the better choice.
Is garlic bad for the cats? Not that I feed them to Oliver directly, he gets a little of the stuff I cook for our dinner regularly and most often I cook my food with garlic!! :scared: I did read in different sources that onions are harmful to them (something that damages their red blood cells and can cause anemia...), so I pick them out carefully. Is that the same reason?
I did read in different sources that onions are harmful to them (something that damages their red blood cells and can cause anemia...), so I pick them out carefully. Is that the same reason?
Yes, I believe so, they are the same family as onions (and lillies by the way) - although some well known and reputable holistic vets swear by garlic and its anti-viral properties for cats.
I have a small pdf of cat treat recipes that I bought somewhere and it included resell rights so I'm thinking give away rights would be included too :rofl: I did post on here back at my beginning but nobody wanted it :(
Hee hee i remember. Think we accused you of swapping a file infected with a virus :rofl: :-[
Hee hee i remember. Think we accused you of swapping a file infected with a virus :rofl: :-[
That you did :rofl: I only had a couple of posts to my name then LOL