Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: madkittyrescue on December 22, 2007, 22:16:06 PM
Hi Folks,
Here are the first real good pics of the kitten clan of 9 that came in with their mums Bubbles and Marbles a couple of weeks ago. They are all doing grand and also have names at last. We decided to go for gem stones as thought this little lot are wee gems and deserved something different. As you will see in the following pics our cats have taken a dislike to the paper in thehall and are steadily removing it!!! ach well ... suppose it needed decorating anyways to get the floorstain off the skirting and give it a 'freshen'! :rofl:
So, without further ado... I would like to introduce....
Jasper (left) and Tiger Eye
Also a couple of very special pics. The first is of Coral... with a major breakthrough.. she let us pick her up and hold her without struggling or panicking!!! SO pleased with the little one and it is special as when she first came in and for the first week every time you went in her pen she litterally shook from head to toe she was so scared of you going near her. ;D
A pic of Topaz just about to do her party trick and having climbed up my back as I bed down she jumps off lunging at paul for her to catch her!!!
Last but not least we tried to take a pic to show how thin the wee ones are but it hasn't come out very clear at all in the pic as their fur hides it I think in this pic. These kittens are supposed to be approx 14 weeks! (mmmm) :Crazy:
Give me Moonstone NOW please :). Love their names :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
Fabulous babies xxxxxx
They are all absolutely gorgeous :ahh:
What a purrfect bunch of Crimbo fluffballs! :naughty:
I agree... they look more like 6 weeks to me. :scared:
Ahhh bless them the are so gorgeous Sapphire and Opal are beautiful. So pleased they are safe and well and getting all the love and care they deserve :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
Aww, they are all gorgeous, and you could tell by their faces on some of the pics that they are thin, bless them. At least they are safe and being built up by you now.
:gimme: :gimme: :gimme: :gimme: :blow kiss:
:gimme: :gimme: :gimme: :gimme: :blow kiss:
I second this comment! Utter sweeties.
:Luv: Utterly gorgeous :Luv:
awww I just want that wee cracker Tiger Eye :Luv: :Luv:
Have to admit they are all scrummy little darlings :Luv2: just had a look at your site for rehoming a newbie, thinking of getting Max a brother or sister although Glasgow might be to far away for travelling to
They are just so sweet and love those names ;D
Yes I think they do look small for that age and so pleased that they are getting to trust a human ;D
awww I just want that wee cracker Tiger Eye :Luv: :Luv:
Have to admit they are all scrummy little darlings :Luv2: just had a look at your site for rehoming a newbie, thinking of getting Max a brother or sister although Glasgow might be to far away for travelling to
Well.. we've homed to Glasgow before! ;) lol
Tiger eye is beautiful and has a lovely nature. She and the others were in for a check up with the vet earlier in the week... bless the little darlings they were ever so good. Vet agreed that we are right to be cautious and concerned. Some of the kittens are suffering from large heads due to malnutrition (which we knew anyway) but also have a wee virus running through them (again which we knew and was why they went in) which is also impeding them putting weight on as in some of the cases... whatever goes in... come straight back out again.. if you catch my drift? :)
On the up side tho our vet sounded their hearts and lungs and all were well... so that is a positive outcome. He just thinks that we are dealing with the aftermath of extreme malnutrition and lack of care and just to keep doing what we are doing. Its nice to hear the vet say you're doing all the right things ;)
There are approx 5 of the kittens that we are really concerned about and are just hoping that the antibiotics and regular feeding of good food and TLC will help see them through. So fingers are well adn truly crossed for them all.
They are all turning into real sweethearts too... even Coral who is fast becoming a little sook... which is great to see after how terrified she was when she came in just 2 weeks ago.
More updates to follow! ;)
:Luv2:aww they are so adorable hopefully they will all get great homes
Aww, fingers crossed for them.
Topaz and Moonstone are my faves! :cccooorrr: :gimme:
OOh they are sooooo scrummy! :Luv:
OMG I want Oynx :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
I hope all of them pull through :hug: :hug:
hope they are all well today, still got my eye on you know who :Luv2:
Hi Guys... sorry not posted for a few days. Mad hectic here! :)
The babies are doing grand and there are now signs of improvement, ;D albeit small signs but signs none the less so that has been a positive step in the right direction for them all. Topaz is such a cheeky little boy and loves to stick his claws through his pen to grab the back of my trousers when I go past and also now likes to be heard... no matter where in the house you are (if you catch my drfit lol) :rofl:
The tiny's are still tiny but all the kittens have finally got an appetite over the last couple of days which is great so all are eating much better than before. :wow: Still a few ups and downs with runny bums and generally lethargic but we are now very hopefull that all of them will make it through to find new homes. :) All are still on a course of antibiotics.
Mums are doing well too and finally starting to put a bit of weight on which is so great to see. Health wise they seem to be OK and not falling to the virus going round the kitties.
So far, we have 2 of the kitties pre booked for new homes by a volunteer and our brother in law. :Luv2: I hate to disappoint folks but the 2 kitties are Moonstone and Tiger Eye (sorry bob's mum! ) :scared:
Anyways.... best dash... got lots of clearing out to do this morning. Hope to get back on to post again soon but with no volunteers and still shorthanded days are even longer ;)
Hope that everyone has had a wonderful Xmas.... and has an even more wonderful New Year!! :xmas 8:
Great news. have a happy new year :party: :party:
:party: Great news about the babes, glad you have a reserve sticker on 2 of the Kitty's, but feel happy :naughty: and sad :( thats it Tiger but there you go,
Hope you have a wonderful new year and the babes continue to improve, and you get the help you need, sorry I don't live nearer to volunteer :party:
:xmas mice:
Glad to hear that kittens are coming along - they are all stunning! Coral is a little sweetheart and glad to hear she is now happy to be handled. :Luv2:
Looking forward to continuing to get updates on them :wow:
That is wonderful news
:sad no: I'm afraid I have bad news folks :owwww:
Last night little sapphire took a turn for the worse and became very low. Despite our best efforts to save him during the night he passed away in his sleep in the early hours of this morning. Personally I think his little heart just stopped. :owwww:
It was quick and painless but asbolutely devestating especially as they had all been doing so well. It may be the case that the extent of malnutrition and lack of care has caused other problems not apparent daily or at their vet check.
We've got an even closer eye on everyone now. Please say a little prayer or keep your fingers crossed for the little mites. It would appear their battle for a new life is not yet won.
Live life to the full on the bridge Sapphire... you deserve it... sadly missed xxx :sad no:
poor little babe, rip
RIP little one, play hard on the Bridge and grow to be big and strong :sad no:
ooooh, the poor wee lad - he was such a lovely boy. Play hard at the bridge little one, and if you run into Bobcat, he can tell you all sorts of wonderful stories and look after you well. :hug:
Aww, I am so sorry to hear this, and hope that the others thrive.
Well a little more bad news... since I posted this morning Sapphire's other pen mates, Topaz and Moonstone are going down too.
Have spoken with the vet this afternoon to run it past him and basically he thinks that they just haven't had a fair crack at the whip and have been deprived of nutrients and/or the quality of nutrients from mum. Mixed with the various parasites they had it would appear that some are fairing better than others. The really annoying thing is too that the affected are all those who looked as if they were fairing better. No runny bums, eating well till today / yesterday, cheeky and playfull.
We are doing everything we can and vet agrees that he would be doing the same things. They are on constant supervision, warm, cuddled and being given fluids, electrolytes and nutrients in a food paste for now. I just have everything crossed, praying and hoping they will pull through unlike their brother last night.
What a way to start 2008!!! and there was us hoping this would be a better year!
will update later when I know how they are doing over the next couple of hours.
If you can make a sling and carry them against your body it may help - not only will it give them constant heat, but it will also give them that physical contact that is so important to wee ones. I realise if they are bit feral they may not take kindly to it, but it is worth a try ... fingers croassed
hey BC... yes... I carry them about with me but had to put them back in together just now as I'm trying to get everyone else done and hubby is busy.
It is a good point tho... will keep you posted! xxx
I hand-raised a puppy which was the result of a 9very) late speying once. I had lots of those incontinence pads sewn into little pouches and wore them under my clothes. Used to cause quite a stir with clients when my 'stomach' started moving violently :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
So sad about little Sapphire :( I have everything crossed that the other little ones will pull through :hug:
Aww, fingers crossed for the others.
I'm really sorry to say folks that we lost Topaz and Moonstone last night. Topaz left us around 4.30am... and Moonstone went down extremely fast leaving us just after 5am.
We're really gutted here. can't believe it. everyone else will be heading out for a check over shortly with the vet. will report back more later.
thanks all for the kind words and thoughts. :hug:
aaaah how terrible for you. So sorry to hear that. Will have you in my thoughts. Let us know after your trip to the vet won't you.
Oh no, I'm so very sorry :hug:
I'll be sending over even stronger vibes that the others remain fit and strong.
RIP little ones, so sad :'(
So very very sorry to hear the news, it brings back all memories of my last litter and I know how devastating and heartbreaking it can be.
Keeping everything crossed here for the rest of them, you are doing all you can I know and I know that doesn't make you feel better, but you must know it is nothing you have done, it is what others did not do before you that has made the kittens the way they are. I always feel so useless when I lose the little ones, but we must realise we probably lose more than our fair share cos we are dealing with the ones already compromised in life.
All my love and thoughts are with you. :hug: :hug: :hug:
So very sorry to hear you've lost these little ones.
May they play hard at the bridge and I'm sure they know how lucky they were to be with you even though it was for only a short time.
So sorry to hear of the sad passing of these three wee kitties - at least they had their last few days in good hands! :hug:
So sorry that the year hasn't started well, but fingers crossed for the others, and at least these three knew love in their short lives.
Oh no. I'm so sorry for your losses. This sounds exactly the sort of thing which happened to Memphis' litter. I really hope the others make it, especially little Oynx :Luv2:
So so sorry, life is so unfair sometimes.
RIP little ones - have fun at the bridge sweethearts xxx
Sorry Sarah :'( :hug:
So sorry hun :hug: :hug: Sadly these things happen and sometimes no matter how much time and effort you put in with them, sadly they are not meant to be on this earth too long. It's heartbreaking and doesn't get any easier but they were loved til the end, and comfortable and warm and that's what matters :hug:
:RIP: babies, xxxxxxx
thanks for all the replies guys. Sorry for not replying sooner.. never had a minute to ourselves in days!!!
Sadly another 4 of the kittens are feeling a bit low. We rushed them back in to the see the vet this morning and unfortunately it is still a case of we are doing everything we can in terms of supportive care and we just have to wait it out and see who manages to pull through.
We are on tenderhooks here but keeping them on continuous monitoring and just keeping everything crossed and hoping and praying that they manage to pull through.
Will update more as I get time and I know what's happening. But thansk again for all the kind thoughts and support. It means a great deal to us and to the little ones who need it so badly!
Oh bad news, sometimes a litter just doesn't have the vitality to pull through, and having such a rough start in life can not have helped. Thoughts remain with you hun :hug:
thanks bc... we reckon that is the case its just so hard to sit by helplessly and watch them get lower each day or hour. I'm sure you know what I mean as do many others.
At least they have plenty of love, cuddles are warm and safe. Just gotta keep fingers crossed now
Really hope these wee ones can pull through - it is heart breaking they are all getting sick after such a bad start in life! Sending prayers your way! :hug:
Still keeping them in my thoughts.
Just caught up with this thread, so so sorry to hear about the little ones RIP Little Ones Nite Nite xx
How are the other little ones. How is Tiger Eye still have a soft spot for her/him
Thinking of you all :hug:
hi guys,
sorry not been on to update for a few days. We have been flat out over the weekend trying to nurse the kittens through albeit unsuccessfully to date :'(. Sadly we have lost all but Coral and Opal for now. :'( Coral has been a little low over the last 24 hrs and we are keeping on top of things with him and hoping and praying that we don't lose them all. :scared:
I was devastated to lose my little hunny jasper this morning but we have done everything we possibly can. :'(
Vets opinion is that it is viral and we just have to see if any of them are strong enough to make it through with nursing care 24x7. They did do a pm on jasper this afternoon with some samples sent away to see if we can pinpoint what it is especially in case it is also something that could be affecting the 2 mums.
Please keep this last little duo in your thoughts over the next few days in the hope that they can make it through. We are hopeful as these are the only pair that have grown since they came in so are hoping that it is a good sign. :shocked:
Will update when I can. We are exhausted but keeping on fighting.
sadly this can happen in the best run households, and these wee beauties didn't exactly get the best start in life. So sorry, it must be heartbreaking for you to watch them going one by one. My heart goes out to you.
So sorry to hear this devastating news, I will pray extra hard that Coral and Opal will get through this, sorry to hear that Tiger didn't make it brought a tear to my eyes, will light a candle for them all, you must be so heart broken I hope some good can come from all this sadness
Nite Nite Babies xx .......................... Keep up the good work :hug:
well its 0030hrs... babies have an injection to get at 1am then we gonna head and catch some sleep.
Coral has been good and been taking in regular very small amounts of fluid and keeping it down which for now is great. Opal is still bright and bouncy.
All we can do is wait and see what happens but we are doing everything we possibly can to give them the best chance.
I checked in with the vet this afternoon re the PM on Jasper. Vet wasn't in but nurse told me that samples of the gut and lymph node in the gut have been sent off for testing to see if they can get to the bottom of what it has been and whether or not we should be concerned for the mums too. (who by the way seem to be doing OK).
Just a waiting game now... but we and the kitties all appreciated your support and prayers.
Hugs n Purrs
Aww, I do hope these two survive, keep up the good work. And good luck for the pm results too.
:hug: Hi sarah
Fingers toes eyes everything crossed that you are all well today, hope you get PM results soon, keep up your strength gentle kisses for Coral and Opal :hug:
Still praying and sending get well wishes xx :hug:
I'm keeping everything crossed for these two :hug:
sending :hug: :hug: and prayers to you, Coral and Opal.
Do hope the little ones pull through, also that you can get some rest and strength.
So sorry to hear this sad news
RIP littles ones
:'( :'( :'(
Hi everyone. Just a wee update for you. Sadly Coral gave up her fight for life about an hour ago and passed to the bridge to be with her brothers and sisters. :'(
Opal is still doing OK and is still eating and bouncing for now. So we are keeping everything crossed for her. :( :scared:
The tortie mum also took ill this morning ... although at the moment we are unsure as to whether or not it is related to the kittens illness. She has been seen by our vet and with a temp of 104 she has been given meds to bring her temp down and a/biotics. She is due back for a check up on Friday.
The PM on Jasper doesnt' seem to have shown up much at all. There were no obvious signs of FIP or other diseases. The gut was extremely inflamed however and the lymph nodes were enlarged. A sample of each has been sent to the lab we are just hoping that the results come back in time to tell us if we can save Opal and/or the mums as we have no idea as to whether or not it is or may affect them too.
Basically... we have lots of ???? not many answers but lots of tears, anger, etc. We could quite happily take a shotgun to the family they came from as they just have not had a decent start in their wee lives at all in any way shape or form. :censored: :censored: >:(
We are still doing what we can for them in terms of nursing, etc but still feel useless as no matter what any of us do we are still losing them. Will update more later with news on Opal once we see how she is over the next day or so.
I have more news on other cases will update later when I get a chance. Just updating this thread while I grab a quick cuppa!
thanks all again for all the kind messages. you're all stars! :hug:
So very sad :( Must be devastating for you :hug: They'll be safe and sound at the Bridge by now :hug:
So sorry RIP Coral :hug: :hug:
I am so so sorry, these little babes are sent to break our hearts sometimes, but without wonderful people like you they would not know love at all. Big :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to all of you for your care of these precious little babes, I just wish they had come to you earlier so the outcome could be different. RIP you beautiful babies, at peace and rest now.
So sad - poor coral - Are they too young to put on some of that soothing food for sensitive tummies? if the gut is inflamed then maybe they are just not coping with proper food? sorry, just a last minute thought that might be completely irrelevant ... :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am so sorry to read this, I do hope Coral can pull through, and at least the others knew love and had people to care, they didn't go in pain and unloved. RIP little ones and lots of vibes for Coral and the mums.
Hi guys,
Opal is still bright this morning and is eating OK so fingers crossed. :scared: Mum2 (tortie) is still extremely low and isn't eating so very worried about her. If there is any further signs of deterioration then I'll put a call into the vet. :scared:
BC - All the kittens have been syringe fed watered down AD, ID and even liquivite to try and get something into them that will be as gentle as possible in very small amounts but still give them the nutrients they need. We have tried different things in the hope that something will work but to no avail. Even sub-q fluids aren't helping at all. The PM did show in Jasper that anything that was going 'in' was sitting in the stomach. Their wee bodies weren't able to digest the food at all in the last day or two.
To be honest its a bit of a mystery as nothing obvious is showing up.
Feel pretty helpless to be honest but we know we are doing everything we can and even the vet is frustrated that they can't do more!
We are just having to see what happens and let nature take its course for now. Nothing else we can do. Will update again later when I know how mum and Opal are doing.
I have everything tightly crossed for Opal and the two mums. This is such a sad story - I have so much respect for you and all the others who devote themselves to rescue I just can't find the words to express it :Luv2:
Well folks the test results are in!!! :-:
It turns out its Feline Parvo.... or in laymans terms... enteritis :(. So it explains why we have lost SO many although the vet was a little surprised that it was over a week to 10 day timeframe as when she has seen it in the past it has hit all extremely quickly usually within 48 hrs all those who are to succumb to the virus are gone.
Who knows!! Mum is still very weak but seems to be fighting on and little Opal is still with us. I don't want to say too much as I don't want to jinx anything but we are hopefull for now. The other mum is still fine. :-:
Thankfully we have strict hygiene and isolation rules so it is contained as best we can and everything else here is already vaccinated against it. So, we just have to concentrate on the existing cats and seeing them through this and hope they come out the other side and the clean up operations throughout! :scared:
Thanks for all your support though guys. Fingers crossed that we don't lose anymore of these gorgeous little babes and I'll post more news as things progress over the next few days.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and all your little ones. There is nothing worse than Panleukopenia.
I hope mum and Opal can pull through this, its a terrible virus to steal all those young lives :hug:
It also highlights how important it is to keep cats isolated especially when it can incubate over that timeframe.
thanks guys, it doesn't half. I don't know how these places with no isolation and loads of cats mixing can survive to be honest as we all know all it takes is 1 virus and it can wipe out the lot!! :Crazy:
We're keeping everything crossed that things will start to look up for this little lot :scared:. Mum is still much the same and very quiet but Opal is still eating her food (if its warmed! but better than not at all) and the other mum seems OK for now. :-:
To be honest what surprised us the most is that with Enteritis you obviously have the usual runny poos, smell, etc etc etc. But this lot have been totally different :shocked:. Other than initial runny poos and the occasional one now and again they have been great. So hard you could bounce them off the walls and no smell!! :doh:
In all honestly the symptoms have been more like dry FIP than enteritis... but just goes to show.. these virus' will still catch you off guard. :(
As I said before though thankfully we are really strict with isolation of cats, cleaning and handling litter trays, bowls, and protective clothing, etc. on top of which our routine vaccination of cats helps too with these kind of situations 'just in case'. Thankfully they are very few and far between. :scared:
It has been an emotional rollercoaster with this little lot. They so deserved better in their little lives than they have had. All we can do is recognise we have tried our very best for them all and given them all the love and attention we could before they left us for the bridge. :Luv2:
Miss them all... and just hope and pray these last little ones make it. :scared:
I am so sorry but at least you know it was a virus and if Opal can pull through it will be wonderful. Lets hope both mums make it too :hug: :hug: :hug:
It makes me shudder when I see loads of new cats and kittens all being put into a pen together. Originally it was because of the stress and fighting/bullying but then I saw one cat who had had cat flu and taken into isolation it was fine but as soon put back into the communial pen it was getting sick again.
I think only if you are a true cat rescuer do you know what a virus can do and those take steps to try to prevent it. There is so much shared expewrience and knowledge here on Purrs, thank goodness we have you all :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
It makes me shudder when I see loads of new cats and kittens all being put into a pen together. Originally it was because of the stress and fighting/bullying but then I saw one cat who had had cat flu and taken into isolation it was fine but as soon put back into the communial pen it was getting sick again.
This is a typical scenario tho Gill. Your just asking for trouble bundling lots of cats and or kittens together especially from multiple locations. How do you know who is the carrier in such instances??? whereas if you seperate into individual or smaller groupings of 2/3 kittens from the same location if possible then you can pin point the problem and deal with it accordingly.
The other thing that can pose a problem too is moving the so called 'healthy' cats elsewhere cos 1 is ill..... that can be just as bad as you are only potentially moving the problem should the carrier be amongst them and it wouldn't be the first time I've come across people wondering why the problem moved areas????? baffling why they are puzzled mind you... but it does happen!
So sad keeping my fingers crossed that no more will die
AWw, I will keep Opal and the mum in my thoughts - do you know if one of hte mums is pregnant again?
I am hoping that today has been a better day for you all :hug:
:'( thanks guys.
I'm really sorry to have to say that we lost mum tonight. She has fought hard for the last 4 days but finally succumb tonight around 6pm. :'( It doesn't get any easier that's for sure. :tired: :(
Little one OK for now as is the other mum. But who knows what's round the next corner!!! we just don't know one way or another we are just sitting on tenderhooks waiting to see what happens next!!!
so damn frustrating, upsettting, annoying and most of all angry at them having to go through all this. >:(
at a bit of a loss for words at the mo... will post again tomorrow with an update. :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am so sorry to hear this, teh poor cats and poor you - having to go through all this cos of an irresponsible person, and you sadly having to pick up the pieces. RIP little ones.
So much heartbreak; remember to take care of yourself too.
Poor little thing :( She's with her babies now :hug: As Teresa says, don't forget to take care of yourself too :hug:
I am so sorry to hear this.....what was the Mums name? :hug: :hug:
Oh no I was so hoping she would be ok. so sad rest in peace sweetheart
Just don't know the right words to say, so :hug: :hug: to you
How sad :'( :'(
:hug: :hug:
So sorry, this is just awful for you. Poor mum :hug:
Sending positive vibes for the others. Take care
I won't lie... its been hard going and its not over yet. We still spending each day with fingers, toes, paws, everythign crossed that that is the worst over with. Opal is doing OK... is eating albeit being exceptionally picky... which we don't mind in the slightest.... its just its 1 thing 1 day and another the next... so you never know what it is she wants until you go through the whole list!!!!
(I know got us wrapped round her little paws! :Luv2:) The other mum is still the same too... just don't want to say too much in case I jinx it!!! :-:
Gill - The mums name was Marbles when she came in... although we were calling her Janey as we didn't really think she suited Marbles and definately never ever answered to it!!! lol She is at peace now. To be honest I think she just gave up. She'd had enough and I don't blame her one bit she has spent her whole life going through a terrible ordeal and it was obviously too much for her in the end.
I was in scrubbing out (again!!!!) later last night after she passed to the bridge and just happened to look at her sister (Bubbles or Gill as we call her! ) and burst into tears as I felt SO SO sad for her. She has watched all the babies die and her sister and whilst yes cats probably don't look at it that way it was upsetting as she was very close to her sister and the way she is with little Opal is wonderful.
Only time will tell what is in store for this last duo and in the meantime all fingers, toes, paws and anything else we can find is well and truly crossed!!!! :scared:
I do wish all the best for the two that are left. I am sure that they understand in their own little way :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww, I do hope these 2 survive.
All paws crossed here for Opal and Gill
Hope lady luck in on your side and our mob advise that food comes in lots of flavours and you just need to keep opening all of them and don't forget human food is good to! :hug:
Just caught up with this thread afte a few days away, Nite Nite little Coral xx Nite Nite mummy cat Janey xx
Fingers crossed for Opal and Gill hope they are well today, :hug:
Hope you are looking after yourself as well :hug:
How are they today, hope you are well :hug:
Hi Bobs mum...
I'm doing better thanks. Just exhausted with all the constant to-ing and fro-ing, cleaning, etc.
I'm pleased to report that mum (Gill) and little Opal are still doing fine. I don't want to say too much at the moment for fear of jinxing anythign but we are hopefull.
Both are eating well and lively which is a relief.
Hope to god that is us over the worst! Mind you doesn't get any better this week as our wee Jorie (cat with tumour that I posted about before xmas) collaped in a massive fit last night and died!!!
Really not beena good start to this year at all!!!
So sorry to hear about Jorie :hug: :hug:
Not what you need right now..............I was wondering if the icon at the beggining of the thread should be changed?
I dont think a happy face is appropriate any more :( :(
If you want it changed and cant do it. let me know and I will try and cganhe it for you :hug:
Sorry to hear about Jorie, and I do hope your year gets better.
:hug: Sorry to hear about Jorie :hug:
Sorry just read this thread. :hug: for you Sarah, it's gutting to go through all this. I was only saying last night at the quiz I think I've got it bad but some of you have my problems daily and just cope somehow.
The whole communal pen thing has been playing on my mind a bit recently. Woodland Nook really is an exception due to the age and circumstances but it didn't stop us having a close shave with cat-flu the other week. Thank goodness for Trigene, I've used loads of that stuff recently!
I really hope from the bottom of my heart that everyone's shaky new years are going to turn a corner and the forum will be back to happy face smilies soon! :hug:
Oh so sorry about poor Jorie :( :( :( RIP Little one xxx
I really hope from the bottom of my heart that everyone's shaky new years are going to turn a corner and the forum will be back to happy face smilies soon! :hug:
Me too CS... its been a helluva start to 2008 for many of us peeps!! and we're not even at the end of January yet!
You could have blown us over with a feather on Monday night when Jorie collapsed and died. Totally unexpected. We tried to rush her to the vet but just couldn't get there in time. Such a shame too and she was doing so well after her surgery... we actually thing that possibly a tumour grew back but instead of in the neck it started in the brain. All we can think of for now anyways!!!
Mum and Opal are still the same and we've still got fingers crossed. I don't want to say too much in case I jinx it so am going to go and get a couple of pics for you guys so you can see how they are ;)
So sorry to hear about Jorie Sarah, hope your year gets better :hug:
Look after yourself, hope the dynamic duo are well today :Luv:
Angie xx
Sorry posted at the same time as you, pic yes that would be wonderful :Luv:
lol Angie... lol
Here you go... got a couple of each... as I said .. don't want to type or say it in case I jinx anything but here you can see for yourself how they are doing at the moment (touching all wood in sight!!!) :innocent:
First Couple of Mum
This one not so good!
Next of little darling Opal
:Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:
:wish: :wish: :wish:
well done sarah they look great :Luv: just love their eyes
Opal looks a right cheeky monkey, but lovely with it :Luv: :Luv:
thanks Angie... she is... although still very quiet ... well that is unless she is hungry!!! lol
:rofl: :rofl: The queit ones are the ones to watch :evillaugh:
I was just looking at your Mr Hobo there, poor baby having to live like that, but very handsome ............... feel a love interest happening again :Luv2:
lol... bless him... he is isn't he? we've had some very stunning babes in lately. Although it would seem so have quite a few others :Luv2:
Have to admit Opal can be as cheeky as she likes.. I don't care.. just so long as she is happy and healthy! :briggin:
keep up the good work :hug:
Aww, they are lovley, and hope they continue to thrive.
Hope you and the dynamic duo are all well today :hug:
the dynamic duo are doing fine today angie thanks. I'm doing OK and looking forward to having a day off from rushing between my place and the Cupar branch tomorrow so that I can catch up on bits and pieces here that have fallen behind!
SPoke with the vet and we need to hold Mum and Opal for at least another 3 weeks before we can vaccinate and consider them 'free' of harm.
So all paws, toes and fingers well and truly crossed here for the next 3 weeks I can tell you! ;)
I hope hte next 3 weeks go well.
Everything crossed at this end for the dynamic duo for the next 3 weeks, try and take some time out for yourself on your day off, take care :hug:
Lets hope there will be no crisises in next 3 weeks and all gots well :hug: :hug:
try and take some time out for yourself on your day off, take care :hug:
day off??? I wish! lol ;) Only stopped about an hour ago!!!
Opal and Gill send their thanks and lots of bumps and purrs to you all.
try and take some time out for yourself on your day off, take care :hug:
day off??? I wish! lol ;) Only stopped about an hour ago!!!
oops sorry........ hope you enjoyed that hour then :rofl:
Dinah and I have everything crossed. They are both beautiful :Luv:
lol... yeah I did Angie... sat down with a cuppa to relax... and the phone didn't stop ringing! lol ;)
ah well... life would be boring were it quiet??? ha ha.
Thanks baggy. both are chirpy tonight and were full of cuddles for us when we went in to spend time with them tonight. :Luv2:
We may also be wrong but we think that Opal may have taken a wee growth spurt! ;D
Hi Sarah hope you and the dynamic duo are well on this fine wet day ha ha, hope you enjoyed that hour next time put in ear plugs till your finished your cuppa :hug: keep up the good work ;)
lol... thanks Angie.
Thought I'd post a wee update on the 'dynamic duo'... lol
Both are continuing to do well and Gill is full of cuddles and affection bless her :Luv2: She is SO full of love its unbelievable really and is so so gentle too. She is really going to make someone a wonderful companion (fingers crossed all goes well).
Little Opal is turning back into her cheeky little self again and is eating VERY well. Podgy little tike that she is this morning lol. But great to see. She still very lively and boucing around and I'm sure constantly looking for the next opening of mischief to engage! lol ;D She is still EXTREMELY small for her age though but we think she is growing slightly so will just keep an eye on her. She certainly won't be going anywhere until I'm 110% happy she is OK.
Only another 2.5 weeks to go.... and then we can sigh a sigh of relief!!! (she says with well and truly everything crossed!!!)
Excellent news that they are continuing to do well :hug: ;D
Fantastic news we're keeping everything crossed as well for these two special furbabes
Sarah thats fantastic news on the dynamic duo, still keeping everything crossed, getting cramps now lol.
can you give them gentle cuddles from me and Max.....please.
Take care and try and grab another cuppa soon
Angie x
Hi Sarah how are you and the dynamic duo getting on I know your busy but I dont like being ignored :evillaugh: hope you are all well xx
loll Hiya Angie,
The dynamic duo are good. they completely trashed their pens last night. Think they all decided it would be fun to have a litter fight!!!
So needless to say I have a lot of clearing up to do today! lol.
Got finished and home by about midnight last night so not too bad I suppose. Kinda cream krackered today though! :tired:
hope that your little lot are doing well... and Opal and Gill send lots of purrs and friendly head butts.
my my they are being cheeky trashing the place but bet you were not really that bothered after what they were like a couple of weeks back, bless their little furry paws :evillaugh:
My little lot consists of just Max Monster the king of mouse hunting :evillaugh: never a dull moment with him I can tell you, was watching him playing last night and wondered were he was going with his wee mice, he had about 12 of these wee mice and I noticed there were fewer and fewer of them lying around so I bought him some last night when I went for my shopping, anyway I caught him taking them out through the cat flap and disappearing with it so he takes the stuffed one out and comes back with real ones :rofl: there must be a mouse exchange place in the field or hes magic :rofl:
Gentle head butts and purrrrs from me and max (maybe I should change the Monster part of his name to Magician) :evillaugh:
Aww, glad to hear they are doing well.
Trashing the pen :rofl: :rofl: They sound like they are doing very well ;D
lol... don't they just!!! lol
I don't mind one bit it really is great to see them carrying on and enjoying life. Gill is SO affectionate and loves nothing better than to cuddle right into you and purr her little heart out. :Luv2:
Opal is still a little minx mind you. :shocked: She has been watching mum on how to trash your pen with 'style' lol.... and keeps pulling her bedding all the way over and into her food bowls!!! bless her little heart! :rofl:
I still smile when I hear their toys tinkling when I walk by. ;D It seems so far away from the image that presented you when you walked in just a couple of weeks ago. With just 1 more week to go we have everything crossed that all will be well and we can get mum in for spaying and them both vaccinated. :scared:
We have decided to hold onto Opal for another few weeks anyways as although she is starting to grow a little she is nowhere near the size she should be. :-: Put it this way... she is only slightly bigger than the 8 weeks old kitten I have coming here this week (will post that on another thread as we excited about that! lol) So we want to make sure that she is growing OK and everything is 100% before we send her off anywhere. ;D
So pleased to hear that these 2 little ones are doing so well.
8 week old kitten? forgive me for asking but did vet not suggest a period of quarantine?
Love to the dynamic duo - Max :hug:
8 week old kitten? forgive me for asking but did vet not suggest a period of quarantine?
I maybe worded it badly Teresa.... lol The 8 week old as it is now is one of our own cats that is coming here to live with us permanently as of next week as a pet.
Mum and Opal are still in quarantine and will be until their cut off date which is the 8th Feb.
We don't have anything at all coming into rescue at this branch until after then and after we have stripped out the entire area for about the 8th time!
Hi Sarah hope all is well with the dynamic duo, everything still crossed at this end and its nearly the 8th as well :Luv:
Just read about your newbie on another thread good luck with him :hug:
thanks Angie. :hug:
Dynamic Duo are doing grand. Mum is a really nice weight.. ;Din fact possibly a bit of a porker lol and the wee one is hilarious once again. I opened Opals pen door the other day and she decided to lean against it as I opened it. My hands were full so only way I could catch her was with her feeding bowl..... which was filled with her dinner of mushy kitten loaf!!! :rofl: Needless to say she was in rather a mess... but at least it was her dinner so she still got it and nobody else missed out because of it. :shocked:
Opal is finally growing a little but still concerned that she isn't catching up like she should be. Just have to wait and see really. All I can do for now.
will try and get some more piccies later.
:Luv: :Luv: cant wait for the pics, so chuffed they are doing well :hug: well done your hard work is paying off :hug:
So glad to hear they are still doing well ;D
Hi Sarah
Nearly the 8th yipee hope the dynamic duo are well, good luck with your new wee kitties, saw it on the other thread fingers crossed for them as well
Hope you are well and try and put your feet up witha cuppa soon :hug:
Angie xxxx
Yes I know... thank gawd... tomorrow is the end of their 'worry' zone! lol. Both are fighting fit and doing wonderful and full of life and lots and lots of big cuddles! lol
All being well we can get mum spayed soon and vaccinated and forward for homing. Opal will be another few weeks yet as I'm not 100% happy with letting her go yet until i see how well her growth improves in the couple of weeks or so. Hopefully Opal has a home lined up as a wonderful lady has kept in touch all along and would potentially be a wonderful match for her so fingers crossed! :)
roll on tomorrow!! lol ;D ;D
Aww, I am glad things seem to be doing well for these.
Well the big day is here hope the dynamic duo have their party hats on and having a wee celebration party tonight , well done Sarah :hug:
lol the dynamic duo are doing grand. Don't think they quite realise why we are so pleased for them :shocked:.. but never mind we do!! ;D :Luv2: Both will now get vaccinated and mum will go for spay in the next 2/3 weeks and we can get her put forward for homing. Although that said I already have someone I think would be perfect I just need to get them to pop out for a chat! so fingers crossed it won't take too long to get her settled in a new home.
Both send their :Luv2:, head butts and purrs.
;D ;D ;D
Thats fantastic news sarah, :Flowers: well done I am so pleased things have worked out for the dynamic duo after all they put you through :hug:
gentle strokes for them from me and the max monster :ahh:
Am glad to hear this, and good luck for spaying and rehoming
Hi Sarah how are the dynamic duo doing today still thinking of them :Luv:
Little Update for the fans
When we were in fussing over the tribe they decided to show us why we find the balls all over the place after we have put them to bed!!
I did get a wee video but had to take the link down the noo... for some reason it not working. Will remedy and re-post the link!
OK hopefully this will work OK this time. Can someone let me know if they have any problems viewing it? Video taken last night when we put the mobsters back to bed for the night!! very funny.
Hopefully you can enjoy! :)
http://s163.photobucket.com/albums/t289/CATSRescue/?action=view¤t=PenPong.flv (http://s163.photobucket.com/albums/t289/CATSRescue/?action=view¤t=PenPong.flv)
If you get a message that says you need flash 8 try clicking on the full size option as that seems to load it fine!?!?!? :shocked:
Oh my Sarah they look fantastic, how wonderful are they, made me fill up when I saw them you must be so pleased at the progress they have made, I know I am :evillaugh:
well done they are fantastic keep up the good work :hug: gladdens the heart to see them looking so fit and healthy :hug:
thanks Angie, we are thrilled with them. Mum is a little porker and is so full of life as is Opal. In a way I wish we could home them together as they both get on SO well and play wonderfully. But we will just have to wait and see what happens.
We had great fun playing with them as you could probably see in the video. So great to see them so happy and full of life :)
Hope the Dynamic Duo are still playing ping pong :hug:
Hope you are all well :hug:
oh they are Angie! lol
The lady who has been keeping track of Opal's progress over all these weeks actually came out to see her this afternoon for the very first time. Strangely enough she has opted for taking her... totally smitten methinks! lol so subject to final paperworks, etc then Opal has a new homed all lined up and waiting for her.
:cheer: That is wonderful news Sarah I am sooooooooooo pleased for Opal, any one got there eye on her side kick Gill :cheer:
That's wonderful - can you not convince her to take Gill too?
I am working on it but don't think it will fly. It is a great home for Opal though and that is the main thing. I do have someone in mind for Gill (hopefully) I just need to get a chance to speak to them.
Hi hope the Dynamic Duo are well, how are you all doing :rofl:
Hope your not working to hard Sarah :shy:
Thought I best put up a wee update for you all! :)
I have great pleasure in letting you all know that Opal is now in her new home. She is extremely happy and playful and is being spoilt rotten!!! and loving every minute of it. We went out to visit her at the end of last week and she is doing brilliantly. ;D
Gill (mum) has now been booked for a new home by a lovely couple. ;D Subject to final paperwork, etc Gill should be off to her new home at the weekend.
That said, I don't think she will be speaking to me for a couple of days as she went in for spaying this morning!! was not a happy bunny. :innocent:
She is a completely different cat, energetic, confident and ever so loving. :)We really will miss her and no doubt there will be a tear or two when we leave her at her new home.
Give your self and the rest of the gang a pat on the back for all your hard work, I think I will have a tear in my eye as well, the Dynamic Duo are only making way for another wee soul who needs some of your TLC
Well Done Sarah :hug:
Felt quite choked reading your update. I'm so thrilled for Opal and Gill that they have their loving forever homes. All praise to you for all you have done for them :hug: :hug:
Aww, that is wonderful news, so glad they are both happy.