Purrs In Our Hearts - Cat Forum UK
Cat Rescue & Rehoming => Rescue & Rehoming General => Topic started by: Ela on December 06, 2007, 11:44:54 AM
I have also contacted Mandy to see what she can do.
Maybe all of you in rescue can tell me if this moving and cant take the cat tends to be mainly a genuine problem or whether its more an excuse?
I dont understand two things and that is why not move somewhere you can take the cat and why leave it to the last possible moment to try and find homes for the cat?
I understand that in certain circumstances there will be an unavoidable reason but there seem to be too many for that, or is that just my imagination?
I am not trying to be contraversial or anything , just a genuine question.
I think I have heard it too many times for them all to be true. I wouldn't move if my cats couldn't go with me.
I dont know where in Lincs he is but there is a fantastic place called "Life for Cats" based in Lincoln and Im sure that they are listed on Cat Chat. I am sure that they would help.
Lincoln is in Lincs (Lincolshire) ;D
Mark I have to say I'm like you. Lexy was given up to Battersea for the same reason (apparently). My house is hers. If she can't go then neither can I. However, each person has different circumstances.
I've responded as well, offered same suggestion as Sabrina. Let's hope he can try that.
I've responded as well, offered same suggestion as Sabrina. Let's hope he can try that.
Really hope it works.
Though I'd do whatever it took for one of mine, course I'm still suffering from the £3,000 spent between shipping/vets visits etc this year. Wouldn't change it for the world (well, not the bit when we lost Little Girl) as Penguin (our import) is a very happy boy.
I think a lot of people just don't realise you can not take your pets in some situations. My mother, who had always lived in her own home, decided she needed to live in a flat, and offered a contract before I asked her if they allowed cats in the appartment block. She didn't know :Crazy: It had never occured to her that, if one owned a place, one could not do exactly as one pleased in it. Fortunately in her case they did permit the cats, but she could have found herself having to find homes for them and living pet-less if the body-corporate had been less flexible.
Thanks Mark, I didnt realise he was actually in Lincoln - he should give Brian at Life for Cats a call.
i just checked the link and he doesnt say Lincoln, he says Lincs and it is a big County :P
I think a lot of people just don't realise you can not take your pets in some situations.
In most cases the person makes the situation themselves. I would not be able to move and have my cats rehomed. A genuine cat slave would not be able to do that.
I do understand it must be really hard for the good people out there that have to do this but in my opinion this is a well used excuse.
Gill, I honestly think people don't expect there will be a problem getting their cat into a rescue. I dealt with an eviction case a couple of weeks ago. The couple had known for weeks and weeks they would have to be out by a certain date, yet didn't think about puss until 24 hours before the deadline. :tired: Then, of course, its too late for us to do anything and when I pointed out the flaw in their thinking, they seemed genuinely shocked. They thought it would be so easy! :innocent: The last I heard, puss was being cared for at their vet but the chances of us getting that one into our care this side of Christmas is so remote as to not be worth putting on our waiting list.
One day when I'm bored, I intend to start a thread compiling the Top Twenty excuses people make when asking for a rescue place, and a house move will in there somewhere about number 6-7 I expect. My favourite one, though (a variation on the Alergy old chestnut) was reading once about someone saying puss needed to go because the DOG was alergic to it! :rofl:
One reason I was given for oneof my oldies: " when she stands to have a poo in the tray, she goes over the edge". Durr, get a bigger tray? :Crazy:
Funnily enough, with my big trays, she has never once gone over the side. Candy is 12yrs old and she had had her and her sister, whom she had no problem splitting, from kittens.
This cat is not only beautiful in looks but also in character. We love her. :Luv:
I would say moving was higher up than 6 unfortunately. I heard an unusual one this week, they need help with their 10yo as his wife had conjunctivitis and the specialist said it was down to the cat. Then he mentioned that they have a new baby, I wonder which is the real reason. 3 of the cats here are due to owners either moving or giong into hospital/sheltered accomodation, and it was also the reason I got Pebbles.
it is a far too common reason for cats coming into rescues... that along with the allergy and 'we've got a new baby' syndrome! :shocked: >:(
I have 2 youngsters supposed to be coming in this week a 2 yr old anda 4 yr old who are from the same house and apparently the baby is allergic! funny how its always the cats they blame first isn't it??? >:( >:(
What annoys me is that they assume it is the cats and never have any testing done to prove it. My mum was told to get rid of our cat when I was young (have always had issues), and she said unless he could prove it 110%, the cat was staying. Ironically, I was finally given antihistamines and an inhaler during the only cat free period of my life, and I can go all weekend with no antihistamines, yet can only do a couple of hours at work before i need them, so mine obviously isn't cat related.
An allergy to work ;) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I wonder how many times the Job Agency has heard that one :rofl: :rofl:
Some allergies becomes less when exposed to the thing in question, if care is taken and sometimes one allergy becomes more and more the more somone tries to hide.
I think that another reason is that people with new babies are being made scared cos the nanny state is forcing warnings about absolutely everything to go on products, even when not related and where one used to be able to look at a product and see what any side effects are, now every side effect ever thought about is there and one cant tell where its safe or not.