Author Topic: Hello we're new here - anyone used alternative therapies for an overactive thyroid?  (Read 9734 times)

Offline Rosella moggy

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Am so very sorry for your loss  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Rest easy Chelsea  :'(

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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So sorry to hear this, RIP Chelsea  :( :hug:

Offline Dawn F

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so sorry Louise  :hug:

Offline LouiseJ

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I work in banking and have customers to deal with. So I usually have to be at the end of a phone or email.
I worked from home a fair bit over the last two weeks to run her backwards and forwards to vets and the hospital as well as keep an eye on her so really need to play catch up.  I "knew" I could work late yesterday and today in order to be able to pick her up tomorrow.
Coming on here is helping loads at the moment. The thought of the Rainbow Bridge which I hadn't heard of before as well as all the examples where beloved pets come back to visit does help.
 :'( :'( :'(

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Are they cat lovers? If so tell them you need some time without interruptions  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline LouiseJ

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Trouble is that I get calls and mails even when I'm on holiday and so my grieving will have to be done at home. It was awful coming in tonight

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Schedules really do not work in grieving and you need to grieve  :hug: :hug:

Offline LouiseJ

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I do hope so. When I said my last goodbye some fluid had gathered in her eye that looked like a tear. :Luv:
I can't go home at the moment - I'd kind of factored in picking her up tomorrow into my schedule and then I just don't want to be there on my own at the moment as I'm going round looking for her. Got to wait for her Daddy to finish so I don't have to go in on my own. He is much more stoical even though he loved her.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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You really need to go home if its possible and maybe take a day off tomorrow .

I am sure if you saw it in her eyes she knew you were there for her  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline LouiseJ

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Like an idiot I've come into work as I have a customer meeting and keep choking up, especially when I read about The Bridge. She was so pitiful yesterday, they said there was nothing more they could really do as she was likely to be brain damaged as the swelling had been so prolonged but I know she knew I was there as she fluttered her eyes a little although they tried to tell me it was just a seizure. 

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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I am so sorry Louise but at least you knew what the problem was in the end and you tried everything you could  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

RIP Chelsea, you have left a purr in your meowmys heart

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Oh Louise, I'm so sorry  :'(  :hug: :hug:

Offline LouiseJ

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Thankyou so much for your good wishes. Unfortunately whilst she initially started to recover well from the operation on Friday night by Saturday morning she had started to deteriorate and the hospital was struggling to control the swelling in her brain and yesterday I lost the best thing that ever happened to me.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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You and Chelsea have really gone through the woods and hope she recovers well from the op, so please you persisted  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline LouiseJ

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 :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
Worse part was hearing the news over the phone and then seeing what she was like when we rushed over to the hospital - just pacing in circles with very vacant eyes. Decision kind of took care of itself as I owed it to her to give her the best possible chance after all the happiness she has given me over the last 18 years.
Have had a whole tear free day :)

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Must have been very scarey to be given that diagnosis and then making the decision  :hug: Sending positive vibes for a full recovery for Chelsea  :hug: :hug:

Offline LouiseJ

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It's been a very very fraught few days.

RvC have been excellent. We started off with Chelsea having a full exam and they really weren't convinced that vidalta was the problem. I had to leave Chelsea with them on Wednesday and they spent a long time examining her which included consultations with the neurology team and then I got a call on Weds night to say they wanted to do an MRI scan on her which came with all the risks of a general anesthetic. We rushed over there to see her for an hour or so and the poor little thing just seemed worse, incessantly pacing and looking vacant.

MRI showed a mass in her skull which was diagnosed as meningioma and I was told that it was a stark choice between palliative care and a prognosis of a few weeks at the most or surgery with all the inherent risks.

I'm pleased to say that she had the surgery this morning and the neuro surgeon confirmed that it had gone as well as it could have done with about 95% of the tumour removed and she has responded well so far.

Currently in the 48 hour post op danger zone so we aren't out of the woods yet but so far all is looking good.

I am so relieved and just pleased that I kept badgering the vet with updates until she referred us to the RvC.


Offline HelenD

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Hi Louise

I hope it goes ok at RVC today!

I just wanted to mention though that Felimazole can start at a lower dose than 10 Mg? The smallest dose tablets are 2.5Mg and they have to be taken twice a day - so a starting daily dose of 5Mg?


Offline SuzynCora

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If it's in the chest cavity wouldn't radioactive iodine treatment be better than an op?

Offline LouiseJ

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My vet was ok with giving it a go and she is at a loss herself to know what to do next. I'll give anything a try so fingers crossed RvC can get to the bottom of it.

There is a US tincture called Resthyro which I wanted to try but couldn't get a definitive answer from the herbalist vet as to whether this is something which would have helped so I held off ordering it.

Personally I think (hope) she has had too high a dose and has gone hypo - I'm hypo and know the symptoms well and this to me looks like the dizziness and disorientation I get when I've forgotten my tablets, just with Chelsea its coming out worse.

I asked the vet about felimazole and she reckons it may have the same effect although she'd start on a similar 10mcg dose. She also can't feel a goitre so thinks it may be in her chest cavity and said RvC was best placed to deal with an operation like that.

Not sure when I'll be back from RvC but will post in case anything they say can help someone else and their poor puss.

Offline SuzynCora

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I'd agree with Gillian re the homeopathic vet and remedies.
I consulted a homeopathic vet with Cora's thryoid, and came out with what was basically and iodine solution, but it was hell to get into her, as they are drops, and I wasn't able to hide them in her food.  They didn't do much either, not sure of they made her worse, or if they just didn't have any affect and the thyroid was making her ill.
Good luck with the RVC, I'd go for getting the thyroid removed.

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Do you think I should try again??

Probably not, I think I'd only give certain homeopathic remedies in consult with a homeopathic vet who can monitor the effects  :)

Offline Rosella moggy

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Felimazole is an alternative medication and am sure RVC will put you on the right track on Wed.  HyperT is a very serious condition that affects most major organs.  I hope RVC are able to explain the condition properly to you.

It is worrying the number of adverse reactions that appear to be cropping up with Vidalta but they all seem to relate to borderline hyperT.  Ypu really need to research the condition and become familiar with Chelsea's thyroid test results  :hug: :hug: :hug:  Sending you both best wishes ...........

Offline Liz

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What are her T4 levels

If very high we got our Max stabilised on Vitalda 20mgs a day as his T4 was the highest our vets had seen in 20 years and his bloods were run 3 times just to check their wan't a mistake and he had his thyroid removed 10 days ago and is now a happy camper and gets his stitches out on Friday

Always ensure your vet knows if you are seeking alternate remedies as this may cause problems with any treatment he may be called on to give and some vets will recommend a Homiopathic vet and work in tandem with them
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline LouiseJ

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Hi Gillian

I had a consult with a herbalist vet who had a patient who had taken a thyroid combination tablet from Ainsworths for the last three years and recommended it.

She has been so rough that when I took her to the vet this morning we both agreed she was better off not taking it.

Do you think I should try again??

Many thanks for any advice


Offline Gillian Harvey

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Louise, what homeopathic remedy did you try? I think an aggravation of the symptoms can be the start of the healing process - did you have a consult with a homeopathic vet?

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Here is the link to the other thread and right at the beginning is another link to an earlier thread,40429.0.html

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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 :welcome: to Purrs  :hug: :hug:

I am going to move your post to the section where Vidalta has been discussed a lot recently and one cat impaticular has had a violent reaction to it.

I dont know is many here would go down the alternative treatment route but there is an alternative to Vidalta, called Fem???????????? Its on the other thread in the section.

I think its interesting that you have been referred on and I am sure every one will want to know what is said and suggested.

Sending lots of good wishes to Chelsea  :hug: :hug:

Do you know what her T4 levels are?

Offline LouiseJ

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Hello everyone
I'm sitting with Chelsea, my poorly unresponsive puss on my lap who was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid and who hasn't been well since she was put on Vidalta three weeks ago.
She was on it for ten days, had a bad reaction and has been really disorientated so she's now off and there seems to be no change. Vets confirmed this morning that neurological signs are all ok and she walked round the surgery like a model but since we've been back she's gone back to making me scared to leave her for five minutes.
Vet has never seen anything like it and has referred us to the Royal Veterinary College (Weds am) but I was wondering if anyone had tried herbal treatments (had a go with homoepathy Sat / Sun but seemed to make her worse).
Running out of both tears and ideas


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